In the brief meeting I had with Cardinal Burke on November 1, 2020 he stated that Putin did indeed ask Francis if he would be willing to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart.  The Cardinal said Francis answered "No! We will not discuss it."  Cardinal Burke then said he would work for the Crusaders of the Immaculate Hearts intention for Russia to be consecrated.  He said he would go to Pope Benedict personally and ask him to do this.  To my knowledge he never did. 

He said that he believed the consecration was THE single most important issue right now, then he proceeded to do nothing.  In fact he dropped all mention of it after our meeting.  Instead he joined Ab. Vigano in speaking about the "Great Reset", which is nothing more than the symptom and speaks nothing of the cause of it or the cure, and to this day as far as I know he has not said anything further publicly concerning the need for this consecration. 

It begs the question why?  Why do all these prelates or even Pope Benedict speak in favorable terms about Fatima but when it comes time to actually do something they end up going...running even, in the opposite direction? 

This question is not meant as a put down or a criticism, I do not walk in their shoes but I suspect satan has his filthy hands in it no doubt, either by temptations of discouragement or perhaps by increasing their fear of the matter or by so many other possible temptations. 

Tomorrow, March 2, 2022 Lent begins.  I am putting out a suggestion to any who are so inclined, that perhaps we could privately make our stated intention for these next 40 days of fasting, prayer, penance and sacrifice to be offered for these prelates and Pope in order that they may break free from whatever restrains them from accomplishing or working to accomplish this act of the consecration of Russia by the Holy Mother of God and which still has not been done. 

While we stand today looking down the barrel of WWIII and the annihilation of nations (perhaps by nuclear war) as Our Lady said would happen, it seems rather a waste of time fighting amongst each other whether we stand with Russia or the other nations standing against Russia.  Who cares really?  This is an open book test and God has given us all the answers before it ever began.

Maybe our time could be better spent doing what is in our capability to work toward what Our Lady asked for in order to lessen this terrible chastisement and to bring about the era of peace.  This may be one effective way to help that along. 


Dawn Marie

40 Days For the Consecration of Russia and Peace

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All the Saints in heaven and St. Michael the Archangel and the nine choirs of Angels  pray for the Holy Father, that whatever shackles bind him from consecrating Russia may be broken and the consecration  of Russia to the  Blessed Virgin Mary be accomplished. For the conversion of Rome; for the conversion of the Pope and the conversion of all poor sinners.  Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  in the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat ! Hail Mary. Amen. † 

A perfect prayer.  Amen+

Gloria said:

All the Saints in heaven and St. Michael the Archangel and the nine choirs of Angels  pray for the Holy Father, that whatever shackles bind him from consecrating Russia may be broken and the consecration  of Russia to the  Blessed Virgin Mary be accomplished. For the conversion of Rome; for the conversion of the Pope and the conversion of all poor sinners.  Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  in the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat ! Hail Mary. Amen. † 


+ Amen +



Our Lady tells us to PRAY so your 40 day novena makes sense... My suggestion for what form this should take would be the Rosary. I will start begin today, Ash Wednesday.
Take Care!
John Loflin

Yes the rosary is THE weapon God has given us in these days. 

I do have to say I only know of ONE, count em...ONE prelate who does not run or turn in any way away from fighting for the consecration of Russia and living the message of Fatima and that is Bishop Athansius Schneider.  One...

He is a stalwart warrior and when faced with backlash, evil, temptations he stands even more firm.  He grew up under communism, he knows what it means and his devotion to Mary guides his way in this matter.

All the Saints in heaven and St. Michael the Archangel and the nine choirs of Angels  pray for the Holy Father, that whatever shackles bind him from consecrating Russia may be broken and the consecration  of Russia to the  Blessed Virgin Mary be accomplished. For the conversion of Rome; for the conversion of the Pope and the conversion of all poor sinners.  Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  in the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat ! Hail Mary. Amen. † 

All the Saints in heaven and St. Michael the Archangel and the nine choirs of Angels  pray for the Holy Father, that whatever shackles bind him from consecrating Russia may be broken and the consecration  of Russia to the  Blessed Virgin Mary be accomplished. For the conversion of Rome; for the conversion of the Pope and the conversion of all poor sinners.  Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  in the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat ! Hail Mary. Amen. † 

The Ukrainian bishops just sent an urgent letter to Francis begging him to consecrate Russia to the IHM!! Keep praying! Found on Lifesite news

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