Francis (the freemason) announces wide indulgences for mercy Jubilee, grants Lefebvrites faculties

And in a striking move for church unity in expressing God's mercy, the pope has even granted priests of the schismatic and traditionalist Society of St. Pius X faculties to offer absolution of sins "validly and licitly" to those who approach them for confession.  

Francis made the announcement of the new indulgences and abilities in a letter sent Tuesday to the president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, which is organizing the holy year on his behalf.

The letter, published by the Vatican in seven languages, is striking for the global scope the pontiff envisions the Jubilee year taking, with availability for pardon and mercy seemingly available to all....

*Step by step they slowly work to swallow them whole.  Incredible how many people will cite this as a victory for Tradition rather than the reality for which it is, the suicide of the same!  Recognized by apostates and heretics, freemasons and anti-catholic infiltrators is no victory.  Only their conversion can be considered a victory and this is reserved to God alone!


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Yes I was thinking----the world just got a little darker.  This is beyond sad.

How many will be swallowed ???

Count Edyta among the swallowed.  She bit the hook line and sinker all at the same time.  I guess she will happily go to concilar rome.

How sad.  So many confused souls in this mass apostasy.  Who can blame her though, she thinks that +Fellay is doing the right thing. 

mirella simonato said:

How many will be swallowed ???

Just a reminder... ( I hate to put it so bluntly, but...)

If you don't agree with this---meaning any Crusader, not any in particular---you know how to exit.

This is the stand we take and the stand we will not move off of.  The end.

This is a brilliant political move by Rome.  It implies that the SSPX did not have the authority to hear confessions and that it on the surface is an act of mercy by the Pope.  As Bishop Williamson wrote just days ago, the Romans are masters of the game.  How the SSPX reacts will tell the tale of the future.  If they accept this proclamation or worse offer a conciliatory tone, it is over.  It would imply that supplied jurisdiction did not ever exist.  More of divide and conquer and to also keep some wavering clerics in the fold.  How could anyone reject such a magnanimous act?  It also throw a bone to all of the public detractors of the saintly Archbishop and the SSPX over the years.  That said the solution to the Crisis has never been one that could be solved by politics.  It is a Crisis that can only be solved by a spiritual solution, that being the Consecration of Russia.  I agree it is all about standing firm on the 1974 Declaration, give not an inch.   

I do agree. 

We cleave, with all our heart and with all our soul, to Catholic Rome, the guardian of the Catholic Faith and of the traditions necessary for the maintenance of that Faith and to eternal Rome, mistress of wisdom and truth.

On the other hand we refuse and have always refused to follow the Rome of the neo-Protestant trend clearly manifested throughout Vatican Council II and, later, in all the reforms born of it.

All these reforms have contributed and are still contributing to the destruction of the Church, the ruin of the Priesthood, the abolishing of the Sacrifice of the Mass and of the Sacraments, the disappearance of the religious life, to naturalist and Teilhardian teaching in the universities, seminaries and catechetics, a teaching born of liberalism and Protestantism and often condemned by the solemn magisterium of the Church.

No authority, not even the highest in the hierarchy, can force us to abandon or diminish our Catholic Faith, clearly laid down and professed by the magisterium of the Church for nineteen hundred years. "But," said St. Paul, "though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed" (Galatians I. 8).

Is not that what the Holy Father is telling us again today? And if there appears to be a certain contradiction between his words and his deeds as in the acts of the dicasteries. We abide by what has always been taught and turn a deaf ear to the Church's destructive innovations.

It is not possible profoundly to modify the "lex orandi" without modifying the "lex credendi" To the new Mass there corresponds a new catechism, a new priesthood, new seminaries, new universities, the charismatic and Pentecostal Church--all opposed to orthodoxy and to the age-old magisterium of the Church.

Born of liberalism and modernism, this Reform is poisoned through and through. It begins in heresy and ends in heresy even if not all its acts are formally heretical. Hence it is impossible for any informed and loyal Catholic to embrace this Reform or submit himself to it in any way whatsoever.

The only way of salvation for the faithful and the doctrine of the Church is a categorical refusal to accept the Reform.

It is for this cause that with no rebellion, no bitterness, no resentment, we carry on our work of training priests under the star of the timeless magisterium, convinced that we can render no greater service to the Holy Catholic Church, the Sovereign Pontiff and future generations.

It is for this cause that we hold firmly by all that has been believed and practiced in the Faith, in morals, in worship, in the teaching of the catechism, the molding of a priest and the institution of the Church, that eternal Church codified in her books before the modernist influence of the Council made itself felt, awaiting the time when the true light of Tradition shall scatter the darkness clouding the skies of eternal Rome.

In so doing, by the grace of God, the help of the Virgin Mary, of St. Joseph and St. Pius X, we are assured of remaining faithful to the Holy Roman and Catholic Church, to all the successors of Peter, and of remaining "fideles dispensatores mysteriorum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi in Spiritu Sancto." Amen.

Dawn Marie said:

Just a reminder... ( I hate to put it so bluntly, but...)

If you don't agree with this---meaning any Crusader, not any in particular---you know how to exit.

This is the stand we take and the stand we will not move off of.  The end.


"That said the solution to the Crisis has never been one that could be solved by politics.  It is a Crisis that can only be solved by a spiritual solution, that being the Consecration of Russia."

Michael said:

This is a brilliant political move by Rome.  It implies that the SSPX did not have the authority to hear confessions and that it on the surface is an act of mercy by the Pope.  As Bishop Williamson wrote just days ago, the Romans are masters of the game.  How the SSPX reacts will tell the tale of the future.  If they accept this proclamation or worse offer a conciliatory tone, it is over.  It would imply that supplied jurisdiction did not ever exist.  More of divide and conquer and to also keep some wavering clerics in the fold.  How could anyone reject such a magnaninous act?  It also throw a bone to all of the public detractors of the saintly Archbishop and the SSPX over the years.  That said the solution to the Crisis has never been one that could be solved by politics.  It is a Crisis that can only be solved by a spiritual solution, that being the Consecration of Russia.  I agree it is all about standing firm on the 1974 Declaration, give not an inch.   

Unbelievable!  If I wasn't living this in full color the whole thing would just be unimaginable.

However, Francis has yet to offer the Society to Our Lady, so apparently he does not consider the SSPX as important as a beach ball or a hammer-and-sickle-ifix.

Just trying to keep everything in perspective.

The recent  e-pistola version of the  dici announcement:

USA SSPX District

This announcement seems "a tad" more clear about supplied jurisdiction.  But, none the less, the

clouds grow darker and the air thick with foreboding. 

Pope Francis Has No Problem With Abortion?

It just gets darker and darker.

Its not all bad news.  At least there is one bishop doing something good and holy+

(BPW) Reciting the Rosary in the Chapel of the Infant of Prague.

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