10/24/14 ** update on Fr. Cooper:

Yesterday, a member of my family contacted Father directly to inquire about his health and to offer prayers for him.  He relayed this information:   The cancer was a huge surprise.  He thought he had just a back ache but the pain just kept getting worse...broken vertebrae, hernia, possible cancer...then cancer.  He did get good news last Friday (10/17) when a bone scan revealed no cancer anywhere else, which was a surprise to the oncologist.  If the cancer is localized in the vertebrae, the doctors could do surgery and 'fix things', perhaps.  He is waiting for the results  of a bone marrow biopsy which the doctors say would be 'conclusive'.

So I guess one could call this news "guarded optimism".  From  the catholicinfo site, someone there

posted that he had not offered public mass in over a month.  He is still teaching catechism. His mom is now there, from Michigan, to help out.  And Fr. Stafki is being sent to Arcadia to take over

for him right now. 


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Keep up the prayers, everyone.  :)

Thank you, St. Raphael, on your feast day.  :)

Thank you for the encouraging news, Susan.

Thank you for the update, Susan.   

Thank you Susan very much.

Hail Mary x 3 There is hope

Keeping up daily prayers for Father and  extra Memorares for him.


We will keep praying for Fr. Cooper.  Thank you for letting us know what is happening.  Luci Hagarty

Praying with love!


Susan is there any news on Father Cooper? 

One of the Crusaders (who I'm sure wishes to be anonymous) had 10 Masses said for Father Cooper the last of which was said yesterday.  May God bless that Crusader for his kindness, Father Trincado for offering the Masses and for Father Cooper's recovery.

Prayers are continuing for Fr. Cooper.

The last I heard, was that the cancer was in remission due to chemotherapy.  I don't know if he had radiation or not.  The chemo did weaken him (as it does to anyone).  But  he still is trying to remain positive.  Everyone's prayers are definitely helping.

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