Flavia Talladen Schott's Page

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Flavia Talladen Schott commented on Cathleen's event 40 Days for Russia and the Conversion of Poor Sinners
15 hours ago
Flavia Talladen Schott commented on Flavia Talladen Schott's blog post Holy Water for the Poor Souls
15 hours ago
Michael commented on Flavia Talladen Schott's blog post Holy Water for the Poor Souls
19 hours ago
Michael commented on Flavia Talladen Schott's blog post Act of Consecration to St. Joseph
19 hours ago
Michael commented on Flavia Talladen Schott's blog post St. Francis of Assisi, Feast October 4
19 hours ago
Flavia Talladen Schott commented on Flavia Talladen Schott's blog post Prayer to St. Joseph to Make Our Family a Family of Saints
23 hours ago
Flavia Talladen Schott commented on Flavia Talladen Schott's blog post St. Francis of Assisi, Feast October 4
Flavia Talladen Schott commented on Dawn Marie's blog post Please Stop Here to Offer 3 Aves for Our Bishops,Priests and Holy Father
Flavia Talladen Schott commented on Flavia Talladen Schott's blog post Act of Faith, Hope, and Love
Flavia Talladen Schott commented on Flavia Talladen Schott's blog post Act of Consecration to St. Joseph
Flavia Talladen Schott commented on Flavia Talladen Schott's blog post Islam and Europe
"O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee and tor all who don't have recourse to thee, part. the freemasons and all who are recommended to thee. Amen. St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us."
Flavia Talladen Schott commented on Cathleen's event Lenten Prayer Campaign -Upcoming Conclave
Flavia Talladen Schott commented on Cathleen's event Lenten Prayer Campaign - Golden Arrow
Flavia Talladen Schott commented on Dawn Marie's group PRAYER GROUP OF ST. GERTRUDE FOR THE SUFFERING SOULS IN PURGATORY
"Amen. RIP. Rosary daily."
Flavia Talladen Schott commented on Dawn Marie's blog post SPIRITUAL COMMUNION
Flavia Talladen Schott commented on Dawn Marie's blog post P.Pius X~Indulgence Prayer~All Masses Celebrated Throughout the World are Daily Offered to God

Flavia Talladen Schott's Blog

Pilgrimage to Lourdes with your intentions

Dear Crusaders,

am going on a pilgrimage to Lourdes beginning Thursday, the Feast of St. Raphael, with fellow parishioners, accompanied by an SSPX priest and a daily Holy Mass.

I will take all your intentions with me and pray for them, esp. at the foot of the Grotto and at St. Bernadette´s home. if you wish, you can also PM me with your specific intentions.

The pilgrimage will end on Tuesday by which we will make a short visit at the shrine of St. John Vianney in…


Posted on October 13, 2024 at 9:30pm — 8 Comments

To Saint Luke, who was a physician

(for private purpose)

Glorious St Luke,

you are a dear and near friend of God,

you were a physician,

deign to intercede for all who are afflicted with physical and/or spiritual difficulties/ailments,

and for all who are currently exposed to any spiritual and temporal adversities.

May the Lord bless and preserve them, strengthen them in faith, and keep them safe.

I beseech thee, pray, too, for all who assist…


Posted on February 5, 2024 at 8:30pm — 1699 Comments

Litany to Our Lady Mediatrix of all Graces

Litany to Our Lady Mediatrix of all Graces

(for private use)

Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.

God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.…


Posted on May 31, 2021 at 6:00pm — 176 Comments

For protection and safety of faithful clergy, of all God-loving leaders and faithful in all sectors of our society: Daily Rosary

1.) We have seen on screen how evil-inspired people literally attacked Justice Barrett and her family during the proceedings on her nomination to the Supreme Court. Satan will not stop instrumentalizing these people who most apparently do all they can to achieve their evil goals. We pray for the end of such practices worldwide.

2.) For the grace of Heaven to empower D. J. Trump "to lead America and the world back to God" (see story on Thomas Zimmer), for his protection and safety and…


Posted on October 16, 2020 at 4:00am — 606 Comments

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October 5, 1953
Todays Date
July 27, 1980

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At 6:44pm on November 6, 2024, Susan L. Welch said…

Thank you so much

At 7:26pm on November 18, 2023, Gloria said…

Warms my heart sending me birthday prayers.  Family and friends made my day ever so special. I am so blessed!  

At 7:00pm on November 6, 2023, Susan L. Welch said…

Thank you Flavia 

At 6:05pm on October 12, 2023, Michael said…

Thank you Flavia.  I really appreciate it.  I am glad you don't mind me adding the picture.  Such a beautiful prayer to Saint Nicholas.  May God bless you and keep you always.

At 9:56am on November 6, 2022, Susan L. Welch said…

Thank you Flavia.

At 4:22pm on August 20, 2022, Alley said…

Thank you Flavia, for the birthday wishes :)

At 6:34am on January 4, 2022, Dawn Marie said…

Love the sweet bday wishes.  Thank you dear Flavia!

At 7:37pm on December 8, 2021, Dawn Marie said…

Thank you Flavia that was incredibly sweet.  Happy and Blessed Feast Day!

At 7:19pm on November 17, 2021, Gloria said…

Thank you for the warm Birthday wishes .  Most kind of you.   United in prayer  Gloria

At 10:04am on October 13, 2021, Michael said…

Thank you Flavia!

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