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@ David L.P.   Cardinal Burke expressed immediately after coming out of the conclave that Francis was invalidly elected and has maintained that position ever since.  He told me specifically that Francis has only one desire, to destroy the Church.  He also said Francis was a Marxists, and basically an enemy of God.  His outrage at this uncannonically elected man was palpable.  This is coming from a prince of the Church who was in the conclave.  If Benedict is the Pope than the seat is in fact not empty. 

Our Lady, our Mother, who appeared 104 years ago at Fatima on Aug. 19, pray for Cardinal Burke.

St. John Eudes, pray for Cardinal Burke.

St. John Eudes (1601-1680) was born the town of Ri, on a farm in Northern France. He was a parish missionary, who founded two religious communities; he also was a great promoter of the devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. At the age of 24, he was ordained a priest.

Between 1627 and 1631 he offered to take care of those sickened by the several plagues of that time. ...  --

St. Roch, we beseech thee that through thy powerful intercession before the throne of God, thou dost obtain a complete recovery for Cardinal Burke, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Praying everyday for him.

Been offering Rosary for him 


From the Remnant: This just in from an old and highly trusted priest friend who is close to Cardinal Burke: 

Dear Friends in Christ,

After a period under a medically induced coma, Card. Burke is steadily improving, no fever, respiration much better, doctors optimistic...His Eminence is expected to leave ICU in the next day or two. Deo Gratias! 

God be praised. Please keep praying as His Eminence is not out of the woods yet. 

God bless and Mary keep our good Cardinal Burke.


Deo gratias!!

Prayers in thanksgiving!


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