SSPX Bishop de Galaretta Warns against New Head of CDF by John Vennari

SUNDAY, JULY 1, 2012
SSPX Bishop de Galaretta Warns against New Head of CDF
New Head of CDF: Reportedly Denies Perpetual Virginity, Fan of Liberation Theology
(also, now the DiNoia factor - see below)

(Zaitzkofen)  Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta has ordained two priests, Franz Amberger and the Czech Ludek Cekavy at the Priestly Seminary of the Heart of Jesus (Zaitzkofen).  Auxiliary Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta preached in French which was translated into German by the Rector of the Seminary, Father Frey.

The Bishop preached about the priesthood:  The priest has been chosen from among men to mediate the divine for men.  His mission is primarily of a supernatural nature.  The center of the priestly life is the Holy Mass.

He complained that the Bishop of Regensburg, Bishop Muller, was named yesterday (30 June) to be the head of the Congregation of the Doctrine and the Faith, even though he denied Mary's perpetual virginity.  It is not acceptable that the leader of the Congregation
holds a heresy.

Upon this [the Virgin Birth] it did -- says Msgr Muller -- "not  deviate from physiological particularities in the natural process of birth (such as something like the non opening of the birth canal, the non-injury of the hymen and not experiencing the pains of birth), rather it's in the healing and saving influence of the Grace of the Savior on human nature."

Bishop Muller ordained five priests on Saturday.

More: from NCR: February, 2012

Müller himself is a prolific author, having written more than 400 works on a wide variety of theological topics.

Despite his broadly conservative reputation, Müller actually earned his doctorate in 1977 under then-Fr. Karl Lehmann, who went on to become the cardinal of Mainz and the leader of the "moderate" wing of the German bishops’ conference. Müller’s dissertation was on the famed German Protestant theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Moreover, Müller is a close personal friend of the renowned Peruvian theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez, considered the father of liberation theology. Every year since 1998, Müller has travelled to Peru to take a course from Gutiérrez, and has spent time living with farmers in a rural parish near the border with Bolivia

Now DiNoia: The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Newly appointed Ecclesia Dei Prelate, US Archbishop J. Augustine DiNoia, is charged with trying to achieve and accord between the SSPX and Rome. Yet again, there is the insistence that nothing in Vatican II is contrary to Tradition.

In a July 1 interview with the National Catholic Register, DiNola said of the SSPX, “
What I’ve tried to argue is that all they have to do is to say there’s nothing in the Council that is contrary to Tradition and that every text, or every part of it that is controversial, should be read in context of the Council, and read it in light of the Tradition. It seems to me, despite their difficulties, they should be able to do that.”

Yet As Archbishop Lefebvre pointed out at the time of the Council, the Document on Religious Liberty does contain text that is contrary to Tradition.

Archbishop Lefebvre further noted that the progressive Fr. Yves Congar openly admitted Vatican II’s new doctrine of religious liberty is a rupture with the past. Congar said: "What is new in this teaching in relation to the doctrine of Leo XIII and even of Pius XII…is the determination of the basis peculiar to this liberty, which is sought not in the objective truth of moral or religious good, but in the ontological quality of the human person.”

Congar further stated, ""It cannot be denied that a text like this [the conciliar declaration on Religious Liberty] says materially something different from the Syllabus of 1864, and even almost the opposite of propositions 15, and 77 to 79 of that document."

The SSPX thus cannot agree with Archbishop DiNoia's that "there's nothing in the Council that is contrary to Tradition".

It's official: At the "Holy Office," It's Müller Time -- Pope Taps ...



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Is Archbishop L. Muller a postmodernist Prelate?

A photograph of the new Head of CDF:

Photo taken from: radiocristiandad website.

Hoo boy!  Are we in for it now!


Wow! I am impresed!  

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