Letter to priests of Society, regards recent developments June 25 2012

Excellencies, and Superiors,

As you know, our Superior General responded to the letter of the 16th March from Cardinal Levada who tried to impose the doctrinal Preamble of the 14th September 2011. By this document, dated 15th April, he wished to break free from the impasse created by this Preamble. According to several concurring sources, the new text seemed to satisfy the Sovereign Pontiff.

On the 13th June, 2012, Cardinal Levada returned to our Superior General his text of April, but it was amended in such a way that it still took up, in substance, the propositions of September, 2011. Msgr. Fellay also made known to him that he could not sign this new document, which was clearly unacceptable. The coming General Chapter will permit the analysis of the entire dossier.

Moreover, I inform all the members of the Chapter, that in virtue of Canon 2331, Paragraph 1 and 2 (New Code 1373) the Superior General has deprived Msgr. Williamson of his office as member of the Chapter for taking a position calling for a rebellion, and for his continually repeated disobedience. He has equally forbidden him to come to Econe for the ordinations.

Finally, Msgr. Fellay has differed the ordinations of the Dominicans of Avrille and the Capuchins of Morgon, who were foreseen to have been ordained at Econe this coming 29th July. The putting off of orders was dictated simply by the wish of Bishop Fellay to be assured of the loyalty of these communities, before laying hands upon their candidates (cf. I Timothy 5:22).

Be assured Excellencies and Superiors of my respectful and faithful priestly wishes.

Fr. Christian Thouvenot.

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"...(New Code..."  For gold and silver are tried in the fire, but acceptable men in the furnace of humiliation. Ecclesiasticus 2:5. 

The devil wants us to become discouraged by all this, but we have to let it be known that it wont happen. This whole thing from the beginning has been the devil's work to divide and separate us. Isn't it true that now we can't speak freely even in our chapels because we don't know who is or isn't for entering the counciliar (sp?) church. I know that I spoke with a friend about this and about my thoughts for good Bishop Williamson and their first response was "You're not a sedevacantist, are you?Where does that come from? I recall Bp. Fellay's comments in an interview saying that Benedict approached him about regularizing the situation and therefore he felt he must proceed. No you don't. Had Rome turned away from it's errors, no! We're told that nothing will change if we join with Rome, well obviously we won't  be able to criticize anything any longer. Priests are already being expelled from the society for not being "nice" towards the counciliar church. If this is what fellow SSPXer's do to one another, what do we think the councilliarists would do to us once we rejoined. Sorry I'm going on but this whole announcement today regarding good Bishop Williamson and those from the traditional orders in France who where awaiting ordination on the 29th is so very sad. I do hope one of the other bishops come forward to ordain them. Maybe if everyone gets kicked out, ... ? We must as always turn to Our Lady, Our dear Mother. She cares for and loves Her dear Son's poor Bride more than we really know,  this side of heaven at least. God bless everyone here and uphold you all in your own daily struggles to keep our glorious faith!

Wow Iona+

So beautifully spoken.

Maybe it loses something in the translation, but sad to say, it makes BF sound very petty, proud, and uncharitable.


Dear All,

One must let Bishop Fellay, and in general, all priests (specially now Bishop Williamson), let alone. We are not teachers. If we want to be catholic, we are not allowed, under the sin, to pretend to be the teachers, specially for our priests.  They should not be under any pressure, specially comming from us.

I agree somewhat.

We don't know the whole story concerning Bp. Fellay and the Vatican, nor do we know what is being said behind closed doors between the four bishops.  All we "know" is what we have been given by a so-and-so priest, confidante, leaked letters, gossip, and supposedly traditional catholic blogs, etc.   We are supposed to take what they say as the truth, even when these "informed learned folk"  aren't  directly involved.   What is their personal motivation or intent?   Nor do we know Bp. Fellay's intentions and that of the three other Bps. for that matter.  But what I do know is that the devil is rejoicing over the divisionary reactions of the SPPX priests and laity over the "unkown" elements of the preamble. 

Yes, divide and conquer.  Based on the comments on the "save the sspx' website,   the devil is working overtime.  But for now, the division is coming from within the SSPX and it's laity.  The disrespect, name calling, aggrevated inuendo and outright underhanded character attacks on Bp. Fellay that "save the sspx" and other "well meaning"  groups  (I use that term loosely) and individuals has exhibited ---is demonic.   Why shouldn't Bp. Fellay "talk" with the Pope?   Obviously, some one or some people, don't want any reconcilliation of any form, even if the SSPX got everything they wanted, and then some.  It is the smell of the battle that keeps them going, not the love of the Faith.  They are only concerned about  "...My Mass,  my church, my pew,  and my donations = MY heaven!"

I believe Bp. Fellay has the best intentions of the SSPX at heart, and would not "sell out"  the SSPX for fame or fortune, as many have accused him of trying to do.    Right now, he has the hardest job in the world, and his efforts are totally unappreciated or respected.  In fact, the 'rats' are already planning their jump off the ship based on what they "think' they know what Bp. Fellay is doing.  Sounds almost like a suicide mission to me.  Pray for him and for God's will in this matter.  Yes, we must turn to Our Blessed Mother for help, and also ask the Holy Ghost to help Bp. Fellay for his protection and in his dealings with everyone involved.  And pray for Pope Benedict and his curia, too.  But most of all, we must pray for ourselves, that we don't become like a pack of dogs, biting and attacking each other.  These actions, will surely destroy the Society--as the devil wants.   Those who think they "know"  already what God wants and have a direct line to heaven and the Holy Ghost,  and are self-ordained experts in sanctity, piety and all things Catholic....they are the ones I'm afraid of.....


I don't mean to offend anyone with this post.  I'm just frustrated at the internal bickering and war-mongering going on in the trad community, most of which is highly damaging to Traditional Catholicism as a whole.  We don't know what God has planned for the SSPX.    It may be His will that the SSPX be reconciled to the Vatican for His Greater Glory. We don't know.  Cool clear heads must prevail along with pure hearts....and that means all of us! 

Perhaps the writer of this article wanted you to think that, and it really isn't so....

     1. "We would rather be under penalty of sin if our intentions were malicious, planned, and executed by way of accepting to be known gossip, lies, and calumny, and spreading it it viciously, or at all.     2. We would rather be under penalty of sin if we did NOT speak up."

I think some sites and their commentators are already guilty of the first part and have caused great damage.  In regards to the second part, this only comes with much prayer and a full understanding of the issue in order to say without impunity,  'You are wrong!' 


I took no offense:) it is always interesting to read other peoples thoughts which sometimes give one cause to stop and think.  Your post makes sense, and fwiw you will notice this site has not in any way promoted the savesspx nonsense.  It is for good reason mostly what you have said here.

It is not leading people to keep their good sense about them but seems to open a door to a mob mentality of which no good can come of.

While I agree with most of your post I can only speak for myself when I say I have been most opposed to any deal with Rome while Russia remains unconsecrated.  I do not believe that Bishop Fellay is wrong in wanting to find an answer to our abnormal situation.  He is completely correct to want to do so.  His frustration comes from others who would just as soon stay where we are and let Rome burn and do nothing.  The problem has never been (at least for me) that he wanted to take on so great a task, it was the road he took trying to accomplish it.

Speaking for myself,  I can speak of certain things because I do have some knowledge of what has been transpiring in all of this at least since 2006 but more so since 2008. However for whatever little it is worth I've personally come to the conclusion, sad to say, but these two bishops can not see eye to eye....on any thing!  They are polar opposites and exactly the same, all at the same time.

Both lack trust in the other, one lacks trust in the vision of the leadership, there are hurt feelings, bitter resentments all of which add up to two brothers who just can't seem to get along.  A bucking of horns.  This leads to leaked letters, harsh statements, punishments which go above and beyond the magnitude of the offense which gives impressions that one is catering to a certain organization.  All of these things lead to  internal strife which is now coming to a full blown head and is seen in the people who support either the one or the other for whatever reason. 

I've come to my own conclusion however faulty it may be, that one side is choosing to err on the side of authority and the other is choosing to err on the side of Truth.  Hence both sides feel strongly that what they have chosen is the right side.

Many of these priests and bishops do feel that the Faith is in peril by reconciling with Rome while Rome is not yet professing the Faith of our fathers but are still in fact embracing modernism and the vatii dogma.

With that I agree wholeheartedly.

So what's the answer to this chaos?

The only thing that comes to my mind is MARY+  Turning to her and begging for her guidance, intercession, and desperately needed help for our bishops, for our poor suffering priests---all of them, for the faithful, for the religious for the Society as a whole and yes even for Rome.

If I have said anything to offend I am very sorry and wish to apologise. But I certainly feel that none of us are capable of putting any pressure on those officially chosen to deal with these issues. I simply was commenting on the experiences I have had already when bringing up certain questions  with friends at my chapel. As far as a couple other of my comments, they were based on publically found statements and writings from Bishop Felley, Bishop Williamson and Archbishop Lefebvre. I don't think respectfully speaking about these issues is somehow taking on a role which doesn't belong to us as laity. God gave us brains and our intellect, as long as we are respectful towards our clergy, but humans can err, only the Pope is infallible under very precise conditions, also remember that St. Paul corrected St. Peter on a very important point of doctrine regarding the Old Law and the question of gentile converts' submission to it. (Just a note under V2 there is no longer any division between clergy/laity all are "The People of God" and entitled to their say - that's one of the things that has brought the Church to this state- according to that picture we should be booking our flights now for the General Chapter  to present our arguments and take part in the vote. I 've got to say it but Bishop Felley isn't the Pope and does not possess the gift of infallibility, he can/could/ might just possibly  err. Anyhow the wisest words are said by DM, we need to call upon, yell out to Mary in all this. Blessings to you all. 

Quote Iona: "Just a note under V2 there is no longer any division between clergy/laity all are "The People of God" and entitled to their say - that's one of the things that has brought the Church to this state- according to that picture we should be booking our flights now for the General Chapter  to present our arguments and take part in the vote."

You have nothing to be sorry for.  Speaking is hardly a reason for apologies and I don't think anyone was offended. I certainly was not.

I've no problem with anyone speaking up so long as it is done with respect and like I said no one here no matter their views has shown any disrespect whatsoever.  That is the virtue of a good Catholic.  Knowing when to speak and knowing how to do so respectfully.

I believe everyone here is of that mind and it shows:)))

Makes me proud to be a Crusader:)

Anyway, that post of yours above for some reason (although not to take away from the serious nature of it which is true) just gave me a visual which cracked me up.

Could you imagine if we all had a vote in it like the novus ordo.  For some reason that just strikes me funny.  Probably because it is so ridiculous yet you are right that is how the novus ordo people run the Churches.

What an odd time we live in.

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