Views: 797
A sad reality.
We have to pray much for the Pope.
Agreed. I am afraid things are going to get worse before they get better.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Strange times we live in. I did have hopes this Pope would really change his thinking and turn the Church around. He's getting older and has to deal with evils in the Vatican and the world. I'm concerned he won't live long enough to really do something. If that is really what he wants or plans.
It's hard to tell who is who anymore there is so much confusion. I'd like to think this Pope wants to do something meaningful to help fix the enormous disaster in the Church but I just don't know anymore.
Sr. Lucia's phrase "diabolical disorientation" comes to mind. Lately I feel like my whole world has been turned upside down in more ways than one. People I thought I knew and trusted turn out differently, events in the world at large that just boggle my mind...and all the confusion in the Church. It wears on you. That is why we need Our Lady to guide us. "Only I can help you." Plus we have this site as our little oasis of prayer....for the Church and for one another.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
[emphasis and capitalizations are mine]
Start 00:01 John Vennari speaking: The following commentary on Pope Benedict the XVI was given by Catholic Family News at editor John Vennari on May 1 2005.
John Vennari: I believe he [Pope Benedict the XVI] has the potential to split the traditionalist camp right in half and to split traditionalist groups right in half because so many are enamored of the good things he says about Literagy, those good things. Not everything he says is good.
[Excerpt from “A Look at Pope Benedict XVI]
John Vennari: I’m holding in my hand a book called principles of Catholic Theology, Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology, published by Ignatius Press. I’ve had this book for years and I’ve been saying for years that this book could win an award for the most misnamed book of the century. There are no principals in the sense of a set of clear and it’s not really Catholic Theology. It’s 393 pages of the modernist religion of vatii and only 50 years ago it would have been placed on the index of forbidden books.
The writer of this book says on page 202 quote “ The Catholics does not insist on the dissolution of the Protestant confession and the demolition of their Churches, rather he hopes that they will be strengthened in their confessions and in their ecclesial reality” closed quotes.
So in other words the writer hopes that the Protestants will become stronger and cling even more tightly to heretical creeds solemnly anathematized by the Council of Trent .
The writer of the book says on page 381 speaking of Gaudium et Spes which is the pastoral constitution of the church of the modern world of vatii. He says Gaudiun et Spes as a whole we might say that in conjunction with the text on religious liberty and world religions is a revision of the Syllabus of Pius the IX a kind of counter syllabus. Let us be content to say here that the text serves as a counter syllabus and as such represents on the part of the Church an attempt at an official reconciliation with the new era inaugurated by 1789. In other words the French revolution.
The writer speaks of the one-sidedness of the position adopted by the Church under Pius the IX and under Pius the X, and he claims that the syllabus represents, and this is a direct quote “An obsolete Church state relationship” .
In other words this writer is calling the 2 greatest Popes of Church history one-sided in their efforts to protect the Church from the errors of liberalism and modernism, and the writer rejoices that vatii made an attempt to correct and to counter, his words, the teaching of blessed Pius the IX and Pope Saint Pius the X and to reconcile the Church with the masonic French revolution and the enlightenment.
The writer says on page 191 quote “there can be no return to the Syllabus” In other words no return to the Syllabus of Pius the IX. And this certainly will make the freemasons happy because freemasonry has worked to overthrow the Syllabus of errors since it first appeared in 1864.
The writer of the book says on page 334, quote, ‘The impetus given by Teilhard de Chardin exerted a wide influence, with daring vision. It incorporated the historical movement of Christianity into the cosmic process of evolution”.
Teilhard as you know was a pantheist and an evolutionist and the writer goes on to rejoice that this Teilhardean evolutionary influence was particularly evident in vatii document Gaudium et Spes. [inaudible….[…] wonderful]
And the writer goes on to say on page 389 against those who oppose vatii, he says quote “ Was the Council a wrong road that now we must now retrace if we are to save the Church? The voices of those who say that it is are becoming louder and their followers more numerous. Among them were obvious phenomena of the last years must be counted the increasing number of Integralists.” (End quote here) In other words, traditionalists groups (begin quote here again from the writer) in which the desire for piety, for the sense of mystery is finding satisfaction. WE MUST BE ON GUARD AGAINST MINUMIZING THESE MOVEMENTS WITH OUT A DOUBT THEY REPRESENT A SECTARIAN ZEALOTRY THAT IS THE ANTITHISIS OF CATHOLICITY. WE CAN NOT RESIST THEM TO FIRMLY” closed quote.
The writer of the book you must have guessed is Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (gasps from the crowd) who on April 19th 2005 was elected the 265th successor of Saint Peter and chose the name Benedict the XVI.
John Vennari: Now, the first rule of thumb when trying to come to a true knowledge of who this man is and what he believes, first rule of thumb is, pay no attention to the newspapers, pay no attention to the news media, the magazines, radio, television because it’s very in the main [media] I mean there might be 1 or 2 who get it right, but in the main, they have no idea who this man is.
[and] Neither do they understand that even when he speaks in traditional terminology, we cannot be sure that he defines these terms in the same way that Catholics have always defined them.
I’m going to give a specific example of this later on.
Now of course the news agencies will give you an accurate information on the date of his birth, his ordination things like that, but where they are woefully inaccurate is where they try to paint him as some sort of Torquemada conservative, as a staunch hardliner of traditional Catholic Doctrine. We’ve heard this to death since he has been elected. Ah, boy I wish that that were true. Nothing would make me happier if that was true, but it is not the case, because for as long as we have known of his existence Joseph Ratzinger has been a progressivist.
Joseph Ratzinger the seminarian was a progressivist as indicated from his autobiography which I will quote a little bit from a little later.
Joseph Ratzinger the theologian was a progressivist. His professor, a competent man named Michael Schmauss (sp?) said that Ratzingers doctoral thesis contained quote, “ a dangerous modernism that had to lead to a subjectivization of the concept of revelation” closed quote. And
Joseph Ratzinger the theologian was suspect of heresy under the Holy Office before vatii . This is said openly, in a 1969 document from the International Theological Commission when they were welcoming Joseph Ratzinger on board their team alright.
Joseph Ratzinger the priest was a progressivist. He only did parish work for about a year and spent the rest of his ecclesiastic career as an academic and then he was brought to Rome.
Joseph Ratzinger the Council theologian was a progressivist. He was firmly on the side of the modernists and the ecumenical theologians during vatii and Joseph Ratzinger the bishop and the cardinal was a progressivist.
He was firmly committed to the ecumenism and religious liberty of the second Vatican council, firmly committed to the counter syllabus as I said earlier. Firmly committed to overthrow the anti-liberalism of Blessed Pope Pius the IX. In fact this was reported in the Vaticans Newspaper La Observator Romano (sp?) June 1990. ‘Cardinal Ratzinger said that there are certain acts of the magisterium that quote ”that cannot be considered the last word on a given subject as such but serve rather as a mooring of the problem, a kind of temporary disposition’ closed quote. And he gave a few examples of this temporary disposition that he now considers to be quote “outdated in the peculiarities of their determinations” end quote here]
I’m going to list 3.
The first is those Papal Declarations of the last century on Religious Liberty..gone
Second, the anti-modernist decisions of the Pope at the beginning of the 20th century…outdated.
Third the papal (y) approved decisions of the Biblical Commission of the same period.
So what he is saying is don’t bother to teach your children what Gregory the XVI and Pius the IX and Leo the XIII and Pius the X taught against Religious Liberty. Don’t bother to learn what Pope Saint Pius the X had to say against modernism and all that he did to prevent modernism from spreading, and don’t bother to pay attention to Pius the X’s Biblical Commission. The decisions, according to Cardinal Ratzinger, it’s all outdated , it was only a temporary thing, it no longer applies. END 09:14
bumping this up for you Petrus
It's the article you wanted to read
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