St. Camillus de Lellis
St. Camillus' mother was nearly sixty years old when he was born (1550). As a youth he gave himself to the sinful pleasures of this world.
His conversion dates from the feast of the Purification, 1575. Two attempts to enter the Capuchin Order were frustrated by an incurable sore on his leg. In Rome St. Camillus was received in a hospital for incurables; before long he was put in charge because of his ability and zeal for virtue. He brought to the sick every imaginable kind of spiritual and bodily aid.
At the age of thirty-two he began studying for Holy Orders and was not ashamed of being numbered with children. After ordination to the holy priesthood he founded a congregation of Regular Clerics, the "Ministers to the Sick." As a fourth vow the community assumed the duty of caring for the plague-ridden at the risk of their lives. With invincible patience Camillus persevered day and night in the service of the sick, performing the meanest of duties. His love shone forth most brightly when the city of Rome was stricken by epidemic and famine, and when the plague raged at Nola. Having suffered five different maladies, which he called God's mercy, he died in Rome at the age of sixty-five. On his lips was the prayer for the dying: "May the face of Christ Jesus shine gloriously upon you." Leo XIII declared him the heavenly patron of hospitals and added his name in the litany for the dying.
Excerpted from The Church's Year of Grace, Pius Parsch
Patron: Bodily ills; hospitals; hospital workers; illness; nurses; sick people; sickness.
Symbols: red cross.
Often Portrayed As: Man with Guardian Angel
Views: 304
Thank you Dawn Marie for posting this history of St. Camillus de Lellis . I must say I really did not know about this Saint until I joined this group. I am so blessed. I call on St. Camilus de Lellis all the time now. St. Camillus de Lellis , pray for us.
St. Camillus, pray for us .....and intercede on behalf of all my sick family and friends......Amen.
St. Camillus, pray for us....Amen.
May the face of Christ Jesus shine gloriously upon you................Amen.
St Camillus, Patron of:- Bodily ills; hospitals; hospital workers; illness; nurses; sick people and sickness.....pray for all those listed.....Amen.
St. Camillus, pray for us and for all those listed and recommended to thy care............Amen.
Sorry about the "stock photo" but this was the best photo I could find of St. Camillus's statue in St. Peter's.
St Camilo de Lelia Pray for us. Amen.
How amazing he is!
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