SUNDAY'S QUESTION:  This question is about Saint Silverius.  One unusual thing about Saint Silverius is that he was just a _________ when he was chosen to be the pope.


LAST SUNDAY'S ANSWER: The last question was a true or false about St. Alexius (Alexis).  It was false.  St. Alexis did live as a poor beggar, but he was not recognized by his parents and all who knew him.





To get this started, here are the initial rules/guidelines for this activity.  A trivia question will be posted 3 times a week.  Each participant will get one point for each correct answer.   The participant with the most points will win that week.  In the event of a tie, a drawing will be held to determine the winner.   We ask that the losers pray 1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys for the winner. 

Any clarifications or additional rules will be posted soon  with the first question.   May God bless all who participate and may this thread lead to an increase in knowledge of and devotion to the many wonderful saints of our Catholic Faith.


Please check your pages for the information I post to help you answer the questions. The paragraph(s) with the answer(s) will be bold and/or italic. If you still can't figure it out, or can but need help to understand it, either find me in chat or post a message here in trivia. I want you to know/understand the information about the current saint before going on to the next.


Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.

Saint Dominic, pray for us.

Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

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The Scourging at the Pillar and the Carrying of the Cross are two of the

sorrowful mysteries.

good job joesph



our father

good job joy

Here for you to just read is  easier to understand informaton about Our Lady of the Rosary.

Feast Day: October 7

It was St. Dominic who began encouraging people to say the Holy Rosary around the year 1190.

St. Dominic was very saddened and felt great pity for the group of people who went about spreading a terrible heresy (untruth) called Albigensianism.

With the priests of his new Order of Preachers (the Dominicans), he did his best to destroy this dangerous heresy as it was doing great harm.

He begged the Blessed Virgin for help, and she told him to preach devotion to the Holy Rosary.

St. Dominic obeyed and the Dominicans conquered that dangerous heresy with prayer, especially by praying the Holy Rosary. Dominic also encouraged people to be humble and to make sacrifices.

The Holy Rosary is a simple devotion which can be said by all people-old and young, learned or unlearned. It can be said anywhere, at any time.

While we say the Our Father, ten Hail Marys and Glory to the Father, we think about great moments in the lives of Jesus and Mary.

In this way, we grow closer and closer to Jesus and his Blessed Mother. We learn to imitate their holy lives.

Mary is very pleased when we say the Holy Rosary often and well. She used to say it with St. Bernadette when she appeared to her at Lourdes. The three little children of Fatima also learned from Mary the power of the Rosary.

Mary taught them that the Rosary obtains graces and saves sinners from hell.

This feast is celebrated to show our gratitude to Mary for a military victory over the Turks at Lepanto on October 7, 1571.

The last question was about Our Lady of the Rosary.  The Scourging at the Pillar and the Carrying of the Cross are two of the sorrowful mysteries. The prayer that our Saviour taught the Apostles is the Our Father.

Today's question is about Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Her feast day is December 12.  Even though it was winter, Juan Deigo found roses where Our Lady had told him they would be.  He took them to the bishop.  Juan was surprised to see a life-size picture of Our  Lady on his tilma (cloak).  This was the sign the bishop had asked for, and he did what Mary wanted.  A great church, called a _______, was built where she had appeared to Juan. 



 This was the sign the bishop had asked for, and he did what Mary wanted. A great church, called a basilica , was built where she had appeared to Juan.

The last question was about Our Lady of Guadalupe.  This was the sign the bishop had asked for, and he did what Mary wanted. A great church, called a basilica , was built where she had appeared to Juan.

Today's multiple choice question is about December 8, the Feast of Our Lady's Immaculate Conception.   This feast teaches us that, unlike us,  Mary was made/born without  a.) actual sin    b.) original sin   c.) mortal sin.

Congratulations to Hailey, the winner of last weeks trivia contest. Let's all pray 1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys for her.  I have decided to occasionally add an honorable mention. This week we give an honorable mention to Gabriel. Let us also offer the prayers for him.

The last question was about the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.  This feast teaches us that, unlike us, Mary was made/born without  b.) original sin.

Check your pages for a surprise.  It is a new way for me to present the information to help you answer the questions, and will be used often.

Today's question is about St. Gregory the Great, a pope,  feast day March 12,  patron of the Latin Mass Chaplaincy in my state.    The Office mentioned is the set of prayers prayed when one reads the Breviary I mentioned recently.  Doctor does not mean a physician who helps you stay healthy.  It is from the latin word for teach and means a great teacher of the Faith.  St. Gregory built a monastery in his own ____ in Rome.   Here is the bonus question.   He is the patron saint of _____.


The last question was about St. Gregory the Great.  He built a monastery in his own home in Rome.  He is the patron saint of teachers.

Today's question is about St. Thomas Aquinas.  His feast day is March 7.  He studied under, so had lessons from, another saint, St. _____ the ______.

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