SUNDAY'S QUESTION:  This question is about Saint Silverius.  One unusual thing about Saint Silverius is that he was just a _________ when he was chosen to be the pope.


LAST SUNDAY'S ANSWER: The last question was a true or false about St. Alexius (Alexis).  It was false.  St. Alexis did live as a poor beggar, but he was not recognized by his parents and all who knew him.





To get this started, here are the initial rules/guidelines for this activity.  A trivia question will be posted 3 times a week.  Each participant will get one point for each correct answer.   The participant with the most points will win that week.  In the event of a tie, a drawing will be held to determine the winner.   We ask that the losers pray 1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys for the winner. 

Any clarifications or additional rules will be posted soon  with the first question.   May God bless all who participate and may this thread lead to an increase in knowledge of and devotion to the many wonderful saints of our Catholic Faith.


Please check your pages for the information I post to help you answer the questions. The paragraph(s) with the answer(s) will be bold and/or italic. If you still can't figure it out, or can but need help to understand it, either find me in chat or post a message here in trivia. I want you to know/understand the information about the current saint before going on to the next.


Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.

Saint Dominic, pray for us.

Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

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To get this started, here are the initial rules/guidelines for this activity.  A trivia question will be posted 3 times a week.  Each participant will get one point for each correct answer.   The participant with the most points will win that week.  In the event of a tie, a drawing will be held to determine the winner.   We ask that the losers pray 1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys for the winner. 

Any clarifications or additional rules will be posted soon  with the first question.   May God bless all who participate and may this thread lead to an increase in knowledge of and devotion to the many wonderful saints of Our Catholic Faith.

Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.

Saint Dominic, pray for us.

i want to sign up to play this game

i want to play this game


It is great to see the children signing up to participate.   

We will have some variety in how we do this too.  Some times I will give clues and the children will have to say which saint I have chosen.  Other times, I will say which saint and ask a question about him.   Some questions will be multiple choice.  Others will be fill in the blank or true or false.    If it is false, you will rewrite the sentence to make it true.

Tomorrow I will post the first question.  If they have time and want to, the children can do research to find the answer.  They will  just need to post their answer before I ask the next question on Wednesday night.  They should answer that question before I post a new one Friday night.  Let's try that for awhile and then make any adjustments to be more fair, accomodate the children's schedule, etc.

May God bless us all.

Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.

Saint Dominic, pray for us.

Saint John Bosco, pray for us.


 Before posting the next question, I will give the answer to the last one.  So Wednesday night I will post the answers to today's questions and post the next one.

Today's question is about  Saint Bernadette Soubirous and it is a fill in the blank.  At _______ she had asked the lady appearing to her to identify herself.  In reply,on March 25, 1858,  Our Lady said, "I am the _______  _______."

I have decided to add an extra point question today.   What our Lady called herself had been defined by the Church a few years earlier on December 8, 1854.  Here is a multiple choice question.  The pope who defined this title/dogma was

             a. Pope St. Pius X             b. Pope Leo XIII      or      c.  Blessed Pope Pius IX



lourds france

immaculate conceppion

pope pius IX

France,I am the immaculate conception,

C.Blessed Pope Pius IX

I'm marking Gabes answers for him

1. France

2. I am the Immaculate Conception

3. A) Pope Pius the X

Here are the answers to the last question.  At Lourdes, France St. Bernadette had asked the lady appearing to her to identify herself. In reply,on March 25, 1858, Our Lady said, "I am the Immaculate  Conception".  The pope who defined this title/dogma was Blessed Pope Pius IX.

Let's see if you know who this saint is.  He has the same name as one of the children participating in this trivia, and his feast day is August 4.  With six  friends,  he began the Order of Preaching Friars. In 1208, while he was praying for the Mother of God's help, she appeared to him and gave him the Rosary.    He is Saint ________.

st.dominic of  the rosary


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