In Reparation for the Reformation and destruction of Christendom.

The Litany to the Forty English and Welsh Martyrs

To Obtain a Wide and Generous Availability of the Immemorial Roman Mass;
In Reparation for the Reformation;
For the Private Intentions of Pilgrims and their Friends and Families.
For Holy Souls.

For the conversion of priests
That my husband is able to provide good apprenticeships for our sons.
For the safety of Resistance Priests & Bishops

In reparation for Novus Ordo Masses

For Private Use Only
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ hear us.
Christ graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Our Lady of the Precious Blood, pray for us.
Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs, pray for us.
Saint John Haughton, intercede for us.
Saint Robert Lawrence, intercede for us.
Saint Augustine Webster, intercede for us.
Saint Richard Reynolds, intercede for us.
Saint John Stone, intercede for us.
Saint Cuthbert Mayne, intercede for us.
Saint Edmund Campion, intercede for us.
Saint Ralph Sherwin, intercede for us.
Saint Alexander Briant, intercede for us.
Saint John Payne, intercede for us.
Saint Luke Kirby, intercede for us.
Saint Richard Gwyn, intercede for us.
Saint Margaret Clitherow, intercede for us.
Saint Margaret Ward, intercede for us.
Saint Edmund Gennings, intercede for us.
Saint Swithun Wells, intercede for us.
Saint Eustace White, intercede for us.
Saint Polydore Plasden, intercede for us.
Saint John Boste, intercede for us.
Saint Robert Southwell, intercede for us.
Saint Henry Walpole, intercede for us.
Saint Philip Howard, intercede for us.
Saint John Jones, intercede for us.
Saint John Rigby, intercede for us.
Saint Anne Line, intercede for us.
Saint Nicholas Owen, intercede for us.
Saint Thomas Garnet, intercede for us.
Saint John Roberts, intercede for us.
Saint John Almond, intercede for us.
Saint Edmund Arrowsmith, intercede for us.
Saint Ambrose Bartlow, intercede for us.
Saint Alban Roe, intercede for us.
Saint Henry Morse, intercede for us.
Saint John Southworth, intercede for us.
Saint John Plessington, intercede for us.
Saint Philip Evans, intercede for us.
Saint John Lloyd, intercede for us.
Saint John Wall, intercede for us.
Saint John Kemble, intercede for us.
Saint David Lewis, intercede for us.
V. I shall go unto the altar of God.
R. Unto God. Who giveth joy to my youth.
Let us Pray.
O God, in Whom there is no change or shadow of alteration, Thou didst give courage to Thy holy Martyrs through the unfathomable graces of the immemorial Mass. Grant unto us. we beg Thee, through their intercession, the restoration of this sacred rite of Mass, that we may rejoice in the consolation of its graces and be strengthened to serve Thee in imitation of the courage and fidelity of these holy Martyrs. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who being God, liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, for ever and ever. Amen.

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Venerable Ralph Milner

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Layman and martyr, born at Flacsted, Hants, England, early in the sixteenth century; suffered at Winchester, 7 July, 1591. The greater part of his life was probably passed in his native village, where, being practically illiterate, he supported his wife and eight children by manual labour. he was brought up an Anglican, but, struck by the contrast between the lives of Catholics and Protestants of his acquaintance, he determined to embrace the old religion, and, after the usual course of instruction, was received into the Church. On the very day of his first Communion, however, he was arrested for changing his religion and committed to Winchester jail. Here his good behaviour during the years of his imprisonment won him the jailer's confidence to such a degree that he was frequently allowed out on parole, and was even trusted with the keys of the prison. This leniency enabled him to render valuable service to the other Catholic prisoners and to introduce priests to administer the sacraments. Soon, extending the sphere of his charitable activity, he acted as escort first to Father Thomas Stanney, and later to his successor at Winchester, Father Roger Dicconson, conducting them to the different villages to minister to the spiritual needs of the scattered and persecuted flock. Finally seized with Father Dicconson, Milner was with him placed under close confinement in Winchester jail pending the approaching sessions. Probably moved with compassion for the aged man, the judge urged Milner to attend even once the Protestant church and thus escape the gallows. The latter refused, however, "to embrace a counsel so disagreeable to the maxims of the Gospel," and began immediately to prepare for death. Every effort was made to persuade him to change his purpose and renounce the Faith, and, when he was approaching the gallows with Father Dicconson, his children were conducted to him in the hope that he might even then relent. Unshaken in his resolution, Milner gave his children his last blessing, declared that "he could wish them no greater happiness than to die for the like cause," and then met his death with the utmost courage and calm.

Kate Jackson said:

My husband found a map of several hundred Reformation Martyrs - I thought it might be of interest:






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