Photo ~ Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow is making American secularists uncomfortable with his display of faith. AP
Secular Progressives Mock QB Tim Tebow—And Us
Some 45 million people watched Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow complete that 80-yard touchdown pass play to Demaryius Thomas on the first play from scrimmage in overtime to lead his team over the Pittsburgh Steelers in Sunday's wild card playoff game.
They also saw him take a knee and give thanks to the God he believes in, an act that's been dubbed "Tebow-ing."
The act has been mocked by comedians and pundits and derided by the secularists among us, those who've banned prayer from the public schools, and fought Christmas displays on public property, the words "One Nation Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and even the words "In God We Trust" on our coins.
The fact that Tebow had 316 yards passing and averaged 31.6 yards per pass in the game didn't escape notice.
Tebow wore "John 3:16" on his eye black in the 2009 BCS Championship game, a Bible passage often seen on signs held at sporting events at every level.
Read full article at Investors Business Daily.
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I agree Adrienne, but Christ even in this dose(small though it may be) is infuriating the evil one and his cohorts/instruments.
Likewise I pray Tebows good intentions lead him to the Ultimate Truth for his salvation which can only be found in the Arc of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Excellent post!
You are correct John Mary, Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus!!
"People often say: 'it is better to be a good Protestant than a bad Catholic.' That is not true. That would mean, at bottom, that one could be saved without the true faith. No! A bad Catholic remains a child of the family, although a prodigal, and however great a sinner he may be, he still has the right to mercy. Through his faith, a bad Catholic is nearer to God than a Protestant is, for he is a member of the household, whereas the heretic is not. And how hard it is to make him become one!"-Saint Peter Julian Eymard
Nothing More Glorious Than Belonging to the Church
"For nothing more glorious, nothing nobler, nothing surely more honorable can be imagined than to belong to the One, Holy Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church, in which we become members of one Body as venerable as it is unique; are guided by one supreme Head; are filled with one divine Spirit; are nourished during our earthly exile by one doctrine and one heavenly Bread, until at last we enter into the one, unending blessedness of heaven." (Pope Pius XII, "Mystici Corporis Christi", 1943)
The Catholic Church is Key to Happy Life
"The Catholic Church is the key to a happy life. Those who follow her precepts are deeply happy and fulfilled, those who don't suffer many avoidable tragedies. Society is proof!" (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the history of the Church")
No Greater Gift Than the Catholic Faith
"No gift of God either to individuals or to nations is greater than to receive by His grace the Catholic faith, and having received it, to keep it with perseverance. This gift contains an abundance of other gifts by means of which individual persons receive both eternal happiness in heaven and greatness and prosperity for their state on earth." (Pope Leo XIII, "Quod Multum", 1886)
Outside the Church is Night
"One thing in this world is different from all other. It has a personality and a force. It is recognized, and (when recognized) most violently loved or hated. It is the Catholic Church. Within that household the human spirit has roof and hearth. Outside it, is the Night." (Belloc)
No Salvation Outside the Church
"We know that salvation belongs to the Church alone, and that no one can partake of Christ nor be saved outside the Catholic Church and the Catholic Faith." (St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church)
"A man cannot have salvation, except in the Catholic Church. Outside the Catholic Church he can have everything except salvation. He can have honor, he can have Sacraments, he can sing alleluia, he can answer amen, he can posses the gospel, he can have and preach faith in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; but never except in the Catholic Church will he be able to find salvation." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church, c. 418 A.D.)
"If anyone is outside the Ark of Noe he will perish in the over-whelming flood." (St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church)
In the end, let us pray for the conversion of this man as well as those who are outside the true faith. Let us always remember that we as Catholics are called to treat those outside the Church with Charity and seek for their Salvation. Let us remember the words of Pope Pius IX and I quote:
"God forbid that the children of the Catholic Church should even in any way be unfriendly to those who are not at all united to us by the same bonds of faith and love. On the contrary, let them be eager always to attend to their needs with all the kind services of Christian charity, whether they are poor or sick or suffering any other kind of visitation. First of all, let them rescue them from the darkness of the errors into which they have unhappily fallen and strive to guide them back to Catholic truth and to their most loving Mother who is ever holding out her maternal arms to receive them lovingly back into her fold. Thus, firmly founded in faith, hope, and charity and fruitful in every good work, they will gain eternal salvation." (Pope Pius IX, "Quanto Conficiamur Moerore", 1863 A.D.)
To be very honest I don't care one way or another about TT. But still I have to think how low we have sunk as a society that this man is persecuted not for what I would classify as "his religion" per se but because he chooses to give public acknowledgement and give public thanks to Jesus Christ.
Whether he is a prot or any other denomination to me is irrelevant because his prot beliefs aren't the problem with all the secularists and modernists....what they have a problem with is TT acknowledgment of Jesus Christ.
If Tebow or any one else was acknowledging allah or buddah or their gay lover or satan for that matter I'm willing to go out on a limb and say no one would say a peep. He'd be applauded no doubt.
As I see it the firestorm over this man has come as a direct result of WHO he is giving thanks and acknowledgment to not necessarily his religious beliefs strictly speaking.
Does that make sense? Maybe I'm wrong but that is how I see this situation with TT.
Well-said, DM and John-mary. Because his team was in the play-offs (for awhile anyway) there were more articles in the secular media recently about Tebow, and some of them were very vile and mean-spirited. I hope that he is given the grace to find the True Faith through his brave actions by publicly acknowledging Our Lord and trying to live a good chaste life. TT has been mocked for saying that he is a virgin and saving himself for a sport where most of them seem to be running around with women, married or no, with no one raising a peep that such promiscuity is wrong. Some of the mean-spirited and utterly vile attacks are appalling to me. I know our society has sunk to new lows, but they still make me appalled and sad. (just like I can't bear hearing blasphemies.....hence the January act of reparation...with more to come).
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