This is the sermon for this Sunday following the ejection of Sr Mary Elizabeth SSPX - U.K.

I spoke to Sister Mary Elizabeth about this statement and I have to correct some facts. Although she has been thinking for some time about her position in the SSPX, she decided to hand in her resignation on the 25th March and gave a copy to Fr Bouchacourt after her interview. She was not expelled but asked to leave very abruptly.  My apologies.

The Headmistress of St Michael's primary school U.K. has been given 36 hrs to leave and the money for a hotel because she would not take part in diocesan activities (coastal rosary and Bp Philip Egan's visit.)  The community of nuns at St Michael's are being dispersed.  This is the sermon prepared for  Sunday:

Please pray for the nuns.

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This link takes me to a stupid animated cartoon excerpt. Not sure what happened. Tried it several times.

David Kaftal said:

This link takes me to a stupid animated cartoon excerpt. Not sure what happened. Tried it several times.

I believe Kate is being sarcastic.

Ahhhh. I see. 

Dear Parents,
Fr. Robert Brucciani has asked me to announce the news of Sr. Mary Elizabeth’s decision to leave the Society of St. Pius X. Sister will leave in the next few days and move on to a place which she has not disclosed.
Her decision dates from several months ago but we have only known about it very recently. Superiors have not been successful in guiding her to a change of mind.

The General House has also received requests from the other Sisters for new placements. In view of the difficulties they have experienced for some time now, they are in need of rest and discernment. The Sisters will, therefore, depart from St. Michael’s after Easter and take up residence abroad in different houses of the Society.
I cannot hide that the loss of the Sisters’ community comes as a tremendous blow. It reminds us that the crisis in the Church is still very much alive. Such events can even test our Faith. We must not, however, lose our trust in Divine Providence.
The Junior School staff have convened and for the remainder of this term and for next term, junior classes will be organised as follows: Mrs Joyce will take responsibility for Year 1. Miss Dunn will teach Years 2 and 3. Mr Hooley will teach Years 4, 5 and 6. Several pupils presently in Year 3 will pass to Year 4 after consultation with parents.
This redistribution of classes allows for classes to continue with minimal disruption. I am very grateful to the Junior staff for their readiness to give their all for the good of the children.

The school will seek to employ a new deputy-head of the Junior School in readiness for the new school year. It is too early to know if we will receive a new community of nuns. For this we can only pray.
In the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Rev. Fr. John Brucciani
St. Michael's School
Burghclere, Hampshire RG20 9JW

From the press release (excuse me, "Letter to Parents"), you'd never know they were being kicked out. Talk about spin!

Yeah um no.  That's the same kind of thinking that has kept this nightmare rolling along like a freight train.  This is not an argument within a family this is a fight for the faith that will affect all souls now and those not even born yet.  Best to let it be in the open so that all may be able to decipher the situation rather than being kept in the dark.  I understand what Sister is saying but that is the same thing Bp. Fellay said to me and it is as wrong as two left feet....I say that with all love no sarcasm nor rudeness intended.  There is a time and a purpose for everything under Heaven; being quiet and being vocal and experience in this has taught me that being vocal in this situation is the proper way for all souls which are being affected.  We can not just think of our own because it is not just hurting us its hurting everyone.

I'm sorry I must desist from further comment. Sr Mary Elizabeth explained it like this to me - if there is a family argument it should be kept within the family and then you choose who you trust to tell, in order to preserve the family name.

Yours in Christ...

David Kaftal said:

From the press release (excuse me, "Letter to Parents"), you'd never know they were being kicked out. Talk about spin!

These quotes came to mind when I read Fr. B's "explanation" of the situation.  These sisters are not the first victims of the SSPX losing the faith, far from it, nor will they be the last, they are simply just more souls to add to the growing list of casualties of the former SSPX who once fought for the faith.  Now they fight against it.  Kyrie Eleison.

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