“Pious” Dreams – II ~ His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson

Eleison Comments by His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson

“Pious” Dreams – II

Politics cannot solve the Church’s woes.
The Faith alone can beat her worldly foes.

If there is one thing certain about Catholic Tradition and the Second Vatican Council, it is that they are irreconcilable. It is tempting to think that they can be reconciled, because of course the letter of the 16 documents of the Council does include a number of Catholic truths. But the spirit of the Council is driving towards a new religion centred on man, and as the spirit inspired the letter of the documents, so even the Catholic truths which they include are harnessed to the Conciliar “renewal” and are made part of it. Indeed, Catholic Truths (and Hierarchy) have been used by the Modernists as carriers for their liberal poison, as a Trojan horse for their heresies. Therefore even Catholic truths are poisoned in the Conciliar documents. Thus in 1990 Archbishop Lefebvre saw and said that Vatican II is 100% infected by subjectivism, whereas in 2001 Bishop Fellay said that the documents of Vatican II are 95% acceptable.

It is indeed tempting to pretend that Catholic Tradition and Vatican II are reconcilable. In this way I need no longer be torn apart by trying to follow both Catholic Authority and Catholic Truth at the same time, because ever since that Council, as the Archbishop said, Catholics have been forced either to obey the Conciliar Popes and depart from Catholic Tradition, or to cleave to Tradition and “disobey” these Popes. Hence the temptation to pretend by one means or another that Tradition and the Council are reconcilable. But the fact that they are irreconcilable is the most important reality now governing the life of the Church, and so it will continue to be until Church Authority comes back to the Catholic Truth of all time.

In the meantime however, the present Superior General of the Archbishop’s Society, Bishop Fellay, is adamant that Catholic Tradition and the Conciliar Romans can be reconciled with one another, and ever since he approved of GREC in the 1990’s, he has been striving to bring them together. His problem is that he does not understand how modernism maintains Catholic appearances for them to act like a Trojan horse to deceive Catholic souls, while there is no true Catholic horse beneath what appears to be one. But Bishop Fellay believes that the false horse has all the makings of a true horse so that, with the tender loving care of the Society, it will become once again a Catholic horse. All too many Traditionalists have allowed themselves to believe in this mistaken policy and to follow his lead towards the Conciliar Romans, but the Romans for their part have not been deceived. They have played along with his policy by making apparent concessions to the Society and to Tradition (e.g. authorizations to confess, ordain, and marry), and by repeatedly pretending to him that he is on the brink of obtaining canonical recognition for the Society, so that for instance “only the final stamp is missing from the agreement.” But unlike him they have it clear in their minds that Catholic Tradition is irreconcilable with their Council, and so every time they have led him to the brink, they have insisted on the Society submitting to their Council.

However, with each “concession” that Bishop Fellay has accepted for the Society, the Romans have lured him further into their trap, and it has become harder for him to turn back. With each “concession” the agreement with Rome has become more and more of a practical reality, with or without the “final stamp.” By holding it back the Romans, by Bishop Fellay’s own fault, can play him like a fisherman plays a fish – how can he now unravel the “concessions” granted, and admit that his policy of 20 years has been a mistake? Yet his policy was wrong from the start. Lacking the Archbishop’s faith, he misconceived the Church’s problem and the Society’s “problem,” and trusted in human politics to solve them both. But of course the Romans with 2,000 y ears’ experience have been the more skilful politicians – “Your Excellency, enough of these games. For years we have made all the concessions, you have made none” (a big lie, since to accept Conciliar “concessions” is itself a concession to Rome). “Before July you accept the Council, or we excommunicate you, and show you up to the world as a failure. Choose!”

That is no doubt a crude version of how the cunning Romans can put pressure upon the Superior General, but it is he that should never have gone begging to Truthless Authority. In the case of the Catholic Church, Truthless Authority is in fact toothless Authority.

Kyrie eleison.

“Pious” Dreams – II ~ His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson

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One would think that after all this time the truth would be more apparent, and the Archbishop's position vindicated. And now with the Destroyer occupying St. Peter's chair it should be even more apparent. Instead, the Society has become blind. It's hard to believe, especially with the example of what happened to the entire Church for the Society to take into consideration. But then the whole "French Revolution in the Church" is mind-boggling. 

The new rector in Econe was against the new setup by Rome of having a novus ordo priest reside at SSPX marriages in order for them to be considered valid.  It didn't take long for him to relinquish that opinion and instead turn in favor of it.

Once you make the first compromise on your principles the fortress within your soul is breached and it takes little extra effort on Satan's part to conquer it completely.

The SSPX has been led into compromising the Truth by Bp. Fellay and company and they allowed themselves to be deceived by him, so there is little else by way of defense that they have to defend themselves now against anything he puts in front of them, including the full acceptance of VatII. 

They have disintegrated as defenders of Tradition like a sandcastle is washed away by the tide.

While BPF was unable to convince the General Chapter in 2006 and 2012 to sign away their souls to Rome by accepting VatII completely (and thereby acquiring a position "in" the church), I have little doubt at this point that they will put up much resistance to it this July at the next General Chapter.  They have compromised to much for too long; there is nothing left within them to resist with, short of an outright miracle on the part of Heaven.

I'm sorry but I have to say it, they told Mary no and have become completely blind ever since, walking headlong off the cliff but believing they are walking on a road to safety.

“Your Excellency, enough of these games. For years we have made all the concessions, you have made none” (a big lie, since to accept Conciliar “concessions” is itself a concession to Rome). “Before July you accept the Council, or we excommunicate you, and show you up to the world as a failure. Choose!”

This is the game from the beginning.  Incrementalism is their method, capitulation their goal.  Currently, the pope has informed a homosexual that God loves him the way he is, as in acceptance of his lifestyle.  The leadership of the SSPX says nothing.  The German Bishops openly propose gay nuptials through a "blessing", the SSPX leadership says nothing.  Rome has made zero concessions.  Only the appearance of them.  They say confessions are now valid, or weddings witnessed by a Novey Ordey priest is now valid.  These are their concessions? 

Members of the Curia hosts cocaine fueled gay hook up parties at the Vatican and Francis does nothing, says nothing.  These scandals are disgusting.  Yet, no movement or change.  It seems to me that the SSPX leadership see this as a political struggle, as Rome, sees it as a political struggle.  It has always been a spiritual war.  Full adherence to the Church as it always was before the internal and external revolutions of the modernists, was and is the solution.  As the saintly Archbishop said,

So what has changed? 

Wow, well said Michael, well said. 

Will pray! God bless you
My friend speaks of this 5 hrs day. How do I speak truth ? And we must be calm. God bless all.

Hello Dawn,

What is the source for suggesting Abbe de Journa now accepts marriage via the local bishop?

In Christ

Kate Jackson

Dawn Marie said:

The new rector in Econe was against the new setup by Rome of having a novus ordo priest reside at SSPX marriages in order for them to be considered valid.  It didn't take long for him to relinquish that opinion and instead turn in favor of it.

Once you make the first compromise on your principles the fortress within your soul is breached and it takes little extra effort on Satan's part to conquer it completely.

The SSPX has been led into compromising the Truth by Bp. Fellay and company and they allowed themselves to be deceived by him, so there is little else by way of defense that they have to defend themselves now against anything he puts in front of them, including the full acceptance of VatII. 

They have disintegrated as defenders of Tradition like a sandcastle is washed away by the tide.

While BPF was unable to convince the General Chapter in 2006 and 2012 to sign away their souls to Rome by accepting VatII completely (and thereby acquiring a position "in" the church), I have little doubt at this point that they will put up much resistance to it this July at the next General Chapter.  They have compromised to much for too long; there is nothing left within them to resist with, short of an outright miracle on the part of Heaven.

I'm sorry but I have to say it, they told Mary no and have become completely blind ever since, walking headlong off the cliff but believing they are walking on a road to safety.

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