Traditional Catholics must be broad of mind –
Not only faithlessness they left behind.
In the United Sates last year there arose a serious controversy as to whether God can work miracles within the framework of the Novus Ordo Mass. Now if God does work supernatural miracles, it is obviously for them to be believed in, so that they will strengthen people’s supernatural faith. And if he wants something outside of the natural order to be believed in, he is obviously going to provide enough evidence, like Lazarus walking out of his tomb in front of a large crowd of bystanders. And in this respect the most convincing evidence is of a material and physical sort, such as can in no way be the product of any human mind (however pious), like the fireworks of the sun in Fatima in October, 1917. Then what is the material and physical evidence of a eucharistic miracle having taken place in any Novus Ordo Mass?
One such miracle is alleged to have taken place in the parish church of Sokulka, Eastern Poland. On October 12, 2008, a priest, ordained five years ago by a Polish bishop consecrated in 1980, dropped a Sacred Host on the altar step while distributing Holy Communion. He stopped to pick it up and placed it in the small vessel containing water next to the Tabernacle. After Mass it was locked inside the sacristy safe for the Host to dissolve in the water, so that the Real Presence would no longer be there and the water could be safely discarded. This procedure is altogether normal for such accidents in the Catholic liturgy.
But when on October 19 a parish Sister went to check on the dissolving Host, she saw in its centre some matter intensely red in colour, like a blood clot. She immediately informed the parish priest who came with other priests to observe what looked like a piece of living flesh. All observers were amazed. Next came the local Archbishop, of Bialystok, with several diocesan officials. All of them were deeply moved. By the Archbishop’s instructions, on October 30 the Host was removed from the water, transferred onto a small corporal and placed in the Tabernacle to dry out. To this day it retains the form of a blood clot.
On January 7, 2009, a sample from the Host was taken to be examined by two pathomorphologists, separately, at the nearby Medical University of Bialystok. Their unanimous judgment, but independent of one another, was that “of all the tissues of living organisms, the sample most resembles human myocardial tissue,” from the left ventricle of the heart, typical for a living person in a state of agony. Furthermore both pathologists found, presumably under their microscopes, that the fibres of the myocardial tissue and the structure of the bread were so tightly bonded together that any possibility of a human fabrication was ruled out. On January 29 this material and physical evidence was presented to the Metropolitan Curia in Bialystok, where the Church’s official judgment upon the supernatural origin of the occurrence is patiently awaited. In that wait, said the Archbishop in a sermon of October, 2009, decisive will be the spiritual fruits among Catholics. Already there has been a significant rise in the piety and religious practice of local Catholics, and from abroad there have been hundreds of pilgrimages, with numerous miracles of healing and conversion also taking place.
If the material evidence is to be believed, then in Sokulka God worked one more in a long series down the ages of eucharistic miracles to help souls to believe in something normally difficult enough to believe in, namely that he is Really Present beneath the appearances, once consecrated, of bread and wine. But how is that possible when Traditional Catholics know that the New Mass is the single major cause of the Church’s destruction by loss of faith since Vatican II? An answer may be that the Sacred Heart, knowing that the shepherds were mainly responsible for the ambiguous NOM, refused to abandon his sheep, and continues to feed them with what is still Catholic amidst the ambiguity. And amidst all the Newchurch’s relative carelessness in dealing with the Holy Eucharist, the Sokulka event is also a daunting reminder to shepherds and sheep alike – “Remember whom you are handling – it is I, your God!”
Kyrie eleison.
Views: 201
Did anyone else see this?
How about the devil making those miracles and it looks like it was from Jesus?!
Just saying..I do not believe they are true miracles.
How about the devil making those miracles and it looks like it was from Jesus?!
Just saying..I do not believe they are true miracles.
Agree David.
It is important to note that in many if not most of these NOM the Host is found to be bleeding and there are almost always some sort of Eucharist abuses happening there i.e. Communion in the hand, the Host being found on the floor etc.
It makes sense that Our Lord would allow such a miracle in order to awaken the parishioners to the fact the He is present in the consecrated Host.
It is my guess that these miracles are not happening where the priest does not say the words of consecration correctly, but more than likely it is happening in places where the priest is actually saying "For many" as opposed to "for all". It would be worth looking into to know for sure.
Katie the link doesn't work :(
Kate Jackson said:
Did anyone else see this?
Who knows God works in mysterious ways! :)
Dawn Marie said:
Agree David.
It is important to note that in many if not most of these NOM the Host is found to be bleeding and there are almost always some sort of Eucharist abuses happening there i.e. Communion in the hand, the Host being found on the floor etc.
It makes sense that Our Lord would allow such a miracle in order to awaken the parishioners to the fact the He is present in the consecrated Host.
It is my guess that these miracles are not happening where the priest does not say the words of consecration correctly, but more than likely it is happening in places where the priest is actually saying "For many" as opposed to "for all". It would be worth looking into to know for sure.
I'll try that link again:
The following is my summary of Fr Jacqmin's account, which can be found here in Flemish (Dutch), and here (click on "Dépliant") in French.
On 7 October 2015, Fr Jacqmin was given an antique monstrance, which for 23 years had been standing on top of a cabinet in the previous owner's house. The monstrance was smaller than usual, completely sealed, and made of tin, without the usual gold plating. For these reasons, it was not going to be useful as a monstrance. So Fr Jacqmin thought that maybe one day he may be able to use it to store relics, for which purpose it would have to be cut open first. But he never got around to doing that. So, he left the monstrance on the cabinet in his dining room, beside a few statues.
back of the monstrance
The monstrance contained what looked like a white host, set on a purple background. Fr Jacqmin was not sure whether the white host was a real host, consecrated or not, or whether it was simply a piece of paper in the shape of a host. At one point, he did take a high resolution photo of it and when he magnified it he thought he could discern the texture of bread. But the thought that it might be a consecrated host never crossed his mind.
Until 9 months later, on 7 July 2016, which was Fr Jacqmin's birthday, he had about 7 visitors. Since the monstrance was still on his cabinet, his visitors were able to see that the host shaped object was still completely white. After saying Mass, Fr Jacqmin left to take three of his visitors to the station to catch the 5:45 PM train. Upon his return, the owner [of the house] asked Fr Jacqmin what had happened to the host. Fr Jacqmin was then told that the host had started turning red. Upon further inspection, Fr Jacqmin himself saw the host turning red even more, which one of the other visitors confirmed to have seen as well.
Fr Jacqmin said he started thinking about what this could possibly mean. He observed a few coincidences that may or may not be relevant. The 7th of July was a Thursday, the same day on which Jesus did the first ever consecration, and the event happened about the same hour as well. It was also the first Thursday after the 1 July, feast of the Precious Blood, and in the month of the Precious Blood. Next to the monstrance he had a little statue with the inscription : "If you love me, follow me". Fr Jacqmin believes there's a strong symbolism there. He also noted that that day was exactly 9 months after he was given the monstrance, which is also the time that Jesus was hidden in the womb of his mother.
Next Fr Jacqmin reminds us of two relevant prohibitions in the Church. First, that a host is not allowed to be kept sealed for a long period of time, since it needs to be replaced regularly, in order to avoid decomposition. And this host (if it was a host that is) in his monstrance was indeed kept sealed, since the back of the monstrance was welded shut, and the front was covered with a fixed glass. And second, a sacrament or sacramental is not allowed to be sold. Both of these rules had obviously been ignored.
So, they went back to the person who gave the monstrance to Fr Jacqmin, and this person still remembered where he himself had obtained it 23 years ago. Next, they went to the antique dealer in Aalst (Belgium) where the monstrance was purchased 23 years ago. The antique dealer confirmed the monstrance was about 200 years old, which Fr Jacqmin figured meant that it would have been made during the time of the French Revolution. And this could explain why the monstrance was smaller than usual, and made of tin only, instead of gold plated, given that the Church in those day was very poor and persecuted.
Someone suggested to Fr Jacqmin that this phenomenon could have been caused by a mold, but Fr Jacqmin believes that theory does not fit with his own observations. Fr Jacqmin intends to simply keep observing what happens next, and may soon consider doing further tests to see whether the red substance is indeed blood or not.
When asked what could be the meaning of all this if proven a true miracle, Fr Jacqmin replied that first of all he thinks the message would simply confirm the true presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, which should encourage people to treat a valid host with respect.
Thanks Katie :)
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