The purpose of the Society of Saint Pius X is chiefly the formation of priests, the essential condition for the renewal of the Church, and for the restoration of society.
1. In the great and painful confusion that currently reigns in the Church, the proclamation of Catholic doctrine requires the denunciation of errors that have made their way into it and are unfortunately encouraged by a large number of pastors, including the Pope himself
2. The Society of Saint Pius X, in the present state of grave necessity which gives it the right and duty to administer spiritual aid to the souls that turn to it, does not seek primarily a canonical recognition, to which it has a right as a Catholic work. It has only one desire: faithfully to bring the light of the bi-millennial Tradition which shows the only route to follow in this age of darkness in which the cult of man replaces the worship of God, in society as in the Church.
3. The “restoration of all things in Christ” intended by Saint Pius X, following Saint Paul (cf. Ep.h 1:10), cannot happen without the support of a Pope who concretely favors the return to Sacred Tradition. While waiting for that blessed day, the Society of Saint Pius X intends to redouble its efforts to establish and to spread, with the means that Divine Providence gives to it, the social reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
4. The Society of Saint Pius X prays and does penance for the Pope, that he might have the strength to proclaim Catholic faith and morals in their entirety. In this way he will hasten the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary that we earnestly desire as we approach the centennial of the apparitions in Fatima.
+ Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X
Ecône, June 29, 2016
The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
Thoughts? To me, sounds a line in the sand has been drawn.
Views: 535
I do hope that Our Blessed Lady will support any rosary crusade that prays for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I keep thinking that we must obey the command to complete the First 5 Saturdays days in precise detail exactly like the Old Testament description of the capture of Jericho in the book of Joshua chpt 6...there was an exact order of the hierarchy of the people in procession, there was an exact number of times etc...I know that I have asked every SSPX bishop to regularly consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary regularly on First Saturdays (it is embarrassing now to think that I had no idea of how to address a bishop or any of the common courtesies or even the same language as Bp d G - but hey ho just keep grinning!)
- at least we can say that we have done our part to the best of our ability.
I am quite grateful for the chart on how to do the First 5 Saturdays properly because I am not sure that I have done it all exactly as requested!!
This is a google translate of the reasons for the Rosary Crusade from
Bishop Fellay announced a new Rosary Crusade
On the occasion of the priestly ordinations in Zaitzkofen (Germany) , July 2, 2016, Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, has announced the launch of a new Rosary Crusade, to spiritually prepare the centenary of the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima (May-October 1917).
This crusade will take place from 15 August 2016 to 22 August 2017.
It corresponds to the intentions stated by the Blessed Virgin herself: (I) Jesus wishes to establish in the worlddevotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary . To do all the faithful are invited to: 1) daily recite the rosary , alone or with family; 2) performing the devotion of the Communion of Reparation of the first five Saturdays of the month, and multiply sacrifices daily in a spirit of reparation for the outrages committed against Marie; 3) to personally carry the miraculous medal and broadcast around them; 4) to spend their homes to the Immaculate Heart of Mary .
Besides the spread of this devotion, we pray also (II) to hasten the triumph of the Immaculate Heart , and(III) that is completed by the Pope and all the bishops of the Catholic world the consecration of Russia to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Married.
And we add (IV) as a particular intention the protection of the Blessed Virgin of the Society of St. Pius Xand all its members, as well as religious communities of Tradition.
Bishop Bernard Fellay fixed as objective a bouquet of 12 million rosaries and 50 million sacrifices to Our Lady of Fatima.
Dawn Marie said:
I would join him in this crusade if he would just make it clear and say that this (consecration of Russia) is the answer to the crisis. If he would do that and then step away from seeking to come under the umbrella of Francis/new rome and wait upon the Lord I would stand with him in a New York minute, no questions asked, all forgiven all forgotten.
Maybe he yet will. May it please God.
My silly brain! I have posted a dici link that has already been posted here - sorry!
If you gave your child a car and your child was using the car to do things he shouldn't like hang out with bad friends or visiting bad places would you be pleased?
A person can abuse prayer or gifts God has given them. In the end it ends up not being pleasing at all but just the opposite.
Rorate Analysis: SSPX communiqué on relations with the Holy See
Does the communiqué of the Superior-general of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), released today, really mean the end of negotiations with the Holy See? Many commentators seem to think so, including respectable ones, such as Edward Pentin.
We are going to surprise you, but that is not at all what happened. The central part in the communiqué is this:
While waiting for that blessed day, the Society of Saint Pius X intends to redouble its efforts to establish and to spread, with the means that Divine Providence gives to it, the social reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
"...[W]ith the means that Divine Providence gives to it..." That is, the Society is ready to work (and it could not be different with any Catholic organization) with what is irresistible, the "means" given by "Divine Providence", even the most unexpected ones.
It is not a rejection or spurning of anything or anyone, but rather a realistic view of the current situation, a soothing message to concerned priests and faithful and a clear opening to whatever "means" are granted by Providence.
As all Catholics should know, Providence can bring about anything ...
Kate Jackson said:
I do hope that Our Blessed Lady will support any rosary crusade that prays for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Fr. Stehlein makes it clear, the crusade is so they can get back into Rome.
This same Rome that just condemned Cardinal Sarah...............
Posted by liturgy guy
Well that didn’t take long.
Like an imprudent Imperial officer questioning Darth Vader’s confidence in the Force, Cardinal Robert Sarah dared to address a central tenet of the erroneous Spirit of Vatican 2, and for his “lack of faith” in a post-conciliar liturgical innovation, he has been promptly given the Vader treatment…and in the Year of Mercy no less!
What was the great offense committed by this humble and soft spoken prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments? What was said to actually prompt a clarification from the Vatican?…yes, you read that correctly…an actual, honest to goodness, clarification from Rome!
Cardinal Sarah had the audacity, the absolute temerity, to suggest that his brother bishops consider returning to ad orientem Masses beginning this Advent. At their discretion. Only following proper catechesis. And in continuity with the liturgical tradition of the Catholic Church, east and west, for 1,900 years.
It wasn’t as if the Cardinal advocated giving holy communion to those living in adulterous relationships, where a valid sacramental marriage ended in divorce (no annulment) and yet a second, civil, marriage has been entered into.
It’s not like Cardinal Sarah authored an intentionally ambiguous exhortation which has resulted in entire bishops conferences offering conflicting interpretations of a magisterial document…when charity and justice would seem to demand an immediate clarification from Holy Mother Church.
No, all Cardinal Sarah did was suggest that all of us, priest and faithful together, turn toward the Lord, ad orientem, in those appropriate moments of the liturgy.
So, in the spirit of another Catholic blogger, here are ten things to know and share about Cardinal Sarah having his liturgical legs cut out from underneath him:
1. He gave his address a week ago at Sacra Liturgia UK.
2. The Catholic internet blew up over his suggestion for masses to be offered ad orientem beginning the First Sunday of Advent.
3. Aging hippies, Jesuits, and modernists (often one and the same) and readers of sites such as Pray Tell flipped out at the very thought that the Mass isn’t about them after all.
4. Cardinal Sarah met with Cardinal Vincent Nichols of Westminster, who proceeded to pull a Brutus to Sarah’s Caesar. Nichols promptly had a letter out to his priests advising them that they would most certainly not be turning eastward this Advent, as he apparently believes that worship of God cannot be sustained unless priest and faithful stare at each other unceasingly at Mass.
5. Cardinal Sarah returned to Rome on Saturday and, reportedly, was summoned to meet with the pope. One can only guess how this went. We can hope it was an opportunity for accompaniment…as opposed to some kind of sensitivity training…mandated (no doubt) for those still clinging to that whole “reform of the reform” business Benedict was so fond of.
6. By Monday, July 11, two more Jesuits had their crack at Sarah. First, Fr. Antonio Spadaro, papal adviser and editor of the influential Jesuit journal La Civiltà Cattolica, tweeted a series of excerpts from the GIRM (General Instruction of the Roman Missal), apparently seeking to discredit Cardinal Sarah. It didn’t. Then, outgoing Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi S.J. also misinterpreted the GIRM in a communique released on Monday, arguing incorrectly (like Cardinal Nichols) that a recommendation for a free standing altar in #299 means that versus populum is the liturgical norm for the Ordinary Form. This tired and erroneous reading has been refuted before.
7. By Monday afternoon America Magazine, Rocco Palma, and their readers were celebrating the public “schooling” given to a celebrated voice for orthodoxy.
I don’t really have an 8, 9, or 10. Besides, why does a “ten things to know and share” list actually need to have ten things? That just strikes me as rigid legalism.
What happens next? Who knows. Will Cardinal Sarah end up on a metaphorical Malta; banished to the Trad gulag for failure to embrace liturgical rupture over continuity? We pray that is not the case.
What has been made very clear (again) for anyone still in denial about it is this: the Spirit of Vatican 2 is alive and well. The reform of the reform, so much a part of the papacy of Pope Benedict XVI, is simply as optional as the Ordinary Form of the Mass is itself option filled.
Go back and read the top 5 Quotes from Cardinal Sarah’s address. There is nothing in his talk that is earth shattering, revolutionary, or inconsistent with the tradition of the Roman Rite. That he and his suggestion caused such a reaction only speaks to how severe the rupture truly is.
Lord have mercy.
I understand what you mean. But it gets so tiring to always to be having to do this, especially with those who are "supposed" to be on the Lord's side. The times we are living in are so diabolical that I doubt my own judgement. I lose precious adrenaline and peace when I court paranoia. But, actions always speak louder than words. I have to constantly remind myself of this.
A police officer told me once concerning on questioning someone about a crime:
"when their lips keep moving, they are guilty".
May God have mercy on us all.
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