The purpose of the Society of Saint Pius X is chiefly the formation of priests, the essential condition for the renewal of the Church, and for the restoration of society.
1. In the great and painful confusion that currently reigns in the Church, the proclamation of Catholic doctrine requires the denunciation of errors that have made their way into it and are unfortunately encouraged by a large number of pastors, including the Pope himself
2. The Society of Saint Pius X, in the present state of grave necessity which gives it the right and duty to administer spiritual aid to the souls that turn to it, does not seek primarily a canonical recognition, to which it has a right as a Catholic work. It has only one desire: faithfully to bring the light of the bi-millennial Tradition which shows the only route to follow in this age of darkness in which the cult of man replaces the worship of God, in society as in the Church.
3. The “restoration of all things in Christ” intended by Saint Pius X, following Saint Paul (cf. Ep.h 1:10), cannot happen without the support of a Pope who concretely favors the return to Sacred Tradition. While waiting for that blessed day, the Society of Saint Pius X intends to redouble its efforts to establish and to spread, with the means that Divine Providence gives to it, the social reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
4. The Society of Saint Pius X prays and does penance for the Pope, that he might have the strength to proclaim Catholic faith and morals in their entirety. In this way he will hasten the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary that we earnestly desire as we approach the centennial of the apparitions in Fatima.
+ Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X
Ecône, June 29, 2016
The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
Thoughts? To me, sounds a line in the sand has been drawn.
Views: 536
I can only hope that these profound words will be fulfilled. The society must continue the work of our holy founder,
Archbishop Lefebvre. I had a lot of doubt about the acceptance of a unilateral recognition, it was just too simple. It's a
long road up the hill to Calvary, but Our Blessed Lord is with us!
I no longer believe anything he says. He should do more and say less, start by apologizing to Bishop Williamson, when he does that then maybe I will start to add more than a grain of salt to his words. Short of that this statement has no meaning. If Francis offered him a deal today, a no strings deal, he would take it.
re-post---posters name unknown
"Exactly why and how Providence is at work but not in the way +Fellay thinks it is.
That's something I find so strange about the workings of some people's minds. The avid anti-Resistance crowd sit there accepting and parroting all manner of rationalizations from certain leadership about why we have to accept a practical accord, why it would be a good thing and why now is the best time, why Abp Lefevbre would have done it etc..., but then have an I-told-you-so attitude towards the Resistance when the SSPX leadership flips again and seems (on the surface anyway) like it won't make an accord.
Do they not realize that if the SSPX does not make a purely practical accord (at least, right this second), it is no thanks to them? Their attitude does not correspond with their actions at all. If they were logical, people like this should be unhappy by a seeming return to hardline principles because just yesterday they were convinced of the necessity of a practical accord. Or they ought at least to be confused about why an accord was so strongly sold to them in the first place. It makes no sense to be crowing to the Resistance as if they had anything to do with the victory. They are blindly following persons rather than principles.
And those crowing because they thought the SSPX leadership were never aiming to make a practical accord in the first place simply haven't been following or listening to the sermons and conferences of late. There's no cure for that either."
"In the sermon Bishop Fellay gave in front of 1700 people gathered in Zaitzkofen on the occasion of the priestly ordinations on July 2nd 2016, he spoke about the recent declaration which followed the meeting of superiors the week before. He stated that "the discussions with Rome about the recognition of the SSPX would continue." He also indicated that a new crusade was to be offered, fifty million penances accompanying the rosary as an offering to heaven, as we approach the centenary of Fatima. Further information will be given next week."…/ennemond-le-forum-catholi…
Priesterweihen in Zaitzkofen: ein erster Bericht - Distrikt Deutschland
Am heutigen Tag wurden im Internationalen Priesterseminar Herz-Jesu in Zaitzkofen bei Regensburg drei Diakone von Bischof Bernard Fellay zu…
It is OK by me if Bp. Fellay wants to talk to the Vatican, and the Vatican wants to talk to the Society. Talk is cheap. But ultimately, the time comes when the lack of substantial subject matter ceases and one has to walk away and wish the other party the best and get back to the business at hand, which is saving souls. Time is running out, I fear. The whole world groans with anticipation of what is coming. I think Bp. Fellay received an earful from his superiors and others, and perhaps he had his reality checked.... I hope.
Divine Providence....from The Catholic Dictionary by Donald Atwater : D. P. "Circumstances which are adverse to individuals are often for the common good; or they may be the punishment for sin or the testing of the just. ....the world is not a place of rest, but one of trial, a place in which we have to win eternity." Simplistic, I know, but ultimately we must get back to basics. Our Faith in theory, is not hard to understand, but in practice it can be extremely difficult, if not impossible at times, to practice as it should be. Following the straight but narrow path that Our Lord provided, and that
Archbishop Lefebvre tried to preserve with the formation of the Society and its purpose is the only way that the Faith can survive. Anything else is vanity. God has blessed the Society so far; proof of its spread and influence is proof of that.
I pray that the leaders of the Society stay focused on the mission, not on the distractions. I hope the Society can see through the temptations of vanity by Rome and this Pope, and can stay the course for as long as it can. Egos must fade....from the resistance folk, from the "we want an accord" folks, and from all egos in between. Pray for the grace to just stay the course, stay focused on Heaven and don't get distracted by the shiny objects in the room, the shiny gold thread in whoever's vestment, or the shiny ring on the finger..... eternity in Heaven is won by perseverance and blood (if we have to), not by signing a pretty velum paper with expensive ink.
On some things I agree Susan but for me I see these last 10 years with BPF and the crusades and talks with Rome from a very different perspective.
BPF actually said to me once the following "People think I am crazy, but I don't care, I will keep doing crusades until [I get through Rome]".
Knowing that and knowing how frustrated he was at the time with the talks having failed miserably I have a different understanding of why he is doing these crusades.
Somehow he has failed to realize that the only answer to the crisis in the Church IS the consecration of Russia, it IS NOT, the SSPX being recognized by Rome and then H.E. and the rest of the clergy of the SSPX supposedly converting Rome, i.e. the SSPX being the answer to the crisis.
He continues to bang his head against the walls of Rome unable to get in and yet also seemingly not realizing that it is not Rome who denies him entry but God who seeks to protect him and the SSPX.
So do I have a problem with the supposed intention of the consecration? Of course not, but I know that is not his real intention. It is the one intention everyone can agree on so he uses it to what he hopes will be many rosaries said, but it will ultimately be not for the consecration of Russia but for his underlying intention----to get through the walls of Rome.
I've no ill will toward His Excellency, I pray for him without fail every single day. I can only hope and pray that his will, might get out of his line of sight, so that he might see the bigger picture through God's eyes rather than his own, which is a defective/distorted sight at best.
I will continue praying for the consecration of Russia as we have for the last 6 years in union. But time is certainly running out and quickly I'm afraid, as you mentioned.
With love in the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Dawn, I agree with everything you've said here. You know BPF better than anyone here, and are in a better place to understand more of what is going on behind the scenes with all this mess.
I just get so tired of everyone trying to read into his motives and intentions, like it is some crime novel we are reading. One of my greatest faults is trying to guess someone's intentions, motives and actions. Ninety-nine percent of the time I am wrong. With the world as it is right now, everything going on with these talks, our country, our Church, the world.... is causing great stress and paranoia. The devil wants this uncertainty, isolation, emotional and spiritual doubt to distract us. We begin to "eat each other" and eventually the goal: to lose our souls.
The "talks" with Rome are meant to weaken the SSPX's resolve in their mission, and to reinforce the idea that the Faith's only hope is in the barque of Peter. Right now it is a big barque with lots of holes and patched with rotten wood. It leader is an incompetent captain with a mutinous crew for the most part.
So, again for the sake of expressing opinion, I will "read into motives" (and I pray I am wrong)....
And BPF wants to get into Rome's ship?
What is wrong with having a small sturdy ships with competent loyal crews? Once one gets on Rome's ship it will be very hard to change one's mind and get off...unless that entity is thrown off or set adrift on a rudderless boat. It has already happened to other traditional orders. Rome is no longer Peter's ship, or the one Our Lord climbed into.
In regards to the new Rosary Crusade, our family will join it as we always have done when asked. The intentions of it are honorable. BUT, as Superior and creator/promoter if this Crusade: IF BPF's hidden goal of this Crusade is for the Society to be regularized with Rome and attribute this to the rosaries said in this crusade, then the onus is on him and he has sinned before God in misleading the Faithful. He is not being honest with us or with the BVM. He thinks he is stronger against evil than ABL.
(Mentally, I see that picture of Fr. Pro with his arms extended in a cross...just before he was shot.. or the sinking of the Titanic.)
If God wants us to be in union with Rome, it will be done without the rosaries. You are correct in saying that the Consecration to Mary's IH for the conversion of Russia has to be done first before reconciliation with Rome happens. Loyalty and devotion to Our Lord and His Mother (and their requests) must come first. So far, God and Our Blessed Mother has protected the Society and expanded its place in the world....without the help of Rome and the infiltrators.
Isn't this proof that the Society is heading in the right direction and on the right ship? Why can't BPF accept this and just stay the course. Why must his "ego", if that is what this is, get in the way? Why must the "shiny objects" on a worm eaten barque be more desirable than the glorious gates of Heaven?
You wrote the most important point:
"He continues to bang his head against the walls of Rome unable to get in and yet also seemingly not realizing that it is not Rome who denies him entry but God who seeks to protect him and the SSPX."
When one has banged his head so much it would seem some damage has occurred and that person can't think rationally anymore. Someone needs to stop this destructive behavior. How long Lord, how long? Make haste to help us.
With love in the IHM, too!
I would join him in this crusade if he would just make it clear and say that this (consecration of Russia) is the answer to the crisis. If he would do that and then step away from seeking to come under the umbrella of Francis/new rome and wait upon the Lord I would stand with him in a New York minute, no questions asked, all forgiven all forgotten.
Maybe he yet will. May it please God.
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