The Destroyer Pope - Return to Fatima

A reader remarked on our last post,

Regarding the current pontiff, I see the purpose of his almost daily heretical pronouncements as a way to destroy the concept of papal infallibility, and along with it, the immutability of doctrine.

The fact that most Catholics do not seem to be much concerned about his heresies shows that they probably have already lost faith in the Church’s unchanging doctrine and are heretics themselves. The pope will soon be declared just another fallible church leader like the Anglicans’ Archbishop of Canterbury and all his declarations will be considered mere personal opinions subject to challenge by the “faithful”. Without the umbrella of infallibility, there is no genuine Vicar of Christ to unify the Church, thus Father Martin’s prophecy of the scattering of the sheep will be fulfilled.”

Father Malachi Martin on message of Fatima – Return to Fatima

For in those days, Jesus Christ will send them not a true pastor, but a destroyer.

We wholeheartedly agree. This pope is the “destroyer pope” of prophecy. John Vennari has an excellent column on the demonic words and actions of Pope Francis, see here. And we have, in many previous posts, discussed the prophecies, both scriptural and from approved private revelations which foretell of just such a time as this. Just search on he category, Catholic prophecy in our search bar on the right side.

In fact, earlier this year, we covered a bit of it in our post, “The Judas Complex and Pope Francis”, where we remarked on this apostate pope’s “homily” wherein he described Judas as a “poor, repentant man”.

Thinking on this strange Pope’s even stranger affinity for Judas recalled to mind Father Malachi Martin’s writing about the Judas Complex among the Modernist Churchmen who infest the Church. His 1990 book, “The Keys of This Blood”, has a final portion titled “Coda, the Protocol of Salvation” which contains a fascinating analysis of the precise situation in which we find ourselves today, under a pope who asserts himself as more merciful and practical than Jesus Christ, whom he insists he represents. Indeed, as he himself reminds us, he is “by the will of Christ Himself – the supreme Pastor and Teacher of all the faithful”. And that he enjoys, “supreme, full, immediate, and universal ordinary power in the Church”.

I do hope you read that earlier post, but if not, may I offer a few quotes to entice you:

Malachi Martin states, “the essence of the Judas complex: (is) the compromise of one’s basic principles in order to fit in with the modes of thought and behavior that the world regards as necessary for its vital interests”, and he asserts that this compromise was both the specific sin wherein Judas expressed his pride and also the sure norm we can use to identify the work of the “anti-church” which has infested the Church for generations now.

Fr. Martin asserts that,

“The greatest single act of malfeasance in high ecclesiastical and ecclesial office has been the tolerance and propagation of confusion about key beliefs among the Catholic rank and file, this tolerated confusion being a direct result of a tolerated dissidence by Catholic theologians and bishops concerning those same key beliefs. For to tolerate confusion is to propagate confusion.

“A primary and fundamental duty of every ecclesiastical office … (is) the clear, unmistakable teaching and enforcement of the basic rules and fundamental beliefs the Church holds and declares to be necessary for eternal salvation. There can be no compromise on both points: teaching and enforcement. If Roman Catholics have any rights in the Church, they have a primary right to receive such unequivocal teaching and to be the subjects of such forthright and unhesitating enforcement.”

  • Fr. Martin identifies four key areas that have been effectively undermined by this confusion:
    The Eucharist. This means the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, undermined by Paul VI’s Novus Ordo, and now demolished at the hands of the Humble Pope of Mercy®
  • The oneness and trueness of the Roman Catholic Church, undermined by false ecumenism, now being brought to its logical conclusion under Pope Francis.
  • The Petrine Office of the Bishop of Rome, undermined by collegiality.
  • The morality of Christian reproductive activity undermined by protestant heresy of the sovereignty of individual conscience.

This last point has been carried farther than even Father Martin foresaw with the Bergoglio/Kasper agenda of asserting the rights of those living in persistent mortal sin, such as sodomy, fornication and adultery, to receive Holy Communion.

Each of the above four points is becoming ever more clear as Pope Francis pushes his agenda with brutal determination while the sycophant catholic media abet him and our weak and effeminate prelates look away.

Martin explains that these modernist Judases intend to eliminate the Primacy of the Pope and replace the Petrine Privilege with a gaggle of national churches, each attuned their their own local culture and needs. In order to achieve the liquidation of the Petrine Office they require the consent of its occupant,

” and the easiest way in which that could happen would be the election to the throne of Peter of a papal candidate who, prior to his election, is known as favoring such a liquidation. Domination of a papal Conclave by that sort of mind would be a prerequisite for success in this epoch-making venture. For epoch-making it is: to transform the almost two-thousand-year-old tradition of the Roman Catholic Church by ending officially and once and for all the papal primacy such as it has evolved over the centuries and has been asserted by every ecumenical council of the Church, including the Second Vatican Council.”

The current occupant fits this description perfectly, wielding the full power of the papacy in order to abolish it by means of collegiality and synodality.”

There really can be no doubt any longer that we have in the current occupant an apostate pope who serves his master, the Lord of this world and is quite literally hell bent on destroying the Church. Danneels and his ilk elected him, with the complicity of Benedict XVI. He serves his masters well, and as others have remarked, we are perhaps on the cusp of the greatest persecution of Christians the world has ever seen.

Again and again, Pray the Rosary and confound the devil!

Our Lady of Fatima, Immaculate Queen of the Holy Rosary, intercede for us now and at the hour of our death.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done!


~ by evensong for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin, give me strength against thine enemies.

The Destroyer Pope - Return to Fatima

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Excellent post.  Thank you.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us all.

Dearest Mother, take us under Thy maternal protection........and intercede for us now and at the hour of our death...

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us........Precious Blood of Jesus,  save us.

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