Well, here it is. I got up early this morning (west coast...) to read this. And, as predicted, it did
not disappoint. With the usual lack of intellectual rigor and deference to the Church Fathers, it continues to promote and encourage a weakening of the Faith and continues to enshrinement the Modernist/Vatican II/Masonic philosophies and applications. Most of the references (which there are few...) are from the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano , which refers to Pope Francis' homilies and speeches. Gee, now a newspaper is elevated to the level of encyclicals.
At the very least, there is one reference to the Summa, but only one, though (as far as I could find), and the sexual education of children was NOT relegated to the Church (not parents) as
was initially suggested in the final pre-draft...but I could have missed some weird wording....) I needed more coffee at this point but I would have preferred a stiff margarita...really stiff....) anyway.....
The whole thing started out fairly tame, but got progressively worse:
...The Holy Father means well. I truly believe this. He does have a point(s) with this exhortation,
but everything that is presented could be found already published/taught somewhere else.
...In all fairness he did attempt to stand up for male, for female, for fathers, for mothers, for the need for a father and a mother in the home, for masculinity and femininity....but he did praise feminism at one point....
...Nothing is defined, typical of Vatican II. Sin is vague, truth is whatever you want it to be,
virtue is mentioned but not defined, the list goes on...
...We all will get to Heaven (not even capitalized) ....don't worry, when our loved one's die,
we will see them again, in love, of course.
...Eric Fromme is now an authority of Catholic marriage and sex, (heck - why not Freud and Jung?)
...Mercy at all costs... NO TRUTH must be taught and no Teaching of Church doctrine...
...Personal conscience is promoted but no road map, no means on "how to form it" is offered. Osmosis? Infused knowledge? Hug a tree? Good luck, you are on your own for this one....
...We must fight inequality....we must be equal....Don't forget the poor!
...We are part of the ecology of the Earth....
...No reference to families to encourage religious vocations for the Church.
...There are some nice sentiments and common sense statements which anyone with a heart can appreciate, but again this publication leaves one wanting more--- more "meat and fat", more substance, more foundation of stone. We need real nourishing food.
But again, we get processed boxed food with language we can't stomach. The devil is in the details, though.
Thank goodness this is only an exhortation. The language is weak, and worldly, typical of whoever writes Francis' stuff. May be he wrote it this time. Who knows.
My vote: Round file this and move on. Continue to study the Faith and the real Church Fathers. Our Lord, our Faith, the Church and our children are depending on us.
Views: 384
Thanks Susan, much appreciated.
Some commentary from another Catholic. He wasn't so nice :o
Mike Della Vecchia said---- 'I am thankful for the Apostolic Exhortation, "Amoris Laetitia."
This is because we finally have a document of unrepentant heresy from this legion of authors.
I have placed the link to this unholy dark missive, which swaggers in its pretended richness of faith and cowardice, below.
Let us be thankful, now that the serpent has shown its face with undeniable verbal clarity, that we suddenly have written proof that can, hopefully, with God's intervention, cause these fallen and lapsed Catholic authors finally to become excommunicated, latae sententiae. Perhaps a future papacy, within the lifetime of our families, will realize this and make the excommunication formal.
There are innumerable affronts to Christ in "Amoris Laetitia," guised by a veil of "mercy." Their existence make the two Synods upon which this final presentment is based, be anti-family.
As somebody who serves poor families, I cannot, for the life of me, understand how two years of synods, convocations, and countless millions of dollars from church donations, secular expenditures, and profane uses, have been spent on meetings and festivals just so that our pope can voice that Catholics and their clerics need to be kinder and more welcoming to people who do not live as Catholics. This is not an imploration to be merciful. It is a writ to accompany sinners into hell, an abdication to the throne of satan. It is the opposite of mercy.
Furthermore, the document, while praising the emergent grace of those who are living in sin and/or misguidance, is paying lip service to Catholic Teaching so that loyal Catholics will be unable to indict it as a heretical document. You may call this cowardice on their part, but vices always start out by being timidly concealed until they are finally openly displayed.
I urge everybody who does not agree with my words to read this document but not to judge it until you are confronted with the sinister causes of spiritual and physical poverty and then try to find a single thing in it to help you overcome them.
It is clear to me that the authors did not spend a minute of their time working in the impoverished war zones of cities whose addicts and victims are the immediate "human effects" that are purchased with the wages of sin.
These authors are academic career-minded men who keep their hands free of soot and grime, bishops and priests who now exhort the faithful to give approval to an unrepentant target audience.
These lost fellow sinners, this "unrepentant target audience" are themselves being victimized by not being motivated by current pastoral efforts or by this document to reconcile their souls, but, instead, to relish their new courtship to a lapsed church that wants their money.
Yes, this document is only a grand means of restoring the billions of dollars of collection-basket revenue and other donations that were lost to claims of clerical pedophilia, and to ensure that, in a corporation of sodomizers and other heretics, no innocent person who will become victimized, sodomized, or misguided can ever again complain that they did not know just what they were getting into.
Please, friends, pray for this new emerging market, this unrepentant target audience. They are being led deeper into a state of sin and they should be warned what they will be wooed into doing."
Some thoughts have occurred to me, a hunch of sorts. I'm a little concerned that to speak of them might be a sin against charity. On the other hand, I'm concerned that failure to speak of them might be cowardice. So let me preface these remarks by saying that this is something that has occurred to me that may or may not be true, but that I think may be worthwhile to look at and consider.
When Amoris Lætitia was released (and I have not read it — I believe it's hundreds of pages in length, and my stomach isn't as strong as it used to be), I expected it to extend "mercy" not just to adulterers living openly in sin, but also to those openly committing unnatural acts that cry out to heaven for vengeance. I was a bit surprised to learn that this latter group was apparently excluded from the love fest. Certainly the lead up to the release of the document suggested that they would be included.
What happened, I wondered. Is Jorge, as he asks to be called, showing some vestige of Catholic sensibility? Perhaps, but a different possibility occurred to me.
From multiple credible sources, it has become apparent to me that the destruction of Holy Mother Church we are seeing today is the result of a concerted, organized assault that's been occurring over an extended period of time. "Illuminated" Freemasonry dates back to the pre-French Revolution 18th century, and appears to be the mechanism behind this organized assault. (The overall assault on the Church is ultimately by Satan, and goes back to the formation of the Church, but I am referring here to a specific tactic employed by a specific group of men during a specific historical period.) The Illuminati surreptitiously inserted men into the Church who worked their way into its hierarchy, and they turned other Churchmen (by bribery, blackmail and other tactics) to their ends.
Their inside men were never given license to wreak havoc willy-nilly, but rather were controlled by the leadership of the Illuminati to gradually, bit by bit over the course of centuries, chip away at the foundations of the Faith. It was all very carefully orchestrated. The leadership of the Illuminati knew very well that to attempt too abrupt a change of course by the Church would create immediate resistance.
Jorge has never struck me as being particularly intelligent. And yet he has wreaked enormous damage. How can this be so? One possible explanation is that he is being handled by men much smarter than he is, who are telling him what to do, and when. If so, it appears that after 50+ years of Conciliarism, his handlers have most likely judged that the time is ripe for bolder action, hence Jorge's open heresies and apostasy. If so, they've judged well; I looked at recent approval figures for Jorge among Novus Ordo Catholics, and both worldwide and in America his approval rating is running at over 80%. BUT, even now, if Jorge tried to push things too far too fast, he could trigger a backlash. So my hunch is that his handlers have told him to wait on mainstreaming the sodomites for the time being.
My vote is with you....the Church is perfect ..it's the people in it that is the problem! Always been that way --Great Oppertunity to choose the GOOD! PRAISE the LORD!!!
My first post was just skimming the surface. Now, the evil putrid exudate has fully erupted and the
infection has been exposed. I won't hesitate to "not be nice". But how does one practice
civility when only emergency surgical action is called for?
I've been struggling with being charitable, as of late. It seems I want to tell IT like it is, but my emotions
get the better of me. Thankfully, there are Catholics out there who have blogs and such and can
tell IT like IT is. How does one address the faults and failings of a Pope without sounding crazy and
hateful to the secular world? One either turns on their readers with the truth or turns them off....
But truth IS Truth! We can't avoid it. But how we speak/teach Truth is important, I guess.
Francis' pronouncements certainly do not make it easy for us and especially, not easy for those who
formal job it is to defend the Faith.... His papacy and his propensity to
There are blogs out there, whose writers can concisely explain the details and such of this hideous document.
Here are some I would encourage others to read and peruse:
There are others, of course. These don't mince words. Bold and honest.
I really don't think he has any sensus fidei. I was just trying to cover all my bases as I laid out what I think has happened. I am more convinced than ever that Francis is stupid, that he is a puppet whose strings are being pulled by the leadership of Illuminated Freemasonry, and that the reason homosexuals weren't invited to his love fest is that his handlers realized that if he pushed things too far too fast, he would risk triggering a backlash.
Bill said:
David, don't count on Jorge having a sensus fidei. This is the first step toward the merciful inclusion by degrees of homosexuality. Think of what happened to Our Lord in The Blessed Sacrament 40 years ago. And the degrees to which CITH was "tolerated" while at the same time Rome affirmed its illicitness. Until one day Priests began denying the Sacrament to those on their knees.
It's the same old story that we've watched the modernists unfold my entire lifetime almost. I was born the day before the closing of the second session of the council.
The new and improved Catholic (sic.) Church lite celebrates whoring with false gods and whoring among ourselves. I tremble when I think of the magnitude of the chastisement that must be coming, considering that the sins of the 19th and 20th centuries led to WW I and II. Mankind was almost innocent then, in comparison to today. (Another example of how moral relativism doesn't wash.)
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