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Poor David heehee 

That was great David!

Peter Baxter said:

Which one is David?

Yep that's me. I can clean the whole house on 2 cups. In record speed.

David Kaftal said:

LOL  These all made my very bad day better :)
Dawn Marie said:

PETER!  You're BACK!!!  We've missed you.....well, sorta...........  :-D

Peter Baxter said:

Which one is David?

It was the bear's lucky day — a two for one special.

Cathleen said:

"And that was the last time the Crusader Front Office ever heard from David again......." 

David Kaftal said:

It's that time again...

Sometimes I just need to review the funny stuff in life. especially when I cannot sleep  :)

Dawn Marie said:

Yes Chris I totally agree lol

chris said:

Oh wow. Thanks be to God for these jokes. God bless :-)

yeah lol 

David Kaftal said:

WOW I forgot how funny Peter and Cathleen were O I mean are. :)  lol

Peter Baxter said:

I am too distraught  to reply  to any of these comments but let me quote from a famous Australian play  ‘Petelet’ by Billy Baxspeare Act 3 Scene 1


Is she to be, or not to be (my mother): that is the question?

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous peanuts,

Or to take arms against a sea of primate pearls, and by opposing eat them.

To die, to sleep, and by a sleep to say we end the stomach-ache and

the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to;

‘tis consummation of peanuts devoutly to be wished… but to die, to sleep!


Oh but what if this woman speaketh the truth?

The one who left her new born Petelet to pay for his own peanuts

Oh my heart-acheth at the thought that confronteth me hence.

To sleep, perchance to dream, ay there’s the rub,

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come

when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause –

There’s the respect that makes calamity of so long life.

Perchance to dream of her feeding me more peanuts!

Nay, I must thinkest not, I couldst not bear to be torn apart again.

But knoweth I must! Oh how this site giveth me sleepless nights,

For what doth my mind recount of that day gone by.

Ah, but little cometh to mind; once only did I see her countenance

Twas after the slap! whence she turneth to look at her new fledgling.

Ah, ay, how couldst I forget that mother’s amorous show

When she first layeth eyes on her dear Petelet. Fie!




Peter Baxter said:

Alley don’t listen to Cathleen she knew darn right it was your car because last week she damaged my car, I thought everybody heard about it.

She was driving my motorised rickshaw home one day after work when she was caught in that terrible hailstorm. My car was covered in dents, so she went to the body shop the next day but the problem was that our Cathleen was trying to talk the repairmen into doing it on the cheap and offered them one peanut for every dent that they pulled. The repairman immediately recognised the type that our Cathleen was and decided to have some fun. He told her just to go home and blow into the tail pipe really hard, and all the dents would pop out. So, Cathleen went to the Crusader carpark, got down on her hands and knees and started blowing into her car's tailpipe. Nothing happened. She blew a little harder, and still nothing happened. DM was watching from the window rather amused by Cathleen’s antics and shouted out to her asking what she was doing making a spectacle of herself in the Crusader car park. Cathleen told her how the repairman had instructed her to blow into the tailpipe in order to get all the dents to pop out. DM rolled her eyes and said, ... "HELLLLO, anyone knows you need to wind up the windows first!".

So Alley she has no excuses and surely she knows the difference between a motorized rickshaw and your hotted up  Ford Flintstonemobile from Bedrock Ford. Na Alley she’s a crafty one is our Cathleen.

Yoo hoo! Your ride's here!

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