Papal Appointee Enzo Bianchi Calls Fatima a "Swindle"

(Rome) For one of the darlings of  Church light, Fatima is only a "swindle". Enzo Bianchi, the "monk" and "Prior" of "monastic, interconfessional monastery" Bose, who is a layman in fact, holds the Angelic and Marian apparitions in 1917 in Fatima for a "swindle" because, so says Bianchi, a God , "who talks about the persecuted Christians, but forgets the six million Jews annihilated in Germany is not a credible God".  Bianchi's opinions thus  twists and turns, and the bottom line of the self-proclaimed Prior is to consistently follow the Mainstream.

Bianchi, the Papal Consultor

Enzo Bianchi kept at a distance  by Benedict XVI. but under Pope Francis,  Bianchi is feeling an updraft for promoting a "horizontal, anthropocentric Christianity" (Msgr. Antonio Livi). The "false prophet" (Msgr. Antonio Livi)  was recently the subject of an editorial in an edition of Credere, the official weekly newspaper for the Jubilee of Mercy, along with photo on the front page.
Pope Francis appointed Bianchi in July 2014 as Consultor of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Bianchi is the "prophet" of a "demagogic search for peace, according to an illusory, universal amity and a secular solidarity," said Msgr. Livi of the friend of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, who was one of Bianchi's patrons.
Bianchi calls for  overcoming of the papacy and its reduction to a symbolic and representative primacy. This does not prevent him from scattering roses before the reigning Pope  and celebrating him as a "new Psalmist" and "new Bernard of Clairvaux."
 Bianchi, however, thinks that the Mother of God is  "not a suitable model for the promotion of women in the Church". According to Bianchi, Christ "said nothing about homosexuality, and thus the Church should remain silent on it." The family was only "a  form that society gives it," which is why it can be changed at any time by the society.
As far as the Dominican Cardonnel, who died in 2009.   Bianchi never disagreed Cardonnel but rather confirmed him. Messori writes: "In the meantime, there also circulated among certain Christians the conviction that the persecution of Jews by the Nazis during the twelve years 1933 to 1945 does not know any comparison and no comparison was possible. It would involve the absolute evil of the greatest crime of the entire history to the most radical example of human malignancy. It is no coincidence that the guilt of the Nazis as inexpiable why even today at ninety years old, if not even to hunt and condemn centenarians, because they are made responsible for it in any way, that which is referred to with the religious term, 'Holocaust', in any case, for the Holocaust. For this crime, and only for this, no statute  limitations is provided. Following Cardonnel and Bianchi, I repeat, even God must - if he wants to speak to us through Mary -  recognize the Shoah  and especially curse it, otherwise he is not a credible God.'  He is not a true God when he explicitly blames Auschwitz," said Messori. A revelation, message, vision or appearance in the required connection with the Shoah or Auschwitz , has neither been here nor elsewhere mentioned in connection with  Fatima.
IF you have the stomach there is more here at the link below:

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Demons in human form running the Vatican...God is surely giving them their hour.

Ditto!  This is appalling.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us all.

Dawn Marie said:

Demons in human form running the Vatican...God is surely giving them their hour.

Lord have Mercy on us!!!

Oh Poor St. Bernard being compared to Francis! 

Silly me, I thought 1917 was BEFORE the concentration camps of World War II.

This man is clearly suffering from mental disease. So sad that his mind has rotted. 

This is modernism in its purest form.  Bianchi in any other age would have been dismissed as a crank, but now has a soapbox due to a liberal curia and modernist pope.  Bianchi does not mention the genocide of over a million Armenian Christians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.  He has taken the position of Rabbi Ignaz Maybaum, who stated that

"The Golgotha of modern mankind is Auschwitz. The cross, the Roman gallows, was replaced by the gas chambers."  Rabbi Maybaum further stated that "In Auschwitz, the Jewish people was the High Priest and the sacrificial lamb in one. They died because of the sins of others."   In addition, Pope John Paul II also stated his belief that, "As I said at the Mass celebrated in 1979 at Brzezinka near Auschwitz: 'I kneel at this Golgotha of the modern world.'"  Although the genocide enacted by the Nazi regime against the Jews is reprehensible, it is no way the same as the crucifixion of Our Savior at Golgotha.

The unfortunate fact is that Stalin's Soviet government and Mao's communist government are responsible for the destruction of tens of millions more innocent lives due to their personal and political goals.  This is a sign more of man's turn away from God, His law, and plan for His creation than Our Lady at  Fatima being a swindle. 

Ha!  Good point!  I was so outraged at the evil spewing from his mouth I never thought of that.

David Kaftal said:

Silly me, I thought 1917 was BEFORE the concentration camps of World War II.

This man is clearly suffering from mental disease. So sad that his mind has rotted. 

May God have mercy on him.............and those like him.

Please pray for them for they know not what they do.

They know not what they Say  or  Do.

     Holyyyyy SMOKE, this guy is a nut job!!!!!  Iterum! Ite ad Thomam!! 

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