Here is a Conundrum...

Ah, what a riddle we have in our Pope.

Now that we understand that the 'Kasper proposal' will, in fact, be Bergoglio Boomerang, perhaps you can help me figure this one out...or have I figured it out?

Let's see now...

While touting 'doctrinal (let's throw in liturgical...pastoral...etc...) authority devolution' to create a loose federation of faith-in-humanity-so-come-and-do-as-you-please enclaves, which will be barely recognized as 'Catholic', pray tell why is Pope Francis, at the same time courting the Evangelicals and other denominations? I even wonder if some of them may know of what is afoot.

Remember that to Evangelicals unlike to those Traddies, Francis has been on video calling for union, a 'unity' for which he prays, even alluding to a possible future 'miracle' that will create unity. He has actually used that word. Is doctrinal devolution that miracle? Quite possibly! There's something of a stealth package going on under the surface of 'devolution' that observers haven't yet picked up on.

'Devolution' or 'synodality' in the sense proposed by Pope Francis is, in fact, not just a way to 'break the power of a future Successor of St Peter' by collapsing the Church at its centre, since how does a future Pope recover the authority which has been 'devolved' in terms of binding the Church as One and Universal, in faith and morals? It is also a way of creating new 'avenues' or rather a 'scorched earth' from which can be brought about ecumenical (or perhaps even inter-faith) unions.

What has stood in the way of, for example Anglican, Methodist, Baptist and Catholic 'union'? The primacy of Peter? The issues of Holy Communion and who can receive it? The nature of the Sacraments? Women priests? Lay 'participation' as ministers of the Sacraments. The Roman Rite of the Church?

All these things - once devolution gets really going - are up for grabs and we all know that the 'stumbling blocks to unity' are varied but have until now been 'insurmoutable'. Devolution could very well destroy the Catholicity of the Church BUT, here's the clever part.

It doesn't just mean 'national churches'. No, if you can imagine, its even more serious than that.   If the Catholic Faith doesn't hold at its centre, in its core, that will be the green light for its abandonment the world over.

Yet this move devolves the Church in such a way that it opens up the Catholic Church to such pastoral and doctrinal ambiguity that there could be, in the near future perhaps, no reason why the Catholic Church shouldn't 'unite' with other Christian denominations, thus creating a pan-religious masonic wet dream to the likes of Hans Kung.

How many Bishops would be prepared to drop this whole Catholicism thing and form a united religion with say, Anglicans? How many would be prepared, now that the whole Catholic 'charismatic' movement is so up and running, to stand in the way of 'God's dream' of uniting the Catholic Church with the Evangelicals who do not hold the Perennial Faith of the Church? Or perhaps the animists and Buddhists can come in too. After all, don't we want a world of peace, harmony and fraternity? Isn't the Catholic Church the vehicle God would choose to unite all humanity in one big rendition of 'Imagine'?

Wouldn't that just be mean and heartless to stand in the way of this dream? Wouldn't that just stand in the way of unity? What 'conservative' or 'traditional' bishop would stand in the way of a United World Religion that brought peace to all of humanity in common solidarity and fraternal sharing of joy?

That Bishop would be cruel and disobedient. We can all see where the 'Holy Spirit' is moving us from a plan formed long ago by Freemasons.

What Catholic would dare stand in the way of this 'devolution' dream, destroying the very concept of securing and defending the deposit of faith, reducing Peter to a mere celebrity figure and all round nice guy, while tilling the Catholic soil for the great pan-religious love nest of the end times dreamt of by so many of Pope Francis's cheerleaders?

Right now Catholics are grappling with the Pope's Synodal hand-grenade and we think it's all about 'many Catholic churches'. My guess is there is more to this pre-determined strategy than merely that. The ecumenical and inter-faith dream is a big project with BIG backers. It is essentially masonic and could go some way to explaining why the mainstream media have given Francis a free pass.

My guess is the destructive work of destroying the Church's centre and foundations, as well as collapsing the 'oneness' of the Church is not so simple as to create national conference differences for doctrine and pastoral care, because these people don't simply want to destroy and leave it there. There is a greater project in mind. Think of what Cardinal Martini, Karl Rahner and Hans Kung had/have in mind. Think of their sweeping "ambition".

This is the levelling of the Church that the 'reformers' see as the stepping stone to the pan-religious utopia. Peter's authority, with doctrinal clarity, must go, end of, in order to establish the foundations of the new religion.

If that's the motive, and its quite a plausible one given the shady characters the Pope has adopted as advisers, if the Pope gets his way, he'll have prepared both the Church and the world for the Antichrist quite well and, likely, quite soon.

You will say I am mad of course, but perhaps not as mad as you would have said three weeks ago.

Without drawing out the conclusions of just where a 'Masonic Synod' ends up, in advocating a One World Religion, Michael Voris, I see, has noticed the same pattern emerging. Worth remembering, too, that the 'dialogue' that Masons establish within the Church - and within society - is entirely artificial. They hatch their plans and carry out their plans. 

Resistance is crushed, entirely.

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Resistance is not crushed.  For those who have searched and found the Truth, we have Our Lord, Our Blessed Mother, and all the Saints to help us fight this battle.  It will not be easy.  In fact, it appears futile right now. 

We were born for these times.  If anyone has asked the questions "Why am I here?  Why now?  What is my purpose(s) in life?",  the answer is vibrantly clear.  We have to save the Church of God from her enemies.  We have to pray like we have no tomorrow, and we have to act.  Faith without works is dead.  The prayer part is obvious. It is the action part which is UN-clear.  Of course it includes prayer, but it has to include more than that.  This last part is what frustrates me and many others.  WHAT are we TO DO?   Our actions may cost us everything we are and what we have on this earth.   I "know" our fidelity to God and His Truth and our perseverance until the "end", is what will get us to Heaven. 

For me, I'm scared for my children and for those I hold dear.  It is like a really bad novel or "B" movie that is really coming true.  The "conspiracies" are really coming true!

Last Sunday's readings are so apropos.  

Oh Lord grant us many holy religious vocations,  Catholic families and soldiers for the battle.  Give me strength.

What are we to do?  The 64 thousand dollar question.  In times of persecution keep the Faith and endure the sufferings and pray.  Eventually God will make a way for us to be able to actually physically do something but for now our options are very limited.  With no visible Catholic leader (yet) and without the men of the Church standing up it is difficult to formulate any type of way to deal with all of this except what we are doing.  And that, in these times of mass apostasy is no small thing.

Thank you Susan, your words are what I was thinking too.

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