Now, don't say you didn't see here first! This was leaked from the Vatican (I'm assuming....) through
I'Espresso, an Italian web magazine.
Read if you dare....
(spoiler alert.....have your "downer" of choice ready--2 liter bottle of wine would be nice, or if you live in a state which allows legal marijuana, you might want to smoke some, or if you don't smoke, consider starting....just a thought!) We are in really deep.....
the title is mine.....
use Google translator, or Firefox translator
Views: 499
This is bad...I mean, really bad. It is in essence ( I can't even say in essence, it is absolutely) marxist, left wing propaganda, new world order agenda he is pushing.
Lord please HELP!
And junk science! Don't forget the junk science!!
Dawn Marie said:
This is bad...I mean, really bad. It is in essence ( I can't even say in essence, it is absolutely) marxist, left wing propaganda, new world order agenda he is pushing.
Lord please HELP!
The environment encyclical Laudato Si will be published on Thursday
A Catholic, an Orthodox Christian and an atheist are to present the encyclical Laudato Si, Pope Francis has said.
The Pope, speaking during an audience with priests in Rome, said the line-up would reflect the fact that “we need unity to protect creation”.
The Pope’s encyclical on the environment, entitled Laudato Si, on the care of our common home, will be presented at a press conference in the Vatican’s synod hall on Thursday.
Yesterday the Pope told pilgrims assembled in St Peter’s Square: “I invite you to accompany this event with a renewed attention to the situation of environmental degradation, but also of recovery in one’s own region.
“This encyclical is addressed to everyone: let us pray so that all may receive its message and grow in responsibility toward the common home that God has entrusted to us all.”
“Laudato si” is the introductory phrase to eight verses of St Francis of Assisi’s famous prayer thanking God for the gifts of creation. It is medieval Italian, not Latin.
“Praised be you, my Lord, with all your creatures, especially Sir Brother Sun, who is the day, and through whom you give us light,” one of the first lines says.
The prayer also praises God for the gifts of “Sister Moon”, “Brother Wind,” “Sister Water”, “Brother Fire” and “Sister Mother Earth”.
US Fr Michael Perry, minister general of the Order of Friars Minor, said the canticle was “not just a flowery song about how we should live with nature. It is challenging us to revise our entire way of living our lives” in accordance with Gospel values, he said. “If someone is starving somewhere in the world, we are responsible.”
The canticle is a call for people to recognise that they are sons and daughters of God and brothers and sisters to one another, he said, “part of one family that embraces all creation: trees, sun, rivers, wind, fire – all of these because they all give glory to God.”
Catholic, Orthodox Christian and atheist to present Pope’s encyclical
Marxism, New Age Nonsense, Junk Science, all rolled into one. The Pope even calls for a One World Authority to govern it all. Reminiscent of Pope Paul VI abdicating his responsibility to the United Nations. May God have mercy on us.
Paul the VI abdicated his responsibility to the UN!?!?
I did not know that.
Does anyone else ever pinch themselves and ask "Am I really living through this?"
Sandro Magister's press credential removed by Vatican - blamed for breaking an "embargo" that did not exist!
Paul VI handed over his Papal tiara symbolic of his threefold jurisdiction to the UN. It is imposed at the coronation with the words "Receive this tiara adorned with three crowns and know that you are the father of princes and of kings, guide of the world and vicar upon earth of Christ Jesus our Saviour"
Ahh o.k. I knew the Tiara stopped with him but I didn't know the details.
Thanks Nicola+
Nicola Wansink said:
Paul VI handed over his Papal tiara symbolic of his threefold jurisdiction to the UN. It is imposed at the coronation with the words "Receive this tiara adorned with three crowns and know that you are the father of princes and of kings, guide of the world and vicar upon earth of Christ Jesus our Saviour"
Pope Paul VI also said during his address at the UN;
For Us. You know well who We are. Whatever may be the opinion you have of the Pontiff of Rome, you know Our mission. We are the bearer of a message for all mankind. And this We are, not only in Our own personal name and in the name of the great Catholic family, but also in the name of those Christian brethren who share the sentiments We express here, and particularly of those who kindly charged Us explicitly to be their spokesman here. Like a messenger who, after a long journey, finally succeeds in delivering the letter entrusted to him, We are conscious of living through a privileged moment, however brief, which fulfills a desire cherished in Our heart for nearly twenty centuries. For, you remember, We have been journeying long and We bring with Us a long history; We here celebrate the epilogue of a toilsome pilgrimage in search of a conversation with the entire world, from the day the command was given to Us: "Go and bring the good tidings to all peoples." And it is you who represent all peoples.
Let Us tell you that We have a message for all of you, a good message to deliver to each one of you.
Our message is meant to be, first of all, a moral and solemn ratification of this lofty institution. This message comes from Our historical experience. It is as an "expert in humanity" that We bring to this Organization the suffrage of Our recent Predecessors, that of the entire Catholic Episcopate, and Our own, convinced as We are that this Organization represents the obligatory path of modern civilization and of world peace.In saying this, We feel We are speaking with the voice of the dead as well as of the living: of the dead who have fallen in the terrible wars of the past, dreaming of concord and world peace; of the living who have survived those wars, bearing in their hearts a condemnation of those who seek to renew them; and of those rightful expectation of a better humanity. And We also make Our own, the voice of the poor, the disinherited, the suffering; of those who long for justice for the dignity of life, for freedom, for well being and for progress. The peoples of the earth turn to the United Nations as the last hope of concord and peace. We presume to present here, together with Our own, their tribute to honour and of hope. That is why this moment is a great one for you also. We know that you are fully aware of this. Now for the continuation of Our message. It looks entirely towards the future. The edifice which you have constructed must never collapse; it must be continually perfected and adapted to the needs which the history of the world will present. You mark a stage in the development of mankind; from now on retreat is impossible; you must go forward.
Pope Paul VI's Address to United Nations General Assembly, October ...
I'm trying to read the official document. So far my first impressions are:
Poorly and hastily written and compiled. Style of writing is sappy and emotional. In fact, the style changes all the time, as if a myriad of people wrote it. As you read it, you'll pick up on the changes. All the typical environmental "catch words" are there as well as the politically correct terms.
***All you need is some '60's guitar folk music in the background...some Bob Dylan, or Woody Guthrie.
Being a former English teacher, and this is my opinion only, I would bet $100 bucks that there are chunks of this that have been plagiarized, due to the huge chunks of science/bio language and descriptions contained therein. This language is not what one would find in an encyclical and in such length. The tone and language sounds like something a presenter would give at a Rotary meeting to educate others on climate change: informal and mundane, at times a lecture-like feel. Too much science and detail. I was looking for a slide presentation of animals, bugs, reefs, etc. but there was none. Then the tone changes to sappy Kumbayah group hugs sentiment.
And, a lot of this sounds like it came right out of a propaganda piece for some environmental Agenda 21 group. Almost like the information was cut/pasted from somewhere else. (Interestingly, Agenda 21 was 'created' at the Rio Earth Summit, which was a product of the United Nations.) This would make sense because there is quite a few references to the Amazon, mass tree clear cuts/burns, indigenous peoples being denied the means to sustain themselves, water quality issues, etc. Agenda 21
So far, some of the footnotes given are a bit strange. For example, paragraph 31, footnote 23: leads to a copy of a letter/address ? made by Francis to Second International Conference on Nutrition. Paragraph 31 is about water and the potential control of it by big business. The footnote references the address which only has one small reference to water:
"Water is not free, as we so often think. It is a grave problem that can lead to war." What does he mean by this? Does he want all water to be un-privatized? He does make vague references to the problem of private land ownership which leads to the poor not having access to resources of the "rich". To me, this same document is a thinly veiled support of a NWO/Global governance. He attacks the sovereignty of states or individual governments.
Section 1 Chapter 4 discusses Global Inequality. There are some things I agree with here, and Francis does attack those who see global depopulation as the only answer and he also attacks (but not strongly enough) the "green" agenda which ties together the "that to save the Earth we must reduce population."
Chapter 2
P. 63. "Given the complexity of the ecological crisis and its multiple causes, we need to realize that the solutions will not emerge from just one way of interpreting and transforming reality. Respect must also be shown for the various cultural riches of different peoples, their art and poetry, their interior life and spirituality. If we are truly concerned to develop an ecology capable of remedying the damage we have done, no branch of the sciences and no form of wisdom can be left out, and that includes religion and the language particular to it."
****No need to evangelize anymore..... fill in the blanks yourself ________________________
64. "Furthermore, although this Encyclical welcomes dialogue with everyone so that together we can seek paths of liberation, I would like from the outset to show how faith convictions can offer Christians, and some other believers as well, ample motivation to care for nature and for the most vulnerable of their brothers and sisters. If the simple fact of being human moves people to care for the environment of which they are a part, Christians in their turn “realize that their responsibility within creation, and their duty towards nature and the Creator, are an essential part of their faith”.
******Ecumenism rocks!!!
Chapter 2 Sec. 3 Different Style of writing here. Reads like someone's personal journaling....something like
Walden Pond.
This section boarders on creature worship---paganism.
80 : God limits Himself. (original used lower case)
88. "The bishops of Brazil have pointed out that nature as a whole not only manifests God but is also a locus of his presence. The Spirit of life dwells in every living creature and calls us to enter into relationship with him.[65] Discovering this presence leads us to cultivate the “ecological virtues”.[66] This is not to forget that there is an infinite distance between God and the things of this world, which do not possess his fullness. Otherwise, we would not be doing the creatures themselves any good either, for we would be failing to acknowledge their right and proper place. We would end up unduly demanding of them something which they, in their smallness, cannot give us."
“ecological virtues” - I can't wait to find out what these are, can you!!!!
89. The created things of this world are not free of ownership: “For they are yours, O Lord, who love the living” (Wis 11:26). This is the basis of our conviction that, as part of the universe, called into being by one Father, all of us are linked by unseen bonds and together form a kind of universal family, a sublime communion which fills us with a sacred, affectionate and humble respect. Here I would reiterate that “God has joined us so closely to the world around us that we can feel the desertification of the soil almost as a physical ailment, and the extinction of a species as a painful disfigurement”.[67]
No more Holy Eucharist. We just have to 'eat dirt' and join with everyone on Earth and we all are one!
We just have to offer our sufferings along with the suffering soil! How easy is that!
Hold it comes!!!!
92. "Moreover, when our hearts are authentically open to universal communion, this sense of fraternity excludes nothing and no one. It follows that our indifference or cruelty towards fellow creatures of this world sooner or later affects the treatment we mete out to other human beings. We have only one heart, and the same wretchedness which leads us to mistreat an animal will not be long in showing itself in our relationships with other people. Every act of cruelty towards any creature is “contrary to human dignity”.[69] We can hardly consider ourselves to be fully loving if we disregard any aspect of reality: “Peace, justice and the preservation of creation are three absolutely interconnected themes, which cannot be separated and treated individually without once again falling into reductionism”.[70] Everything is related, and we human beings are united as brothers and sisters on a wonderful pilgrimage, woven together by the love God has for each of his creatures and which also unites us in fond affection with brother sun, sister moon, brother river and mother earth."
P. 235 - 236 are especially notable. They speak of the sacraments and how they relate to creation. They are now just "meditations", not indelible marks on our souls. The priest? Only an "instrument". The liturgy is now a reflection of
"The Sacraments are a privileged way in which nature is taken up by God to become a means of mediating supernatural life. Through our worship of God, we are invited to embrace the world on a different plane. Water, oil, fire and colours are taken up in all their symbolic power and incorporated in our act of praise.
Pagan worship....Gaia.....wiccan......mythology...... This is the what the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will / has become for many.
P. 237 We can't leave the Jews out....
"Sunday, like the Jewish Sabbath, is meant to be a day which heals our relationships with God, with ourselves, with others and with the world."
Oh, one more thing...
I did a search of the document and found:
soul - mentioned twice
Holy Eucharist - none, ziltch, nada
Eucharist - 11 times
God - 100 + times
Jesus- 23 times
Mary - 5 times
Joseph - twice
sacrament - 3 times
creation - 66-67 times
Wow. I'm just speechless here. Just let the words sink in for you.
We have to remember that Francis didn't write this himself, but written by other people who shares his world view. Because of Francis desire to please, and appear "all things to all people", he may have inadvertently allowed himself to be used. I'm trying to give the Pope the benefit of the doubt. Never the less, it his his name on the document and he should take full responsibility for it. This one will go down....and I meant down history as one of the worst encyclicals, and the one that tried to meld pagan/mystic earth worship
demonic with Catholicism.
I will pause for now, and let the rest of you have some fun. Why should I take it all!
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