His Excellency Bp. Williamson to Consecrate Rev. Fr. Faure as Bishop March 19th 2015

Reverend Father Jean-Michael Faure to be Consecrated a Bishop March 19th by His Lordship Bp. Richard Williamson

"The March 19, 2015, feast of St. Joseph, Patron of the Catholic Church, seeing the incorrigible direction taken by the Neo-SSPX in its refusal to continue the fight for the integrity of the Faith, considering the liberal obstinacy of Mons. Fellay and his assistants, and to the destructive hostility Francisco and the Conciliar Church against the Catholic Tradition, Mons. Williamson made ​​a heroic act of charity, Christian RP consecrating bishop Jean-Michel Faure, perhaps the man better known and more faithful he was to Mgr. Lefebvre from the beginning of their struggle. "
The end times are during a frightening insight explains Father Emmanuel André.
Cardinal Newman, meanwhile, let's sobering words that seem to acquire any consistency in our present:
"The particular danger in front of our times is the deployment of the plague of infidelity, the Apostles and Our Lord have predicted as the greatest calamity of the last days of the Church. And at least a shadow, a typical image of that era hangs over the world. I do not pretend that this is the last time, but has the perverse prerogative to be similar to that terrible time in which it is said that the elect will be in danger of falling away "(cit. In" Four Sermons on Antichrist "Ed. Portico 2006).

. As Vatican II revolution produced such a catastrophe in the Church, creating a state of necessity which eventually led to Archbishop Lefebvre to resist with episcopal consecration on June 30, 1988, in what he called "Operation Lifeline"; likewise "Operation Suicide" promoted by the authorities of the SSPX carried Msgr. Williamson to make the same decision, so that "Operation Lifeline" Faith and Tradition does not succumb, through the work of betrayal of liberal that they turned the tide of the Fraternity. The plague of infidelity was slowly falling on a surveillance SSPX left to look in the mirror proud of its many financial assets. Then it was necessary to react.

The above is a google translation taken from Non Possumus.  To continue reading please

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R.N.W=Richard Nelson Williamson


R.N.W.=Richard's Never Wrong

In my 25 years of knowing him, I've found both to be true :)

The photograph of Father Faure you posted Dawn Marie is the one (and a really unknown one) I like the most (Maundy Thursday or Good Friday, don't remember) and yes,  Monseñor Williamson is never wrong, absolutely. 

God bless Fr. Faure and Bishop Williamson at this special time.

God Bless Bishop Williamson and Father Faure! 

Hooray! Buying Champagne....


Dawn Marie said:

R.N.W=Richard Nelson Williamson


R.N.W.=Richard's Never WronG


In my 25 years of knowing him, I've found both to be true :)



Deo gratias!! I have been hoping and praying for this for years!!! I don't know who Fr. Faure is, but I trust Bishop Williamson to know what he is doing. A few years ago people were urging H.E. to consecrate a priest or two from the Resistance, at least one of whom has since demonstrated somewhat erratic behavior. Rather than be hurried into making a bad decision, H.E. clearly prayed and waited for clarity, and now proceeds with confidence. 

Such a happy day! And to learn of it on St. Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick, ora pro nobis!!

Our Ana is covering the event and will post updates (on Non Possumus) as things progress. 

(Yes David! Deo Gratias!!!)

Just found this — an "exclusive" here on Rorate Cæli. What a hatchet job on His Excellency. Pathetic.

I guess they are credited with breaking the story, or at least crediting themselves. Apparently they got the first post up. But the tone of that article is so offensive!

Actually it has been known in certain areas for a while but it was being kept quiet.  I'd like to know who it was that told them.  And for that matter, why.

No matter...the actual reporting of events won't come from them, Non Possumus will cover it and will surely do a wonderful job.

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