Francis Through Bishop Forbids SSPX From Saying Mass in Italy

At L’Espresso I saw this, in Italian:

Pope Francis forbids Lefevbrite priests from saying Mass
The follows of the ultra traditionalist French bishop, already excommunicated, are now in Bergoglio’s crosshairs. Through one of his most faithful men he has forbidden them to celebrate Mass and administrate the sacraments. Whoever follows them risks excommunication.

In essence the article says that “new beatings with a stick” have come from “pastor of mercy and forgiveness”.

The Bishop of Albano, Marcello Semeraro, has forbidden the SSPX priests – who have their Italian HQ in Albano, a stone’s throw from Castel Gandolfo and two stone throws from Rome – from administering the sacraments. He also forbade the faithful from receiving the sacraments from the SSPX priests saying that they run the risk of excommunication. This was issued in the form of a notification signed by Bp. Semeraro, who happens to be the secretary of the Gang of Nine assembled by Pope Francis… Cards. Marx, O’Malley, Rodriguez Maradiaga, etc.

The notification was apparently published in no less than the official daily of the Italian Bishops Conference, Avvenire. It seems that he had received numerous requests about the celebration of sacraments by the SSPX. He wrote that “it isn’t an institution… of the Catholic Church”.

The article mentions that the SSPX has 15000 followers in Italy. Given the state of the Church in some places, that’s not nothing.

I didn’t find the Notification in the online version of Avvenire, but that’s no surprise.  It would be interesting to see the actual wording. Did Bp. Semararo raise the specter of excommunication for Catholics in the Diocese of Albano who seek sacraments from the SSPX?

Just lately the Prefect of the CDF, Card. Muller, had a meeting with SSPX leadership which seemed to betoken something positive. This is more than a little chilling, don’t you think?

*N.B. I regret to have to copy this from the Fr. Z blog but unfortunately for the moment he has the most description on the matter.

Having said that I'm not linking the above article to his site.  But that is where it is from.


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There is mercy and forgiveness for EVERYONE but SSPX (or any Traditionalists) Hmmmm

how ironic! 

Proof Traditionalists Serve the One True God! :) 

It's all so bizarre.  Why would anyone play with these people?  It makes no sense at all.

Adrienne said:

Sooooo... what will this do to the 'discussions' ?????

Maybe Bishop Fellay will finally wake up - it's NUTZ!

'Come on in, don't say Mass, let's talk, let's chop you off...  insane...

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