Fellay and Müller discuss a “gradual” move towards full reconciliation

Fellay and Müller discuss a “gradual” move towards full reconciliation

The meeting between the Superior of the Fraternity of St. Pius X and the heads of the Ecclesia Dei Commission lasted two hours. The Secretary of the former Holy office, Luis Ladaria, was also present.

Their meeting lasted two hours, from 11a.m. to 1 p.m. CET. The Superior of the Fraternity of St. Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay and Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei” (the body that handles relations between the Holy See’s and the Lefebvrians), discussed “problems of a doctrinal and canonical nature” which need to be resolved in order for the Fraternity to enter into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.  This was the first time Fellay held a face to face meeting with Müller since the latter was appointed head of the doctrinal Congregation. The Holy See announced the meeting, which took place at the premises of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

 The Holy See’s press release informs that the talks were “cordial”. Müller was joined by archbishops Luis Ladaria and Augustine Di Noia, respectively secretary and adjunct secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faithand Guido Pozzo, secretary of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”. Bishop Fellay was accompanied by two assistants from the Society of St. Pius X, Rev. Niklaus Pfluger and Rev. Alain-Marc Nély.

 During the meeting,” the statement says, “various problems of a doctrinal and canonical nature were examined, and it was decided to proceed gradually and over a reasonable period of time in order to overcome difficulties and with a view to the envisioned full reconciliation.” This phrase is important as it indicates that communication channels between the Holy See and the Lefebvrians remain open. Some in the Vatican and in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith called for a drastic decision to bring about a formal split between the two again. But Francis does not intend to close the door on dialogue with the Fraternity.

 Readers will recall that on 13 June 2012, the former Prefect of the Holy Office, Cardinal William Levada, had delivered a doctrinal preamble to Fellay to sign. However, four days later, the Lefebvrian superior wrote a letter to Benedict XVI informing him that he could not agree to the terms laid out in the document. Benedict XVI replied on 30 June 2012 communicating his disappointment and repeating his request to the Lefebvrians to recognize that “the magisterium is the authentic interpreter of the Tradition,” that the Second Vatican Council agrees with Tradition and that the Novus Ordo Missae, the post-conciliar liturgical reform promulgated by Paul VI, was not only valid but also legitimate.


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By Fr. David Hewko

Two years ago the Doctrinal Declaration (April 15, 2012) which compromised on major points of DOCTRINE and signed by Bishop Fellay was sent to Rome with the hopes of an agreement. As of Bishop Fellay's meeting on September 21, 2014 (as reported by Della Sala Stampa of the Vatican Press) it is glaringly evident that the "full reconciliation" or agreement is decidedly established, the only question is when.

Fr. Valan Raja Kumar, SSPX-MC, put it simply: "The SSPX died two years ago (2012); now (2014) they are discussing the burial place and time." Catholic Tradition is tottering to its fall! The betrayal of the SSPX Superiors to Our Lord Jesus Christ, God and King, has been consummated. The evidence is clear. It is an established fact. Dress it up in terms of "prudence," "practical negotiations," "unilateral recognition of tolerance," etc., the fact is obvious to all who have eyes to see, the old SSPX is essentially over.

As an appeal to all the priests of the Society of St. Pius X and all the faithful as well, have the resounding words of Archbishop Lefebvre been forgotten so soon? Has the combat for Catholic Tradition crumbled to the new version of "Trad-Ecumenism" with the liberal Catholic positions such as St. Peter's, Ecclesia Dei, Una Voce, etc., etc? Have the SSPX priests agreed to trade in their boxing gloves for ballerina slippers; traded the "sword of the spirit" for the "fables" of Liberal Catholicism; the defense of the true Christ the King for "religious freedom within the Conciliar Church"? (cf. 1st Condition for Agreement with Rome, 2012).

Whatever happened to the stand of Abp. Lefebvre? "It seems to me, my dear brethren, that I am hearing the voices of all these Popes--since Gregory XVI, Pius IX, Leo XIII, St. Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI, Pius XII--telling us: 'Please, we beseech you, what are you going to do with our teachings, with our preaching, with the Catholic Faith? Are you going to abandon it? Are you going to let it disappear from the earth? Please, please continue to keep this treasure which we have given you! Do not abandon the faithful, do not abandon the [Catholic] Church! Continue the [Catholic] Church! Indeed, since the Council, what we [popes] condemned in the past the present authorities have embraced and are professing! How is it possible? We have condemned them: Liberalism, Communism, Socialism, Modernism, Sillonism.'

"All the errors which we [popes] have condemned are now professed, adopted and supported by the authorities of the [Conciliar] Church. Is this possible? Unless you do something to continue this Tradition of the Church which we [popes] have given you, all of it shall disappear. Souls will be lost!" (Abp. Lefebvre, Consecration Sermon, June 30, 1988).

Indeed, all of Catholic Tradition will be "swamped" and "come to naught" (Abp. Lefebvre) when Tradition puts itself under these Modernist authorities.

How long will the watch dogs (i.e. priests) be silent while the SSPX Superiors submit Our Lord's flock to the wolves? Obedience to such a cooperation is a grave sin! Now is the last hour to escape this trap and turn from the Conciliar Church's snare. Unfurl the Catholic banner and proclaim the Truth against this apostate age!

"The Truth needs no disguise," said St. Pius X, "our flag must be unfurled; only by being straightforward and open can we do a little good, resisted no doubt by our enemies, but respected by them." (St. Pius X, October 20, 1912 Letter to Fr. Ciceri).

Let us hold high the great Declaration of 1974 that doesn't pretend to excuse Vatican II or "accept 95% of it," or "simply wish its correction." NO! NO! NO! "Even if all its acts are not formally heretical," said the Archbishop about the Council, "it comes from heresy and results in heresy!" (cf. 1974 Declaration).

"This fight between the Church and the Liberals and Modernism is the fight over Vatican II. It is as simple as that! and the consequences are far reaching.

"The more one analyzes the documents of Vatican II, and the more one analyzes their interpretation by the authorities of the Church, the more one realizes that what is at stake are not merely superficial errors, a few mistakes, ecumenism, religious liberty, collegiality, a certain Liberalism, but rather a wholesale perversion of the mind, a whole new philosophy based on modern philosophy, on subjectivism." (Abp. Lefebvre, Econe Address, Sept. 6, 1990, Seven months before his death).

Let us SSPX priests stand by the clear words of Abp. Lefebvre which resound like a trumpet over the battlefield of doctrine: "The only attitude of fidelity to the Church and to Catholic doctrine, is a categorical refusal to accept the reform!" (Abp. Lefebvre, 1974 Declaration).

And how close should we get to Modern Rome? "It is, therefore, a strict duty for every priest wanting to remain Catholic to separate himself from the Conciliar Church for as long as it does not rediscover the Tradition of the Church and of the Catholic Faith!" (Abp. Lefebvre, Spiritual Journey, p. 13).

This position has been abandoned by Bp. Fellay and all those now following the path of Operation Suicide. They no longer heed the urgent warning: "It is dangerous to put oneself into the hands of Conciliar Bishops and Modernist Rome! It is the greatest danger threatening our people!" (Abp. Lefebvre, Fideliter, July-August 1989). [cf. See 5th Condition].

In the June 2014 Letter of Dom Tomas Aquinas, OSB, he repeats Abp. Lefebvre's emphasis that the heart of the fight of Catholic Tradition is not firstly the Mass, but Christ's Kingship!

"It is this point, where our opposition lies and the reason why there is no possibility of an agreement. The question is not so much about the Mass, because the Mass is just one consequence of the fact that they wanted to get closer to Protestantism, and thus changing the worship, Sacraments, Catechism, etc.

"The real, fundamental opposition is against the Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ! 'Oportet Illum regnare!' St. Paul tells us Our Lord came to reign. They[Modernist Rome] say 'No!' We say: 'Yes!' with all its consequences!" (Abp. Lefebvre, Fideliter No. 70, 1993).

Dom Bruno, OSB explains the history of the fall and compromise of the Benedictine Monastery of Le Barroux (cf. The Recusant, issue #19, August 2014) while a handful of priests thought to stay and "fight from within." These priests and monks opposed the Liberal direction towards an agreement with Modernist Rome and vowed they would never say the New Mass. Eventually, they did because of the pressure, "unity" placed above the Truth, "personalities" of superiors put above unchanging principles, and they all fell to the new Liberalism and New Mass!

"That was what Fr. De Blignieres did too. He has changed completely. He who had written an entire volume condemning Religious Liberty, he now writes in favor of Religious Liberty! That's not being serious. One cannot rely anymore on men like that, who have understood nothing of the doctrinal question." (Abp. Lefebvre, Fideliter, No. 79, 1991).

Finally, please read the recent Letter of Dom Rafael, OSB dated September 15, 2014. In it, he quotes Bp. De Castro Mayer's insistence that the virtue of Faith, being the foundation of all supernatural life, has to be uncompromising. Any tolerance for error opens the door to all error and heresy!

He also quotes the great Cardinal Pie of Poitiers saying: "Battles are won or lost at the DOCTRINAL LEVEL. The error of the French Catholics was to wait and see what the consequences of the French Revolution would be, before reacting, before fighting back against these errors." So now, it is criminal to wait until the practical agreement between the SSPX and the Conciliar Church is "fully reconciled" before rising up against this toleration of false doctrines. It is putting the practical agreement above Christ the King, above His Divinity, above His Honor, His Doctrine, His Catholic Church!

This is the heart of the whole crisis: Our Lord Jesus Christ is GOD. Christ is KING. "Every spirit that dissolveth Jesus is not of God: and this is Antichrist." (I Jn. 4:3).

Vatican II dissolves the Divinity and Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ in its very documents!

Therefore, Vatican II is of the spirit of the Antichrist.

--the Doctrinal Declaration (April 15, 2012).
--the General Chapter Statement (July 14, 2012).
--the Six Conditions for the Agreement (July 17, 2012).
--the Letter of Bp. Fellay and 2 Assistants to the 3 Bishops (April 14, 2012).
--the CNS Interview (May 11, 2012).
--the DICI Interview (June 8, 2012).
--the La Liberte Interview (May 11, 2001).
--the Meeting with Cardinal Muller (September 21, 2014).
--the expulsion of Bp. Williamson and numerous priests, the silences and
punitive transfers since 2012.

All the above proves that the SSPX leaders are now willing to accept Vatican II "in the light of Tradition," the New Mass as "legitimately promulgated," the heresy of Religious Liberty of the Council as "limited, very limited" and "reconcilable with the Magisterium," the New Code, the New Profession of Faith (1989), all of which constitute the "30 pieces of silver" for the Agreement with Modernist Rome. Agreement or no agreement, these concessions dissolve Our Lord Jesus Christ. The "30 pieces" was paid and never rejected.

Only one option remains for any Traditional Catholic priest: It is to openly oppose this Modernism and Operation Suicide of reconciliation with the Conciliar Church.

Finally, we have the model before us, and how we should act:

"If my work is of God, He will guard it and use it for the good of His Church. Our Lord has promised us, the gates of Hell shall not prevail against her.

"This is why I persist, and if you wish to know the real reason for my persistence, it is this. At the hour of my death, when Our Lord asks me: 'What have you done with your episcopate? What have you done with your episcopal and priestly grace?' I do not want to hear from His lips the terrible words: 'You have helped to destroy the Church along with the rest of them." (Abp. Lefebvre, Open Letter to Confused Catholics, p. 163).

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Crusher of all heresies, pray for us!


A little happening that occured back in 1992 with Fr Hewko which I was telling my Mom about the other day.

I was working and living at Saint Mary's as a housemother in the girls dorm at the time and word got around that the SSPX had to ordain a priest ahead of schedule as they had a problem and were short of a priest in one of their churches.  So it was decided, apparently hands down, that the obvious choice would be seminarian David Hewko who was noted by all for his piety and holiness.

So David Hewko became Father Hewko, if memory serves me right in April of 92.

I couldn't attend the ordination because I was infamarian that day and had to stay with the girls who were sick.  However temptation got the better of me and I headed down the hill to sneak a peek in the Church but when I got about 30 feet from the door I realized I was wrong because I had left the girls and was not being attentive to my duties so I decided to head back up the hill.  Before I left the bells started to peel and the Te Deum was being sung.  I looked up at the bell and saw...yes its true...a white dove circling around and around in a perfect circle for the whole of the ted deum.  That seemed odd to me...a white dove at the steeple at the ringing/singing of the te deum.

Still I left and headed back up but before I got into the dorm (I was still in the parking lot) one of the men who worked there and was the photographer had run up the hill for more film for his camera or something.  So I asked him, I said "David, did you see the white dove above the church when you cam out"?

Of course he instantly started to ridicule me..."Oh sure Miss. Welch, yeah uhhuh there was a white dove....blah blah blah.

I explained to him that there was but of course he didn't believe it, so I started to turn to head to the dorm and bam there was the white dove in front of both of us circling in front of the water tower.  David was speechless.  I said see, I told you!  He apologized and we watched the dove which after a moment or two disappeared. 

I've always thought since that day, that God had special plans for Fr. Hewko and that Fr. Hewko was very special to God.

Now in light of all this, that day makes more sense than ever.

That is so neat!
Dawn Marie said:

A little happening that occured back in 1992 with Fr Hewko which I was telling my Mom about the other day.

I was working and living at Saint Mary's as a housemother in the girls dorm at the time and word got around that the SSPX had to ordain a priest ahead of schedule as they had a problem and were short of a priest in one of their churches.  So it was decided, apparently hands down, that the obvious choice would be seminarian David Hewko who was noted by all for his piety and holiness.

So David Hewko became Father Hewko, if memory serves me right in April of 92.

I couldn't attend the ordination because I was infamarian that day and had to stay with the girls who were sick.  However temptation got the better of me and I headed down the hill to sneak a peek in the Church but when I got about 30 feet from the door I realized I was wrong because I had left the girls and was not being attentive to my duties so I decided to head back up the hill.  Before I left the bells started to peel and the Te Deum was being sung.  I looked up at the bell and saw...yes its true...a white dove circling around and around in a perfect circle for the whole of the ted deum.  That seemed odd to me...a white dove at the steeple at the ringing/singing of the te deum.

Still I left and headed back up but before I got into the dorm (I was still in the parking lot) one of the men who worked there and was the photographer had run up the hill for more film for his camera or something.  So I asked him, I said "David, did you see the white dove above the church when you cam out"?

Of course he instantly started to ridicule me..."Oh sure Miss. Welch, yeah uhhuh there was a white dove....blah blah blah.

I explained to him that there was but of course he didn't believe it, so I started to turn to head to the dorm and bam there was the white dove in front of both of us circling in front of the water tower.  David was speechless.  I said see, I told you!  He apologized and we watched the dove which after a moment or two disappeared. 

I've always thought since that day, that God had special plans for Fr. Hewko and that Fr. Hewko was very special to God.

Now in light of all this, that day makes more sense than ever.

Matthew, why do you think the Traditional camp might fall into ruin? Because of, what you say next, the self-righteousness? Or ...why?  God forbid we 'eat' each other! 

Are you the recipient of prayers from the St. Camillas group? We pray for caregivers and the sick. 

Cardinal Pell was also replaced. He was a 'conservative' NO appointed to clean up Vatican financial fiasco.

They will pretend to "stream-line" the annulment process...they are already using that terminology on EWTN.  But you're right, it will be heresy. 

Matthew Joseph Michael Gendzwill said:


Last Sunday we heard a sermon on the Sacrament of Marriage.  The emphasis was on the need for Roman Catholics to be well formed for the sacrament, how marriage is proper to the natural law, that Our Lord Jesus Christ elevated the natural bond to a sacramental bond.  The contrast was made between how Roman Catholics live in the sacrament of marriage and how the majority of conciliar catholics do.  Also was said the high probability of the pending Synod to be finally heretical.  

     I am not married.  I was married until my wife passed.  I have no children.  It was a disaster.  I look back now and just shake my head.  Thank God for the Ignatian retreat and the general confession.  

     I think if one steps back and looks at the Traditional camp one may see its' imminent disintegration or ruin, no?  Not so much due to some one  or  one thing or two.  Perhaps communicating over the internet wherein I can type my thinking in my privacy and convince my self of my rightness also contributes to our imminent demise.  What would Bishop Sanborn think?  

Cristera said:

Sadly as it sounds, in last Sunday´s masses at the SSPX not a single word was said about this. Neither to support nor to condemn. This makes me think that our priests are following Bp. Fellay willingly, because they want to, and not because they´ve been deceived. I still had hope that they would stand up and defend the truth, but they seem to be right where they belong. As Father David Hewko has said, they´ve changed their boxing gloves for ballet shoes. And with them, so many lay men that have chosen to follow their priests because they trust them. My heart is broken and my hope in them standing up to fight for the truth has suddenly burnt out to ashes.

I have some points I will not budge on in that sense, that I think they are right,, not because I think so, but because the facts are all there:

1. the consecration was accomplished (albeit too late) by John Paul II in 1984

2. the sun goes around the earth, as stated in Joshua

3. Sr. Lucia saw the end of the world in a vision on Jan. 3, 1944.

I do wonder if Francis is the anti-christ. I don't know. If he is, Aug. 29, 2016 is 1260th day of his reign Feast of St. John the Baptist Beheading.

There, my cards are on the table.

I'm at odds with everyone I know in tradition.

As they say in Mexico, hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Pope JP 2 Consecrated the WORLD in 1984 not Russia by name. The Consecration as Our Blessed Mother

requested was NOT done. Russia to this day is not converted.    

That was written with Pope Pius the XII in mind but naturally it applies to JPII also.

Sue, we are living... all countries having turned to  communism.

Dissolution of the Soviet Union

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dissolution of the Soviet Union
Tanks in Red Square during 1991 Soviet coup d'etat attempt
Date March 11, 1985 – December 25, 1991
(6 years, 9 months, 2 weeks and 1 day)[1]

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) ceased to exist on December 26, 1991 by declaration no. 142-H of the Soviet of the Republics of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union,[1] acknowledging the independence of the twelve remaining republics of the Soviet Union, and creating the Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS). On the previous day, December 25, 1991, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, the eighth and last undisputed leader of the Soviet Union, had resigned, declared his office extinct, and handed over its attributes--including control of the Soviet nuclear missile launching codes--to Russian President Boris Yeltsin. That same evening at 7:32 P.M., the Soviet flag was lowered from the Kremlin for the last time and replaced with the Russian tricolor. From August to December, 13 of the 15 republics seceded from the union. The week before the union's former dissolution, 11 republics--all except the Baltic states and Georgia--signed the Alma-Ata Protocol formally establishing the CIS and declaring that the Soviet Union had ceased to exist.[2][3] The dissolution of the Soviet Union also marked an end to the Cold War. TheRevolutions of 1989 and the end of the Soviet Union led to the end of decades-long hostility between North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact, which had been the defining feature of the Cold War.


Yes, I know western civilization is materialist atheist.  In Russia, they have religious educations in their public schools, they are rebuilding churches with government money, and there is now a church dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima in Kazakhstan. Christianity has more support (government) in Russia than in the US or Europe. Just a few of the many tidbits I've come across. No, it isn't a conversion to Catholicism, but with the kind of pope in the Vatican, I sure wouldn't want to see them under his baton, that would be a punishment! 

Judging from Sr. Lucia's vision in 1944, just  released, and the 3rd secret, it  seems obvious that because the world and the church didn't respond to Our Lady's call as they should have, there isn't going to be anything like the conversion that might have been, but rather the world is obviously facing God's justice and soon. That's the way I see it; as Matthew said, each has to make his judgment.  

No linking to them here.



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