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Yeah and so is mine lol

Peter was feeling hungry so he decided to try the new eatery in town: The Waltzing Matilda Roadkill Grill & Pizzeria.

Waltzing through the doors, Peter sat at the nearest table and looked at the menu.  "Hmmm.....the special today looks interesting.....'Roo on a Stick.....but I don't know....."

The waitress (Cathleen) came over:  "What can I get for you today, Sir?"  she asked brightly.

Peter:  "Well...I thought about the 'roo special....but I think I'll go with pizza."

Cathleen:  "Very good, sir!  Would you like that cut into four slices, or eight?"

Peter:  "Oh, I don't think I can eat eight slices.  Just cut it into four."

Roo on a stick!!!!!!1 ROFL

LOL that's about the extent of my computer expertise too lol

My Mum will like that one!! Mum has a job fixing computers - usually over the phone too..... ugh! Here's another one:


A priest was giving an excessively long and boring sermon. A child had his eye intensively fixed on the sanctuary lamp and tugged his fathers sleeve: "Daddy, when the light turns green, can we go?"


Also, from one of Archbishop Fulton Sheen's lectures (I hope I remembered it right) :


Pope Pius XII had his portrait drawn by an Italian artist. The artist did not speak Latin. The portrait was quite ugly, and when the artist asked the Pontiff to sign his name on the bottom he wrote:  "Nolite timere. Ego sum." (translated into English as: Fear not. It is I.)   :)

LOL!  I love the one about "when the light turns green....."  ROFL!

Thanks, Sarah!

Many, MANY years ago, when Peter was a young lad attending elementary school......the power went out at the school.  The lunch ladies were perplexed; no hot lunches for the students.  What to do?

One plucky lady grabbed several bags of bread and began making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  "It's better than nothing," she told her fellow workers.  She piled up a large stack of them on a tray.

When Little Peter came through the lunch line, he filled his tray with the sandwiches.  "Oh boy, fellas!  For once....a home-cooked meal!"

funny stuff

Ha Ha Ha  hey, that is the same at my house!!

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