The Francis Effect: First the FI, now the youth in America. TLM Denied at Fisher More College.


Bishop Bans Fisher More College from offering Traditional Latin Mass to students

Stunning letter gives no reason, simply bans the Mass said daily for last three years at school for sake of "your own soul"

Canon Law Centre: Bishop has "unlawfully restricted the rights of the faithful"



Bishop Olson threatens to hold Jesus hostage

“I told you so” can be bittersweet indeed; in this case, far more bitter than sweet, but here goes.

The present pontificate’s subversion of the norms set forth in Summorum Pontificum in the restrictions placed upon the FFI is proving to be exactly as I expected; the first shots in what could very well blossom into an all-out assault against the traditional Mass and those who love it.

“Only a fool can be confident that this same, or a similar, criteria won’t eventually end up being applied in the regulation of the traditional Mass in dioceses (and parishes) wherein the local ordinary (or pastor) is either ambivalent or hostile toward the ancient rite. And why not? Rome has given such men (if they ever really cared about the mind of the pope in the first place) all they need to claim justification for doing so.”

So I wrote back in August, even as the neo-con papal cheerleaders at Catholic Answers were snickering up their collective sleeve while painting such concerns as an unwarranted “freakout in cyberspace” over “Pope Francis’s presumed dark intentions toward the extraordinary form liturgy.”

Sure enough, Rorate Caeli is reporting that Most Reverend Michael Olson, Bishop of Fort Worth, an obviously emboldened prelate who is clearly hostile toward the traditional Mass, took it upon himself on February 24th to forbid the celebration of the Usus Antiquior at Fisher-More College.

In a letter addressed to Mr. Michael King, President of Fisher-More, Bishop Olson stated:

“You do not have permission to have the public celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass at the Chapel of Fisher More College. This includes Sundays and weekdays. The weekly celebration of the Extraordinary Form is available to the faithful every Sunday at St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church in Fort Worth.”

While it was awfully nice of the newly consecrated bishop, who was installed just twenty-six days before writing his epistle, to alert Mr. King of the availability of the traditional Mass on Sundays at 5:30 pm at a parish off-campus, I have some bad news for him:

You don’t have the authority to forbid the celebration of the so-called ‘Extraordinary Form’ of the Mass. Period.

The letter, which might best be put to use as thurible kindling at Fisher-More’s next Solemn High Mass, continues:

“You may only have the celebration of the Mass in the Ordinary Form … Failure to comply with the above stated norms will result in my withdrawal of permission to celebrate the Eucharist in your chapel along with withdrawal of permission to reserve the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel.”

Yes, you read that correctly. The bishop is actually threatening to hold Jesus Christ hostage from a Catholic college in order to enforce his diabolical, yes, diabolical aversion to the venerable rite.

Just imagine the scene as Bishop Olson strides onto the Fisher-More campus to seize the Eucharistic Christ from the tabernacle, crozier in one hand, thirty pieces of silver in the other.

Pardon me, Excellency, but this “Successor to the Apostles” thing kind of assumes you’ll model yourself after one of the other eleven. Capsice?

And why, pray tell, is this considered by Bishop Olson as a matter of such pressing importance that it merited this immediate and incomprehensibly harsh attention?

According to his letter, “I make these norms out of my pastoral solicitude and care for the students of Fisher-More as well as for your own soul.”

No, this isn’t an early April Fool’s Day joke; this fool is the real deal.

He not only thinks that typing up a document on the computer in his new office is the same as establishing “norms,” one of the first things he committed to writing on his freshly printed letterhead makes it clear that he considers the traditional Mass a danger to souls.

This has all the makings of a case study in the real Francis Effect: A Barney Fife wannabe bishop with a burr under his saddle for the Usus Antiquior attacking with abandon traditional Catholics and that which they most hold dear, Summorum Pontificum be damned.

One expects that Fisher-More College will respond to this outrage by making an appeal through official channels, doing everything possible to avoid a flat out showdown with their new bishop, but it’s difficult to imagine this ending any other way.

Let’s keep a close eye on this one; you can bet your favorite hand missal every whack job liberal bishop in the country is doing just that.

source Harvesting the Fruits of VatII


CFN-Bishop Bans Fisher More College from offering Traditional Latin Mass to students


Note from CFN: We were aware of this not-unexpected development many days prior to Rorate reporting, but did not publicize it until it appeared the College was ready for the news to be made public. Now that the news is out, we likewise publish this report. - jv


CALL TO ACTION: Please, dear readers, blog about this grave injustice. Email this to your families and friends. Tweet it on Twitter, including retweeting our Tweets which you will see on the right-hand side of this page. Send it to the media. We must do everything in our power to spread the word and help this school and students regain their God-given patrimony. Don't think for a second this starts and stops with this college. If we don't act now, we will surely regret it later.


It did not take long for news to spread to Europe. France and Italy already reporting:

Click here to read Corrispondenza Romana

Click here to read TradiNews



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More from Louie Verrecchio.  He has some excellent points of the blatant hypocrisy and double standard.

People's Pope

Who’da thunk it? In the space of just the last month or so, Fort Worth, Texas has become a microcosm of Christian life under the glorious reign of His Holiness Francesco, “The People’s Pope.”

First, let us consider the lot of the non-Christian:

As a hen gathers her brood young under her wings, Pope Francis recently offered a warm embrace to the heretics assembled at the Fort Worth based Kenneth Copeland Ministries Conference.

In a personal video message just oozing with affirmation and acceptance, the pope was all-too-delighted to express his great pleasure in recognizing the “cultural riches, religious riches and diverse traditions” of the protestants gathered in assembly to coordinate their collective efforts in leading souls away from the one true faith established by Our Blessed Lord.

His Holiness even made it a point to honor his heretical friend, Tony Palmer, by addressing him as “my brother bishop.”

Can you feel the love?

Now, by contrast, let us consider the lot of the faithful Catholic students, faculty and family members that make up the Fort Worth based Fisher More College community, the administrators of which just recently posted the following notice:

The College has been notified by the Bishop of Fort Worth, the Most Rev. Michael Olson, that it no longer has permission to have the public celebration of the Latin Mass in the College chapel, including Sundays.  Effective immediately and until further notice, the daily Mass schedule is suspended.

Can you feel the contempt?

And so it has been, and so it is likely to remain, for Christians living under the glorious reign of His Holiness Francesco, “The People’s Pope.”

Good stuff!  Louie is on a roll anymore.   His video to Michael Voris almost made my side hurt (in the beginning) from chuckling at his good natured humor about all of it.

I forgot to post Fisher More' reaction...brace yourself

...And these people actually obeyed the unjust command :facepalm:

"The College has been notified by the Bishop of Fort Worth, the Most Rev. Michael Olson, that it no longer has permission to have the public celebration of the Latin Mass in the College chapel, including Sundays. Effective immediately and until further notice, the daily Mass schedule is suspended."


How can anyone not see what Francis is doing?   One grave injustice upon another toward anything truly Catholic.


Forced to give up their Marian Vow. Another Injustice for the FFI!

(Rome) Should the Franciscans of the Immaculate be dissolved as a separate order and incorporated into the Capuchin Order? This rumor is  making the rounds on the Internet.  Vigiliae Alexandrinae refers to a “reliable source in Germany.”  Accordingly, a plan in preparation should be to integrate the Franciscans of the Immaculate to be forced into the Capuchin Order and thus dissolve the Order Father Stefano Maria Manelli  founded.

The  Congregation of Religious had established, with the approval of Pope Francis,  the  Apostolic Commissar, Father Fidenzio Volpi,  in July of last year. In his first official statement, dated 31 August 2013 Commissioner Volpi wrote:

 Continue reading

Truly disheartening.

CMTV Manifestogate from Louie Verrecchio on Vimeo.

DM said:

Good stuff!  Louie is on a roll anymore.   His video to Michael Voris almost made my side hurt (in the beginning) from chuckling at his good natured humor about all of it.

Interesting, a gentleman named Alan Aversa writes:

"One reason this Francis-appointee wolf banned FMC's TLM after just a month at the job is because, according to ex-FMC «ex officio» board member Dr. Taylor Marshall, FMC's Dr. Dudley «claimed in his Year of Faith lecture that Catholic professors have the duty to teach young people that Vatican 2 is not a valid Council (he also endorsed other “resistance” positions regarding the Novus Ordo, John Paul II, etc.).» You can read Dr. Dudley's lecture here:
Another reason I've been able to verify is that after the FSSP priest left months ago, an SSPX priest became their chaplain."

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