A Guide for What is Coming With Obamacare-It isn't pretty

While I don't normally post something this extensive (with so many different links) on a secular issue, in good conscience, I thought it best to post this one.  Last week out of the clear blue we were told, not asked by the Veterans Administration Doctor's office, that they were sending two "nurses" 4 times in 4 days to "inspect" our home.  While they did not openly admit this at first after I pressured them for answers as to why they were really coming since the ones they were giving me made no sense and were not adding up, they did finally admit this is why these "nurses" were scheduled to come, without our knowledge, without our consent and most importantly without any justifiable reason.  I was stunned when I received the initial phone call telling me they were coming out the next day to make sure my husband was "taking all his medications" for diabetes.  I asked the lady why such an extreme action was being taken when if in fact  that was their true reason for coming all they had to do was ask.  This is not good and we are experiencing it firsthand.  I firmly told them to get lost.  We will see how well that goes over.

Forewarned is forearmed....




Obamacare Rationing: Man With Leukemia Loses His Health Insurance
Leading pro-life groups warned from the beginning that Obamacare would lead to rationing — whether it be through “death panels,”

or a reduction in care for elderly or terminally ill patients, or higher costs for patients. Now, one man with leukemia is losing his health

insurance entirely.

Moreover, his doctor may cost him as much as $26,000 to see — a sum of money this middle class man just can’t afford. President
Obama said Americans could keep their health insurance if they wanted to under Obamacare, but it appears that may not be the case.
From the story about this Arizona resident: Click to see photo of Mike and a copy of the letter from his insurance company


Howard Dean Admits Obamacare Includes Death Panels, Wants Them Repealed
When Congress debated Obamacare, pro-life advocates and Republicans like Sarah Palin were castigated for claiming the government-run health care program would include death panels that would ration health care treatment. Now, former presidential candidate Howard Dean has essentially admitted they were right and is calling for the repeal of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).  In a Wall Street Journal op-ed Monday he called the IPAB “essentially a health-care rationing body” that he believes will fail.



An Update On Obama’s Personal Army…

On page 496 of H.R. 3590 is this quote: ” (b) Assimilating Reserve Corp Officers Into the Regular Corps. . .Effective

on the date of enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, all individuals classified as officers in

the Reserve (civilian) Corps . . .shall be deemed to be commissioned officers of the Regular Corps.”  Reserve and

Regular Corps are military terms used to describe a “civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as

strong, just as well funded,”


Get ready to talk about your meds, guns and lifestyle
Concerns surge as Obamacare website warns privacy gone

Dr. Gina Loudon
Get ready to talk about your meds, guns and lifestyle.
Sure, doctors will say Obamacare requires them to ask you these probing personal
questions and to put your answers in the government's database.
But wait until you see the chunk of change Obama paid them to do it ...

Has your doctor taken Obama bribe to spy on you?


Americans are increasing their calls for lawmakers to fight Obamacare because of worries
over an abundance of personal information that soon will be in the government’s hands.
The Healthcare.gov website calls for information such as name, address, Social Security
number and income, while Obamacare will implement online medical records that include
details about ailments, conditions, mental state, drug use, gun ownership and other
personal details.
That has people worried that the sum total of information could be mishandled by the
government, or worse yet, be let loose. There were more than 12.6 million victims of
identity theft in the U.S.
last year, and the federal government’s collection of Americans’ personal health and
financial data offers a treasure trove of possibilities for criminals.
A major concern of Lemons is the way that insurance companies could use data against
future applicants.
“What about future life insurance from a genetic issue that was previously assured to be
confidential … what about your offspring who haven’t even applied for coverage, or policies?
The abuse by agencies is a real threat, and the slope to its worsening is far too slippery.”
Lemons said he has heard stories of sexual orientation, gun ownership and other private
issues being part of the questionnaires. “The potential for misuse, and profiling is extreme...


Ready? Obamacare Will Question Your Sex Life


Obamacare troops planning home visits
Constitutional attorney: 'This is not a voluntary program'
As you prepare for the IRS to start monitoring your health insurance and make your medical records accessible
to thousands, perhaps you also should vacuum your floor, wash the windows and lock up any weapons, should
you be so unwise as to actually have them.
That's because, deep in Obamacare's code, old-fashioned house calls are back ... but it won't be the doctor
knocking on your front door.
Indeed, he may not even bother to knock at all ...
House calls ... Obama-style
“Health and Human Services’ website states that your family will be targeted if you fall under the ‘high-risk’ categories below: Families
where mom is not yet 21. Families where someone is a tobacco user. Families where children have low student achievement, developmental
delays, or disabilities. Families with individuals who are serving or formerly served in the armed forces, including such families that have
members of the armed forced who have had multiple deployments outside the United States,” Cook wrote.
He noted constitutional attorney and author Kent Master Brown has said it’s not a “voluntary” program.
“The eligible entity receiving the grant for performing the home visits is to identify the individuals to be visited and
intervene so as to meet the improvement benchmarks,” Cook said. “A homeschooling family, for instance, may be
subject to ‘intervention’ in ‘school readiness’ and ‘social-emotional developmental indicators.’ A farm family may be
subject to ‘intervention’ in order to ‘prevent child injuries.’ The sky is the limit.”

Healthcare.gov now deliberately displaying false pricing information to trick the public
In mid-October, Forbes' Avik Roy, who has been writing regularly about the pitfalls and expected pitfalls of Obamacare, made a rather
startling claim. "A growing consensus of IT experts, outside and inside the government, have...

Obama administration orders Blue Cross to keep Obamacare enrollment numbers secret
In the past week, there has been a smattering of reports that some Americans - finally - have managed to actually sign up for healthcare
insurance using the government's Obamacare exchange (Healthcare.gov). But what is equally clear...


Healthcare Industry Already Cutting Jobs
More than 41,000 healthcare workers have been laid off so far this year, and much of the
blame goes to Obamacare.
The cuts have affected mostly hospital staffing in response to reduced reimbursement rates for Medicare
patients under the sequester, and cuts for some providers under the Affordable Care Act, according to an
article by Kevin D. Williamson for National Review Online.
Private insurers are also reducing payments. The sequester will probably be repealed at some point,
but the effects of Obamacare will likely remain, Williamson warns.
The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is required by the healthcare reform act to reduce the
growth of Medicare spending. The bill also bars the IPAB from raising Medicare premiums or rationing care,
so most of any savings will come from reduced Medicare payments to providers.
Also, the aging of the U.S. population means that a larger share of healthcare will be paid at Medicare
rates in future years. That will put financial strain on hospitals, so hospitals have begun cutting back.
Some hospitals will reportedly be forced to close due to the reduced Medicare payments.
The job cuts will pose problems for the economy as well as healthcare. The number of jobs in healthcare —
including not just doctors and nurses but clerical staff, billing specialists, and others — grew by 63 percent
from 1990 to 2008, accounting for one out of every four jobs created during that period.
Also, healthcare is a sector that has enjoyed relatively strong growth in inflation-adjusted wages in recent
decades. "Losing that means losing a big piece of the employment picture, not just in total jobs but in real
income," observes Williamson, author of the new book "The End Is Near and It's Going to Be Awesome."
"Which puts us in a difficult position: Cutting Medicare and Medicaid spending will have ill effects on the job
market, but not cutting Medicare and Medicaid spending will bankrupt the country."

Massive New Taxes Hidden In Obamacare

Taxes on Flexible spending accounts, taxes on your healthcare plan, Taxes on all medical devises, taxes on indoor tanning services...


Obamacare Exchanges Hide Info on Abortion Coverage, Mandatory Abortion Surcharge
With the exchanges of Obamacare activated this month, it has become evident that it is nearly impossible for individuals

to try to determine which exchange plans on their state exchange, if any, exclude abortion, said a group of lawmakers at

a bipartisan press conference Wednesday.

U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04) unveiled his legislation, H.R. 3279, the “Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act” —cosponsored

by 70 other Members of the House—to ensure full disclosure of abortion coverage, requiring prominent and transparent disclosure

of abortion coverage for each plan offered on an exchange.


Your Tax Dollars Will Fund Abortions and Planned Parenthood Under Obamacare, Here’s How
On a Friday night back in December 2009, Senate Majority Leader Reid was in tense negotiations with then-Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska, as Reid desperately needed Nelson’s vote to secure Senate passage of ObamaCare. Finally, Nelson had what Politico described as a “breakthrough” that lead to a deal, as Politico reported a few days later. Part of the deal, Politico wrote, was that “people who receive federal subsidies would need to write two separate checks as a way to ensure that none of the federal dollars went toward the abortion premium.”


Six days later, Senator Nelson took to the Senate floor to explain in detail the deal he had negotiated. With respect to the two check requirement,

Senator Nelson said: “In the Senate bill, if you are receiving Federal assistance to buy insurance, and if that plan has any abortion coverage, the

insurance company must bill you separately, and you must pay separately from your own personal funds–perhaps a credit card transaction, your

separate personal check, or automatic withdrawal from your bank account– for that abortion coverage.


Weatherford on Fox & Friends: Obamacare "A Train Wreck"

Earlier today, Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford joined Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade to discuss hidden taxes in Obamacare.  

With the October 1st implementation deadline for Obamacare looming, Speaker Weatherford also discussed how several of thes

taxes will affect Floridians.  The full interview is available online or by clicking on the graphic below.


For more information about Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford, please visit his site online.



Administration: Penalties for Obamacare Kick in on Valentine's Day

You'll have to get coverage by Valentine's Day or thereabouts to avoid penalties for being uninsured, the Obama

administration confirmed Wednesday. That's about six weeks earlier than a Mar. 31 deadline often cited previously.

The explanation: health insurance coverage typically starts on the first day of a given month, and it takes up to 15

days to process applications. You still have to be covered by Mar. 31 to avoid the new penalties for remaining uninsured.


But to successfully accomplish that you have to send in your application by the middle of February. Coverage would then

start on Mar. 1.The Jackson Hewitt tax preparation company first pointed out the wrinkle with the health care law's least

popular requirement.


White House Extends 'Individual Mandate' Deadline


The Obama administration is giving individuals who buy health insurance through government-run marketplaces

until the end of March to enroll in a plan without a penalty, an administration official said.
The administration plans to issue guidelines soon to clear up confusion over deadlines under President Obama’s

healthcare law, according to the official, who asked for anonymity Wednesday because…


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Thanks for posting this info, DM.  Good for you in standing up to those goons.  :-(  They didn't know they were dealing with "St. Joan!"  ;-D  But seriously, may God guide you and help you......and may God help us all.

Well, we wasted no time in typing up a letter telling the V.A. that we wanted him removed from the registration as a patient with their doctor's office effective immediately.  We hand delivered it yesterday afternoon. 

From what I've read they are targeting medicare and military first. 

Welcome to the USSA.

I hope you made copies you may need them. Our prayers are with you.

Thanks for the warning D. ugh!

The prince of deceit

President Obama is losing the support of the American people. He is now facing the greatest crisis of his presidency — Obamacaregate. His repeated lies and deliberate distortions are leading many — including some liberal Democrats — to finally question Mr. Obama’s character. He has betrayed the public’s trust. Once that is lost, Mr. Obama’s credibility is finished. He is becoming a lame-duck president, distrusted, neutered and increasingly irrelevant.

The central promise of Obamacare is that it would ensure universal health care without affecting the health plans of the vast majority of Americans who already possessed coverage. In fact, Mr. Obama vowed that his signature law would reduce the health care costs of the average family by about $2,500. Instead, the truth has been revealed: Millions of people will lose their health insurance, while premiums and deductibles are skyrocketing. The average family will have their health care costs rise by more than $7,500.

Moreover, the president knew this was going to happen. The administration had drafted rules that guaranteed millions would be forced to change their coverage and enroll into the Obamacare exchanges, especially those whose plans were not “grandfathered” prior to March 23, 2010. On numerous occasions, Mr. Obama brazenly and cynically lied. He repeatedly told Americans: “If you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctor, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan.”

His goal was simple: Deliberately deceive the public in order to establish government control over health care. Yet after being exposed, Mr. Obama refuses to be held accountable. He even refuses to apologize. Instead, he continues to lie and dissemble. On Monday, the president claimed, “what we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed.”

This is utterly false — and he knows it. For example, previously he said, “You will be able to keep your doctor, period.” He also said, “You’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

Leftists, such as those at MSNBC and The New York Times, still defend Mr. Obama, arguing that all politicians engage in mendacity. For them, the ends justify the means. They’re wrong. The president didn’t just lie; he repeatedly misled the public for more than three years on the seminal issue of his presidency — one that affects the most intimate aspect of anyone’s life: their health. This calculated decision to deceive is greater than either President Nixon’s cover-up of Watergate or President Clinton’s perjury over Monica Lewinsky. It is the biggest, most destructive lie in modern American history.

If the public had known the truth, Obamacare would never have been passed. Mr. Obama would have never won re-election. We would be spared the ongoing national torment. Instead, it is estimated that as many as 93 million Americans will have to change their health insurance, millions will lose coverage, millions more will see their premiums dramatically increase, countless jobs will be lost or employee work hours slashed, and one-sixth of the U.S. economy will be revolutionized. The finest health care system in the world will be destroyed — and all of this will be done based on a pack of lies.

From the beginning, it was obvious that Obamacare was destined to fail. Its fatal flaw lay in its very design. Mr. Obama pledged that the United States could add more than 30 million citizens to the health care rolls, and construct a massive bureaucracy to administer and enforce the new command-and-control system while simultaneously slashing health costs. That’s akin to claiming you can eat anything you want and still lose weight. It is snake oil masquerading as public policy.

Yet it is not just Obamacare. The president has a disturbing pattern of mendacity and deception. The Internal Revenue Service scandal, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the National Security Agency spying program, Solyndra and the Justice Department’s targeting of journalists and whistleblowers — Mr. Obama seems incapable or unwilling to tell the truth. He is an incorrigible liar.

Mr. Obama’s strong suit — in fact, his greatest asset — is that Americans have generally viewed him as a likeable, decent man. His mask, however, is coming off. To their increasing shock — and horror — they are discovering that he is willing to do and say anything to achieve his socialist revolution. He is the prince of deceit. This is the real scandal engulfing his presidency.

Jeffrey T. Kuhner is a radio host on WRKO AM-680 in Boston.

He is even willing to kill! My son does not stand a chance at having a kidney

transplant. Because the new Obama laws define him as unproductive,

a social burden. Bottom line-he cannot contribute to society so he is deemed

not worthy to live! And Ben has a twin that is (was) going to give him a kidney.

The "Death Panels" can even stop Dialysis at anytime and for any reason.

We can only hope that the eyes of the American people are opened with this


I don't believe eyes will be opened where I live, in the liberal state of Oregon.

O my Jesus it is for Love of Thee...God's Will be done.

And we all know who the Father of Lies is.....

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