Ben A.-Father L.-Anne Marie-Mr. K  and Stephen-For a special intention (M)-"Galmen" & "Walden" Families.-For  special intentions -- Mary Ellen and Christine-For little Haley Hurtuk-For a special intention: S.P.S.-Conversions for the Alderete children. For J.M.-For the health and safety of our members in Nigeria-For Katherine's intentions-Family Lombell De Valle-C.W.'s family-Dinae O. -D.K. and C.S.-For Emmanuel and family, for freedom from addiction-Special intention for Christine M.-Isaac L. and family-Special intention for Lucero grandchildren-Rick Padilla-Adrian Cleary-Special intention Lucy Hagarty-Julian Maez-Dave & Ronnie-Conrad & Mary-For a Desperate case, for Steven-Mother of 13 children- urgent need of prayers-A special intention for Robert-Desperate prayers for Phil Kline-For Theresa Lynn and her unborn baby--Robbie Bonastia-Crissy for a special intention -For Robyn for an increase of love and faith for Jesus and Mary-Laura and her family-A special intention for Andrew-For Susy and her baby-For Addy and her family-Melissa Griffin-Special intention for Yolande -For Katherine's intentions, her husband's addiction to drugs- a special intention for M.E. and K.C.-For a special need-Special intention for Emmanuel Tarabokija-Special intention (C)-A special intention for Jacob and Elisea-For special intentions for Janice, Bill, Carolyn and Jane M-For the Special intentions of Joan and Gerrit-Special intention for Christine's Dad-For Adele's special intentions-For Sarah Brian who is in urgent need of prayers -For a special intention (A)-Gloria's special intentions for her 10 grandson's, and for their cooperation with Grace-For Janet's Special Intention-For Father Waters in all his needs and intentions-Special intention for Rose-Special help and protection for Jane and her little one and for Jane to remain healthy for the remainder of her pregnancy-For Bernadette and her special intentions-for Francis and Jeffrey-For Mark and Laura-For Kevin and Sarah-Very special intention for Celia-For Steven A.'s health-A Special Intention (S)-For the special help and strength the family needs during this present suffering-Special help for Gabriel and Garret who are very sick-Special intention for Eric-For Ali and her special urgent intention-Special intention for Rebecca L.-Special intention for Cathleen's Michael-Special intention for Mary's family member needing work asap-For Clare's special intention -Special intention for Megan Chang-For the protection and safety of RC who has been deployed to Afghanistan -Special intention Lynette Urankar and Carol Ketchum-Jimmy-Special intention Petrus+-Special intentions for Julie and her husband-For the grace to cooperate with the graces to over come a weakness and fault -An urgent request and need for Brother Maurice HMC-Special graces and help for the Zepeda family-For Kelly, her special intentions for her family-Commending to you St Philomena Janie who has been very sick and her family-Special intention for P.H.-Urgent intention for Adam for successful heart surgery-Special graces and help for Cathy-Prayers needed for Julie Redden and family-For the safety of Brother Maurice now and always-Special intentions for Judy O. and her intentions-Special intentions, conversion and a full recovery for Rodney Walker-Special intention for Annalisa-Special intention for Millie-Recommending M.M, R.C, B.J, S.J, A.J, for special intentions and protection-Special intention for Barb Martz-Special intention for Rachel, Rebecca and Sarah-Special intention for Andrew, brother of a Crusader-For our little Benedict, the success of his procedures and a speedy recovery-For the Children of Catherine Nienaber, especially her 7 year old son in the ICU-Special intentions for Janice, Judy and Beverly-Special graces for Steve-Sylvia Cleary recovering from surgery-Kristen and her unborn baby, Pax Tecum, Filumena!-Special intentions and help for Thomas S. and his family-For Jack H. and Rene who both have heart trouble and are in danger of death-For special intercession for Theodore Joseph Kinney who has Parkinson's-Special intentions for Don and Rick who are both undergoing tests for cancer-Morgan Blackford,James Bissonette-Special intercession and graces for Mollie Kane-Special intentions, for little Emmie and her parents,-for the GI doctor to find what is wrong with little Emmie's tummy -Special prayers for Joseph Jr.-Special prayers and intercession for Itohan

Special Intentions for Arthar's Spiritual and Temporal needs-For Mary and all special intention's for her family-Special intentions for Jeffery and the success of and safety for him during and after his surgery-Special intentions and help for Adrian-Special intentions and graces for Bill who is having many crosses-Special intentions for Father Gerald-Special intentions for Br. Philippe Lecat-Special Graces and Protection for Father Ivan Kolodiyand ALL the Priests in the Ukraine, that they will stand firm in their faith and in protecting their flocks-For Special Graces and Protection for all Ukrainian Catholics especially in the City of Kiev-Special help for Joe and Joan Martinelli, who are trying a new medication for his cancer that is very expensive -Robert Frye who has cancer and his wife Paulette for the Graces to be healed of their illnesses-Jess and Cheryl, special intentions and graces for the heavy cross they bear -For-Special Graces and Intentions for Anne C. and Family-Watch over and protect Ansley Carvalho who is in Kuwait and-special graces to make the right decision in a difficult situation-For the success of Simone's heart surgery-Special Graces for Wendy, her husband and children during this difficult time-Special Graces for Elizabeth Marie who is suffering with severe back pain -Special Intentions and Graces for Cathleen's Parents Ruth and Richard,and for Cathleen and her brother and sister-Special Graces of conversion for Beata, and for peace, love and compassion in her heart-Special intentions for Grace, for healing and her return to her faith- Prayers for Rosa Tacuri, who has Cancer and her son-Special graces for our little Charbel who has Alexanders Disease and for his family and their intentions-Asking for prayers and the graces necessary to carry a very heavy cross for B.A., A.A., S.A., J.A. and E.A. who are suffering with love! Prayers for Julian.  Michael B.

Protection and Graces for John-Mary, For Michael's special intentions, Special intentions for  Cristera  her husband and family to keep them in the correct path to heaven, For Seth's return to his Holy Catholic Faith and the sacraments, Urgent prayers for Andrew Padilla and his Mother for all graces needed,  Special graces asked for BJJGA, For special graces for the Alderete family, Urgent and special graces and protection for ADMA,  For Sarah Walters, Special intentions for Conversion and return to their Holy Catholic Faith for Janice Hoover's adult children, Special intentions for Kate Jackson and her family, Renewing intentions for Benedict, Christopher and Mason, For the Graces for all Crusaders and their families to be faithful to Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Mother Mary even unto Death! For Elizabeth to get well, Special graces and intentions for Alex and Nick, For the graces that Jacob and Elisea need to remain strong and their return to their Holy Catholic Faith, For the healing/cure of Elaine Tancza of her blood clots and infections, Dominic and Ben Herring who are very sick, For the J. Walters family to return to their holy Catholic Faith, Prayers for Kelly and her babies for a healthy and safe pregnancy and delivery, Graces needed for our Stacy who is suffering with joint pain, Prayers and graces for the Son of Crusader Joseph Wilson, Prayers for Elaine and her son Ken who are in need of many special graces and cures,  Prayers and graces for Marie who is 93 years and lives in a nursing home and has fallen twice already,  Prayers for Doug who is not Catholic or even prays, he is having a mass taken from his chest in surgery-graces for Doug to convert to the truth, Help for Carol to find Mary, Prayers and graces for the Brezinki family whose father recently passed, Emily W. who is recovering from back surgery, BPF who needs to See the truth in his heart, Graces for A. to cooperate with grace, For AA who is suffering and giving all to Jesus through Mary,  For Mike, Kate, Luke, Tom and Aiden and all family friends, benefactors and enemies, Graces needed for Margie's and Jay's special intentions, and For Father Coopers cure of cancer, For Susan's son Gregory all the graces needed for him,

For Cathleen's husband Robert,  Joan Blydorp a happy death. For Luke's softening of heart and conversion, Aiden, Jane's Nephew, For all Dean and Jackson family especially Mum, sister and brothers, For a very precious Priest. For Joseph Wilson's special intentions. For safety and protection for all crusaders and their families. For Alley's  special intentions for her home and family. Special graces for J.W. for work and his special intentions. Please convert Tom  Nemecek. Paddy Sheedy and family, Lynn Amber, Special and Immediate intentions for D and family, For Michael's Lisa who is sick and his daughter for God's will, For Joe is suffering from bad dreams, Special graces for G. B. to return to his Holy Catholic Faith and to continue to pray the Rosary, For Kate's son dealing with anxiety and mild Autism, For the graces for Angina, Anna and Audrey to return to their Holy Catholic Faith and the Sacrament of Confession,  St. Philomena, We entrust to you all the Crusaders of the Immaculate Heart and their family and friends. Please watch over and protect us our hearts and souls, please pray for us for the graces we all need to live and die close to Jesus and Mary. Help each of us to be faithful to God through His Most Holy Mother until death. Protect us all from all evil and demonic entities and all emissaries of hell. With love always + Prayers and graces for Ken that Our Lord will fill him with peace and love and hear the prayers of his mother and family for all his needs and salvation.

Please intercede on behalf of Paul M. Steven M. Christopher M. David M. Daniel M. Victor M. Katelyn K. Catherine and David McG and family, Henryk and Christine H. Andrew and Elizabeth and family, Terry lee and Family, Stan S. Mary-lou and Family, Anna and lee B. their daughters Rene and Michelle and their families, Sheree and Keith and Family, Lee K. 

St. Philomena please help Benjamin J.J. to fight temptation and and conquer them with prayer and penance. 

George and Gail and Family, Heneryk and Glynnis, Janina and Alan, Veronica M. Barbara,

Helen C. Zbigniew T and their family, Adrian and Anne and family, for the conversion and salvation of their souls. Prayers and special graces for Enrico Monesi and family, especially Sebastian Monesi who is involved with a bad crowed for guidance and protection. Judy Muller's special intentions + Prayers and graces for Judy Muller and family and extended family members. Father Suelo, All Priests, Bishops, Cardinals and Pope as Our Blessed Mother wishes us to pray for them. For all Crusaders and their families for strength and guidance and protection in the coming persecutions that we will all be strong in our Holy Catholic Faith. And we beg for the Graces to persevere until death even unto the death of the cross!  Prayers and graces for Andy S. For no adverse reactions to or complications to a tetanus shot for A.A.

Prayers and graces for Ellen and Winifred. Prayers for Stephan Karl's friend in Berlin who is suffering. Special prayers and graces for Richard Bruce for safety and protection and conversion. Help for Susan's son to find room and board while he works in Eugene Oregon.

Prayers for Peter Crumely. Prayers and special graces for Summah who has Leukemia. Prayers for father Suelo.

Healing prayers and graces for Rhonda S. Prayers, graces and help for D's Alan. Prayers, graces and help for Steve.  Monica-marriage and healthy babies. For the desperate healing of Arlene, Hector, Francisco, Ofelia, Francisco and Vicky. Special graces for Robert to stop enabling his adult children. For special graces and miracle petition for Mon Mel to become a wife and biological mother to healthy children. Prayers and graces for Monica for a good and Holy marriage and healthy children.Urgent graces and prayers for the conversion, spiritual and mental healing of Bill Greene. Urgent prayers and special graces/help for Tania M. for financial help to keep their house, house hold and property needs. Graces for Tania M. for support in a most desperate time.  For financial help for Jane Sequeira and Maryanne. For Chris' special intentions and needs and for a Holy Marriage,  Healing graces for Rosialia who has Leukemia,

For a speedy resolve of blood clots for Linda's son Ben, Healing and conversion prayers and graces for Richard Cook, Expedient and special graces for conversion for Paul Alderete to return to his Holy Catholic Faith. 

Blessings and urgent graces for conversion for MaryAnn's family. 

Special graces and help for Father Tom who is suffering as you did St Philomena torture and Martyrdom! That he may remain faithful and strong in the face of death! Maria Elana for graces to See clearly and for conversion. For Gabrielle Berger, Shaelene Rasmussen, and Andrew Rockburn. For Christian's conversion, conversion of family members, finances, special graces for Judith and her husband, and their special intentions. For reconciliation for Michael and Mon Mel and their special intentions. Prayers and graces for Tania L. and Diane who are very ill.  Dear Saint Philomena, please do not forget your little brother Bill who desires your assistance and guidance on his journey to heaven. Help him and all who seek your powerful intercession with your prompt help for we suffer here and often feel lost and alone in our troubles and crosses. Suffering with love for Our Divine Savior ++ 

Immediate prayers and graces for little Ronan Palin to recover quickly and in good health +

Asking St. Philomena's intercession for Angie + Tsitsi and Melissa and family, Alice and family, Ulanda and family, Roger and family, Steven and family, Urgent graces for the success of Kate's son's exams, Billy needs your help desperately, For the graces (urgent) necessary for Marie to conceive a healthy baby, Prayers and graces for Gary, Jason and Rose who are all suffering great trials, Urgent graces and help for Kira and Brett with their addictions and for help with finances and conversion, Special graces and help for Ann Mary who is suffering Cancer, For Aldo for a speedy recovery from his injuries and for the conversion of his family, Special graces and help for Linda who is battling a smoking and gambling addiction, 

Urgent help and graces for Richard who is very ill for the grace of a complete and speedy recovery and help for his family, Dearest St. Philomena please remember all these special intentions and especially for a young resistant Priest that needs immediate prayers and graces, And for ALL Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, and the Pope!!! Kevin, Britney, and family for protection and help out of a bad situation. Shannon and Rod for conversion and guidance. Special graces and help for Eva and her family, Chad Zeller for conversion. Help and graces for conversion for James, Jeff, Mario, and Gilbert and families. St. Philomena please watch over and guide Gregory and Heidi in their trials and struggles obtain for them the graces necessary to overcome all obstacles in Christ. Please protect all on this list from the attacks of the devil. St Philomena, please help Ellen pray for her conversion, Recommending Cathleen's and Judy's special intentions to thee for speedy help, Remember Father Roy, Please watch over and protect A.A. and family during this present crisis - pray every best blessing and grace for them to do the Holy Will of God,  Urgent help and graces for the people of Venezuela, For the children and teens of the world who are suffering, For all people to repent of their sins and turn to Christ, M. Girl for conversion, St Philomena please obtain the graces necessary for Kate Jackson's family to overcome all obstacles, help them with all the ongoing problems and crisis' that are plaguing them and Kate's heart.  watch over them and all on this list and bring them all to Christ.  Urgent help and graces for the people of Brazil, and all those countries in South America who are suffering so badly. Urgent help and graces for our own country America because we are destined to suffer the same fate. For thy intercession dear St Philomena for Seth to return to the church with a good confession. Praying for the Graces for all of the Crusaders' families to remain firm and resolute in our Holy Catholic faith in the face of persecution and death. For the protection of each of our souls and for all those in our families that need to return to God. Special intentions and graces for Susan's son Greg watch over him and protect him and all of our crusaders' children, grandchildren, and family members who have strayed from the faith or need conversion and repentance, return them back to God.

For the graces, we all need to fight the good fight and be faithful to God until death!  

Please obtain Judy's conversion, please obtain Dani's conversion, please intercede for me with Jesus and Mary and obtain my special requests, Special intention for Meliza, Special intentions of Flavia, Special graces and protection for Father Loop in his ministry and travels.

Physical and emotional help for Marcella L. and for Grace S.  needs to return to her Holy Catholic faith. For the conversion of Josh B. Special Grace for Flavia Talladen Schott, and special intentions for Meliza, Urgent graces, and intercession for Jemma, Mirella Simonato's granddaughter, Recommend to your care Tom, Aiden, Phil, Luke, Mike, and Kate.  Obtain for all crusaders the grace of total surrender to Jesus through Mary, true repentance, and the grace of absolute confidence in God. Special graces and help for Linda during this difficult time. Special intentions for Brian to get a better paying job and for safe and affordable housing for his family. Help Ben with his problem St Philomena + A safe and fruitful Pilgrimage for Flavia. For special graces and blessings and the Conversion of Morgan Harris and for protection from any and all evil coming from her to anyone, Grace, conversion, and protection for J. A. and all journalists that stand for the truth. 

GRACES of Conversion and for truth and integrity for Donald Trump and V, Putin, and all other world leaders that God and Our Blessed Mother want to use and Convert for their means. St. Philomena, I have an urgent request please help G.G. help him to turn to Mary Our Blessed Mother for help. Please help him to come to the Crusaders of the Immaculate Heart. Pat Condell and family for safety and conversion. Urgent prayers for Matthew K. who is in danger of losing his life.

Dear St. Philomena, please pray for all of our crusaders of the  Immaculate Heart for the grace to imitate your absolute confidence in God even to Death! Dear Saint Philomena, please help Matthew find Jesus, the grace for conversion and repentance. For the conversion of Ladonna's family. Amira W and family for conversion and safety from evil and bad people.

For Elaine's brother Hank.


Dearest St. Philomena, please hear our prayers for all in need in thy prayer group especially hear our urgent prayers for Mrs. O.

help her to be restored to a state of grace, and receive the grace of final perseverance and deliver her from the torments she is experiencing, which....thank you for your intercession and your love for us still here in the vale of tears. Urgent and immediate help for Rena H. and her children and for conversion.

 Dearest St. Philomena, please help by thy powerful prayers all the Victim Souls who are known only to Our Divine Lord and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that is suffering on our behalf and on behalf of Holy Church. Amen

St. Philomena Jay Tiritilli, is in need of immediate help and intercession, pray for a cure for his heart condition, and his eyes, that the calcium deposits have not traveled to any other part of his body. 

Dear St. Philomena, please pray in earnest and in union with All the Saints of Heaven that all of our Crusader Families stay strong in the face of evil that is currently pounding the whole world. Help us to remain faithful to God's Commandments and True Sacraments. The devil is attacking our families very hard and we need your help for us to persevere in Faith Hope and Charity.

Jesus and Mary desire us to. Thank you, Dear St. Philomena and All the Saints of Heaven. With Love, Amen.

For the conversion and repentance of Lisa Palmer. Dear St. Philomena, please bring Fran Wayne back to her Holy Catholic Faith. Urgent prayers for Mary Moore for repentance and a Holy death. St. Philomena please help with thy powerful intercession Zvonko Radikovic who is in desperate need of help and assistance in every way and need please protect him with thy prayers and love and ask Our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph to please come to his aid. Dear St. Philomena with an urgency I beg thy help with the current situation that involves our son.  Please help to resolve this situation, open the eyes of those who need to see that this was an innocent mistake.

St. Philomena, please intercede for Valanka Fernandez who is having severe health problems and is struggling financially.

St. Philomena, please pray for Denise Dixon she is in a great deal of pain. Please help Denise turn to Jesus' Sacred Heart.

Please return the fallen-away Catholic man that dislikes Our Lady. :) Please help St. Philomena the indigenous people in Burma they are being massacred and their women and girls raped! Gerrit B. for a safe and successful Hernia and prostate operation,  Ben A. for the safe and successful surgery on his Parathyroid glands, A.A. for safe and successful spine surgery, please St. Philomena ask Jesus and Mary to guide and bless the doctor's, surgeon's, nurses and Respiratory Therapists and technician's involved in these two difficult operations. Please help with thy prayers St. Philomena Susan's-Greg, he is having troubles again and is in need of thy assistance. Please ask Our Blessed Mother to bless Greg with the graces needed to help him resolve the problems that plague him and his family. Thank you, Saint Philomena, for hearing all our many petitions and helping all of us with thy intercession.

St. Philomena, please help Molly with this case interview, help her to be relaxed and confident, help her to remember all necessary medical procedures. St. Philomena, please hear the suffering of Susan for her dear son Gregory, take care of him and bring to Our Dear Mother Mary the suffering and anguish of Susan for her son who is in spiritual danger, ask Our Lady to take care of him. St. Philomena, please intercede on behalf of Judy's children Paul, Steven, Christopher, David, Daniel, and Catherine please help them to cooperate with grace so that they may return to God. Ask Our Blessed Mother to help them to see and change so that they save their souls and the souls of their children. Watch over Judy's grandchildren her grandson is in a terrible way and her granddaughters are in need of baptism. Ask Our Blessed Mother to comfort ALL the Crusaders Mothers' who have children and grandchildren that need conversion. Help them to cooperate with grace during the warning so that they return to God! St Philomena, please intercede for Flavia and her family so that a Chapel in Our Lady's honor can be built on her family's property. Please intercede for Flavia's children and siblings for conversion, help them to cooperate with grace during the warning so that they return to Jesus with love. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus has mercy on us! Please help and watch over All crusaders and our families, ask Our Blessed Mother to watch over and protect us during these terrible times. Please pray that we all and our families stay true and faithful to Jesus through Mary and our true Holy Catholic Faith even if we are threatened with separation from our loved ones and death!   ALL SAINTS OF HEAVEN HEAR US AND HELP US! 

 St. Philomena please hear the prayer of thy faithful follower Mon Mel, she asks of thee speedy help in finding that one person God has chosen for her to share her life with and to create great saints for heaven! Please intercede for her with Our Blessed Mother, who is the Mother of All mothers and understands Mon Mel's desire to be a Wife and Mother. With love always +  Mary Nelson needs prayers for the help and conversion of her family. For the special intentions and needs of Aura Cid's family. 

St. Philomena please pray for the conversion of Ladonna, she has Pancreatic cancer. Please Convert her in her heart before she dies. Please pray for her son Ryan and his conversion. Please help fight for her. Thank you, dear saint Philomena. For the Grace, for all our Crusaders to imitate your absolute confidence in God even to death!

St. Philomena, please convert Deb Vedder in her heart. Help her to do as Our Lady wills so she can save her soul. 

St. Philomena, please intercede for a cure for Patrick Mulick and his young family he has been diagnosed with Lymphoma.

St. Philomena, please hear our prayers, very Urgent graces are needed for Elizabeth and her family.  Please help them in their dire circumstances, watch over Elizabeth keep her safe from all demonic forces and help her get the help her husband and family need. 

Saint Philomena, please help Jake return to his Holy Catholic Faith in his heart. Watch over and protect him from injury in his dangerous work. St. Philomena watches over little Alfie as he comes home to heaven and prays for his family during this difficult situation. Special intention for Megan for all her life.

Special intentions for Kate J. Please St. Philomena pray for Ben so that he truly opens his heart to Our Lord Jesus and Our Blessed Mother Mary.  St. Philomena please help Margo's John with his eating disorder and also help with the lawyers fixing his car. Please remember Carol in all her needs temporal and spiritual.  

Prayers for Margo and her husband in this very difficult time.

Please convert Elesea in her heart before she dies and helps Jake to help Elesea in her faith! Saint Philomena, please help Harriet we are praying for her cure please ask Our Divine Lord Jesus to cure Harriet of her illness. Dear Saint Philomena Katie is in need of your assistance to watch over her and helps her and her Grandmother, Gloria, with love. St. Philomena please pray for our United States and thwart the evil that is trying to take control of our nation. St. Philomena, please help Jan Kuzma and her son they are both suffering from sickness and having a terrible time, they need help in many ways please ask Our Blessed Mother to help them. Thank you, Saint Philomena, for always hearing our prayers and helping us with thy intervention.

St. Philomena, please help Margo with her special intentions, keep her and her family always in your prayers with Our Blessed Mother. St. Philomena please ask Our Lord to fulfill His word for Seth to help Steve retire soon because his headaches and the sharp pains in his head are getting worse and I do not want to lose him : (   thank you, my dear Patron.  Dear St. Philomena, please intercede for Elain before Our Divine Lord and ask of Him a Holy Death for Elaine. Help her with all her intentions for her family.

St. Philomena, please help S. Cox he is in a terrible prison and needs Our Blessed Mother's help. Special and urgent help for Noreen, she is suffering from anxiety and depression. St. Philomena, please help Noreen against these frequent attacks ask Our Blessed Mother to shield Noreen with Her mantle. Help all those who are in special need on our Members board and their families who are suffering.

Saint Philomena, please help with your Powerful Intercession All Intentions on the Members Prayer Request.  St. Philomena, please pray for Molly to cooperate with grace and become the great saint that God wants her to be. Please pray for All of the Crusaders of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and their family's to remain steadfast and firm in their Holy Catholic Faith and cooperate with God's grace to become the great saints He wants us All to become. 

Help Joe Hutchinson and his Parents for conversion for Joe's special intentions. St. Philomena, please help Michael and his family especially little Forrest help him to be able to go home soon. Please help Charibel to know the Holy Will of God concerning her intention for a new Church.  Saint Philomena, please pray for Robyn's safety and protection. I ask all the Saints in Heaven to pray for her, and for us! St. Philomena, please ask Our Lord to hear our prayer concerning a special intention of Seth's and mine for our family. We desire to do His Will in all things concerning our intentions for what we pray for. Please ask Jesus for a Speedy reply to this prayer. Thank you, St Philomena!

Please help Charles Opara get a new job, Saint Philomena!  Soon!

St. Philomena, pray Joan is healed of her stomach or intestinal problems. Thank you! St. Philomena, please help Nestor and his family during this very difficult time, please ask Our Blessed Mother to help these Crosses to resolve themselves and work out for the best as God Will's! St. Philomena please if you would ask Our Blessed Mother to help Anne Marie in her crosses. She is suffering very much. Thank you, St. Philomena 

St, Philomena, please ask Our Blessed Mother for Alan to get better to cure him of congestive heart failure and pneumonia. Watch over DM and their family during this very difficult time.

Please also pray for D she is also suffering from being sick and needs to recover as soon as possible, ask Our Blessed Mother to help D get well soon. Thank you.

St. Philomena, please pray for the conversion of Josephine T.  

please ask our Blessed Mother if She would guide Josephine to Her Divine Son! Ask St. Joseph if he would pray for Josephine's conversion also because she bears his name.  Thank you!

St. Philomena, please pray for Molly, Mary, and Arron to strive to become the great saints that God wills them to become. 

Please help all Crusaders who have lost their jobs and who are in need in any way.   Please help Mary Christy in every way she needs help ask Our Blessed Mother to watch over her and keep her safe and protected in Her Immaculate Heart thank you, Saint Philomena. St. Philomena please help with thy miraculous prayers Flavia's cousin Albino, he is infected with this COVID virus and is in the ICU suffering greatly. Please ask Our Blessed Mother for a complete recovery.

Saint Philomena please help Bernadette during her operation and help her to have a speedy recovery. Saint Philomena, please intercede for Deb Vedder to help her to recover from her fall, help her especially to be converted in her heart she wanted to be a Catholic her whole life, please recommend her to Our Dearest Mother and ask Her to help her save her soul. Thank you for hearing our prayers and petitions pray for all who have recourse to thee all our lives until we reach Heaven.  St. Philomena, please pray for the children in Mary Ellen's Lineage, especially her grandson's Henry and Levi thank you! Saint Philomena, please pray for the conversion of Kim Burley. Ask Our Blessed Mother for her to cooperate with grace during the warning and seek out a Catholic priest for conversion. Thank you, Saint Philomena!

Dear St. Philomena, please hear Anne Marie's prayers for her delivery business and intercede for her before Our Blessed Mother to make her business busy and fruitful. Thank you, dear Saint  Philomena, thou whom God refuses nothing! St. Philomena please, pray for Leslie that she return to Jesus and Mary, ask Our Blessed Mother to take Leslie into Her Immaculate Heart. Thank you, my dear little Saint. St. Philomena, please ask Our Blessed Mother to watch over and keep close to Her Immaculate Heart David Daleiden he is Her champion of Her unborn! 

St. Philomena, please help me with my special intention with Our Blessed Mother! St. Philomena, please pray for Linda so that she does not betray Ben and Seth, pray for her conversion and please pray for all the dialysis nurses and techs for conversion. Please pray for Jenn Dixon and her family to return to her Holy Catholic faith.  St. Philomena please pray for the Soriano family and all their needs thank you. St. Philomena, please help Charles get a permanent position of work soon. Thank you! Please also help Charles' daughter Harriet she suffers from seizures, ask Our Blessed Mother to help cure her of these seizures, please. 

St. Plilomena Flavia's son Oliver has tested positive for the coronavirus please help him to stay healthy and symptom-free. Thank you.   Saint Philomena please for Gilbert, Kim, and Anthony Dcosta and their families for conversion and protection from all evil. Thank you! St. Philomena God grants you anything because you refused him nothing! Please dear saint pray for Mike, Mary Ellen's brother to have a happy and holy death. Ask Our Blessed Mother to watch over him and to pray for him. Thank you, dear Saint Philomena. St. Philomena, please ask Our Blessed Mother to convert Paul A. he is having serious problems with blood clots in his lungs and liquid filling his lungs and is in danger of death at any time. Remind Our Mother Mary that Paul's earthly mother is very close to Her and would love for her son Paul to be with her in heaven just as Jesus would, thank you, dear little Saint. For Maureen Altman, For Andrew Maloney that he be healed of his liver disease.


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St. Philomena I come to you for my  son Thomas that is having such pain with his teeth.

Deo gratias!

Thank you St, Philomena, for Albino's and Oliver's recovery, please continue to intercede for their complete recovery that they may be safe from any side and short- or long term effects.

Thank you Alley, and all Crusaders.

My prayers for Thomas.

St. Philomena, pray for us.

For complete healing and conversions of all my family, friends and acquaintances. For my healing

For my friend's brother, that the hearing go well and he can have access to his children and that he heal

St.Philomena pray for Us, Amen 

For Angelia to be cured of cancer and for her conversion, For Anthony to get and keep a job, for the True faith for Anthony F., for conversions galore in the Selwyn family clan, for the salvation of Edi and all the Soroszczuk and Kolos and Feher clan, for Marian's cure and conversion and to feel much better soon

For me to get rid of all vices and climb quickly towards heaven in the time I have left.

For the protection and conversion of David


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