Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus ~ Return to Fatima

Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, animated with a desire to repair the outrages unceasingly offered to You, I kneel before Your throne of mercy and on behalf of my family and Church, pledge love and fidelity to You.

† The more Your mysteries are blasphemed, the more firmly I will believe them, O Sacred Heart of Jesus!
† The more hearts despise and ignore Your love, the more I will love You, O loving Heart of Jesus!
† The more that scientistic unbelief attacks Your Divinity, the more humbly and profoundly I shall adore You, O Divine Heart of Jesus!
† The more Your sacraments are despised and blasphemed, the more frequently I will receive them with love and reverence, most generous Heart of Jesus!
† The more Your holy laws are transgressed and ignored, the more I will take care to observe them, most holy Heart of Jesus!
† The more that You are blasphemed and scorned in the Holy Eucharist, Your Sacrament of Love, the more ardently I will adore You, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!
† The more the imitation of Your virtues is scorned and forgotten, the more I will endeavor to practice them, most obedient Heart of Jesus.
† The more the devil strives to destroy souls, the more I will be inflamed to save them by penances and prayers to You, most zealous Lover of Souls!
† The more sin and impurity deface and destroy Your divine image in man, the more I shall try by purity of life to be a living temple of the Holy Spirit, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!
† The more Your Holy Church is scorned and compromised, the more I will endeavor to be her faithful child, Most Loving Heart of Jesus!
† The more that hubris, heresy and apostasy threaten our Holy Church, the more I will turn to Your Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother to save us, O Sacred Heart of Jesus!
† The more Your Immaculate Mother is blasphemed, the more I will increase my fervent devotions to her, Most Devoted Heart of Jesus!
† The more Your Church is persecuted, the more I will pray and sacrifice for for her triumph and exaltation, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Let us pray:  Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, always obedient to the Eternal Father, teach us to be ever obedient and humble in the face of the diabolical disorientation that has sown such chaos in the Church and disheartened so many. Suffer us not to be scandalized by this long, dark night of the soul of our Church, but to persevere in loving obedience trusting always in Your Sacred Heart and in Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Amen.

Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

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