


Prayer of Saint Gertrude to Release Many Souls From Purgatory

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.

St. Gertrude's life was the mystic life of the Cloister – a Benedictine nun. She meditated on the Passion of Christ, which many times brought a flood of tears to her eyes. She did many penances and Our Lord appeared to her many times. She had a tender love for the Blessed Virgin and was very devoted to the suffering souls in Purgatory. She died in 1334. Her feast day is November 16th.


Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord: * Lord, hear my voice.
Let Thy ears be attentive * to the voice of my supplication. If Thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities: * Lord, who shall stand it?
For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness: * and by reason of thy law, I have waited for Thee, O Lord. My soul hath relied on His word, * my soul hath hoped in the Lord.
From the morning watch even until night, * let Israel hope in the Lord. Because with the Lord there is mercy: and with him plentiful redemption.
And he shall redeem Israel * from all his iniquities.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, * and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, * world without end. Amen.

Members: 92
Latest Activity: 7 hours ago

Names of the faithful departed

Eternal rest grant unto all the souls on this list , O Lord let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen

Names of the faithful departed

who will be remembered in prayer

Please leave the name of your loved one(s) who you would like added to this list in the comment section below and the group administrator will take care of putting them on the prayer list.


Faithful Departed

Richard H.Illies,  Paul K. Theisen,Sandra Theisen,Thomas Theisen,Linda Carol & Fred Hatten, Herbert & Florence Theisen, James & Imogene Theisen, Henry & Anna Illies,David Niedzielski, Val Koralewski,Jane Eckberg, Sylvia Smidt, Marvin & Mary Peterson, Elaine Olson,Joseph and Adelina Pacileo, Pauline Fortuna, Cynthia, Celine and Ronald Reinert Lee B. Ketchum, Joseph Stang, Mary Mercincavage, Richard, Joseph, Dalila, Theodore, Bent, Leo j., Kelly and Genevieve Kelly, Joe Joint, Mr. Fattore, Mr. G. ,Joseph Gross, Joseph E Wilson , Geraldine P. Wilson, Betty W. Muller, Harriett Kacsir, Manuel R. Pascual, Edward, Alene, William & Marilyn Hester, Michael & Constance Harvilchuck, James, George & Joseph Harvilchuck, William & Louise Eaton, Henry, Jane & Della W., Elizabeth & Charles Taylor, Pauline Evarts, Michael & Helen Huber, Joseph & Thomas Huber, Br. Conrad, OFM Cap., James Kitsock, James Flaherty, Heather and Kelly Sigler, Jean-Baptiste Després SSPX seminarian 2/11/09 Raymond Guérin SSPX seminarian 2/11/09 Michaël Sabak SSPX seminarian 2/11/09, Sophie Alderete ,Mary Jean Waco ,Patrick Schindler Anna Melen. Beth Gerads William A. Redding Robert Daniels Milton and Anne Klish Apolinar Arancon Sr. Joseph & Ciaran McGarrigle ,Joe McGarrigle ,Charlie McGarrigle ,Eugene McGarrigle ,Hannah Ward ,Dan Ward Annie Doherty Johnnie Doherty James Hunter, Jamie Hunter, John Diver, Dora Diver, Jeannette Creurer Bird, Dmytro Junko, Dmytro, Anna and Maria Jaremtschuk, Anna & John Iwankiw, Alma Campbell, William Dady,  Dominc Joseph Nardecchia, Bill McKee, Charles and Pauline McDonald, Flo O'hara, Blas Alderete, Yvonne Brazill, Ken Sullivan Francis Orozco, Annie Rohrbacher, Pat Pomposello, Carol Pella, Maria Zobniw, Joseph and June Macek, Peter and Kathryn Charnetsky, Mrs Peter Quinn, Dr. Ralph Waters, Dennis McCoy, Mary Bussanich, Draga Kozina, Peter Quinn, Rose Mudrik, John Paul Galvin, Robert P. Casey, Zachary Sobiech, Isabel Lucero, Helen Maez, Horacio Maez, Brendan Hagarty, Betty Baca, Viola Chavez, Antonio and Ignacita Maez, Bersabe Sanchez, Felix Sanchez, Miss Cécile de Cruyenaere, Helen Williamson, Dominique Dibiacco, Miguel Moreno, Mr. Johnson, James  Woods, Sal Montesano Sr., Robbie B., Betty and John Baca, Donald Chavez, Deirdre Manifold, Anton Tarabokija, Mr. Bill Smith, Jean Purcell, Don Purcell, Regis Burns, Mr Clint Sr., Mrs. Clint (Mother of Tim Clint), Uncle P (Clare's Uncle) Anton Hroncich, Anthony Picinic, Tony Bussanich, Robbie Bonastia, Elena Bussanich, Maria Busanic,, Bob Hroncich, Jazmin C, Mr. George L. Whitney, Mr. Gonzalez, Ada Howard, Philomena Crescenzo, Paul Michael Gravenese, Dawn Martin, Dolores Refino, Jay Refino, Michael Gravenese Jr, Francis Gravenese,Mary Gravenese, Al & Anne Crescenzo, Cindy De rosa , Lisa (Susan K's sister) Sally Cleary , Greg Chavez, Frances Wauck, Robert Paulson, William Brunco, Terry Brunco, Troy Brunco, Paul Gonzales, Francis Anastasia & Mary Anastasia, Bryan Stordahl, Klym Petryszyn, Chris Thompson, Paul Anderson, Gene Hammer, Mario Bagnoni. Italo Capabianca, Bill Brabender,Nikki Horwath, Walter Drewnyky, Catherine Nienaber, Johnna Roca, Francis Szczepkowski, Anthony Smetona, Wally Moore,Mary Peterson. Constant Porte, Pacita Porte, Renee and Gina Foca, Cheryl-Flick Kraus, Jeff Kraus,Dorothy Brennan Burke, Mrs. Nancy Capozzi, Susan Scott, Dmytro Kecman,Ralph Vennari, Penny Lord, Jason Pike, Louise Eicholz, Marion Dunham, Carlos Rodriguez, Donald and Louise Eicholz, Anna Melnyk, Marie-Martine le Roy, Allyson Klein, Mrs. Ann Burns, Marie Thomas, Ethan DeMedina, Kevin McHenka, Phillip Marbach, Barbra (friend of Bernadette) (Mother of Adrienne)Irene Sobkiewicz, Alfred Szatkowski, Barb McFarland, Jan Scott, All deceased priests and faithful from Ushaw College, from the Mill Hill Fathers and missions, Norah Boughton, Wilf Jenner, Vera Jenner, Mr. Kafel and all deceased members of our extended family, Mr. and Mrs. Nickson Snr and their extended family, Ronnie,  Luca, Myriam, Marietta, Fiona's parents, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Potter, Nicholas and Diane, Mr and Mrs Tipping, all those who have died recently, whom we have heard about in the news, all those who died through disasters, disease and war throughout history, and for those who have no-one to pray for them., Beverly W. and  Betty A, Joseph Proczyk, Leno D., All deceased relatives of Fred and Adrienne S., Mother Charbel's mother and all those buried at the St. Saviour's SSPX Retreat House,Mother AnneMarie Simoulin the foundress of the Dominicans in Fanjeaux (Traditional Order),Ernest D. Quintana, Brian W., Rose Dang, Peter & Maria Salkiw, Vincent Alcazar,Francis MCKervey,Mrs. McKee, Mr. Marcellino De Valle, Michael DeFillippo,Teresa Fatigate, Maria & John Duda, Michael & Olga Czebiniak, Dave Walker, Anna Junko,  Sheila,Edward Byrne, Stefania Jurkiw,Frank Flerchinger,  Ralph DeMario, Dan,Gina Bizzaro, Arthur Dimock, Michael & Pauline Sanyshyn, Jean Petrone,Juanita Settle, Demelza Springer Gibson, Florida Adams, Bob Adams, Leila Adams, Bud Doser, Lynn Doser, Arlynn Seipp, Kevin Seipp, Michael Brezinki,Dan Jannuzzi, Alice Williams, Roman Klaczany,Anthony Black, James and Florence Weisbach,James Sayers, Jim Ouellette, Veronica McKervey,Veronica,Richard King,Susan Navarra, Damian.Mrs. Guy Fellay,Jozef & Rosalia,Alexander, Stan & Maria, Stan Muller, Tom & Joyce, Richard, Adam,  Denis,Jesusimo Sr.,Ritchie Dean Burtson, Robert Lee Charboneau, Leander & Louise Charboneau, Jack and Christine Corder, Gerald Charles Rasinski Sr,Michael Fishwick, Solange Hertz,Francis Szczepkowski,Joanie&Auther Rosback,John&Shirley Maloney, Red&Laurel Maloney, Arthur& Emma Rosback,Michael&Ann Maloney,Mark Costello,Pasqule Puglise, Diedre Porkorney, Daniel Porkorney, Linda Porkorney, Florence Hart, Joanne Vernacchio, Richard Duane Jr., Dick Bedrine, Robert Zanrucha,Mrs. Nancy Capozzi,Ephifanio Rodrigues,MaryRodrigues,Olive Sequeira,Julius Sequeira,Ferdinando Pereira,Maurilio Lobo,Basil Pereira,Leonard Pereira,Rosie Pereira,Ludovico Pereira,Rosavertina Pereira,Guilerme Pereira,Joyce Martins,Rick Frabotta, Janet Meade, Cordie Riddle, Richard O. Cook, Richard Cook, Charles Cook, Michael Cook, Willard Tubbs, Frances Tubbs, Sonia Cook, Jean Crescenzo, Marjorie Doll,Holly, Dr. Anthony Moses,Leopold Kaftal, Mary Natalie Kaftal, Rudy Mocibob, Mary Mocibob, Leopold Kaftal (Sr.), Paula Kaftal, Diann Osteen, Aunt Anne idaho, Boise. Peter Dean, Nana Simmons, Grandad Jack,Nana Dean, Grandad Dean, Gwynedd Saint, Mr Trueman, Fr Boyle, Mr Warwick, Amelia of Fatima, Garcia Moreno, Heather's Mum and Dad, Nadia's Mum and Dad, Carol's Dad, Michael Coyne, Aunt Irene,Uncle Gordon.All the deceased that we have ever known, Joseph Bell, Sr.,all those who are forgotten in Purgatory, Deputy John Kotfila, Penny Thompson, Catherine Stratton, Mother Angelica, Corinne Callahan, Marie Beres, Andrew Beres, Paula,Mrs. Angie  Montesano, Peter Dean , Marcellus Sobkiewicz, William and Ella Cargill, Michael and Rose Deveney, Charles and Winifred Cargill, John and Joan Deveney, James and Cecilia Deveney, Robert and Rose Connell, Joseph and Mary Scanlon, James and Lorraine Amato, Thomas and Margaret Fay, Roseanne Fay, Buddy and Louise Mailloux, Joseph Fitzgerald, William and Catherine Cargill, Dick and Mary Eckhoff, Mitch Fadden, Cody Smuk, Matt Swaby, Rick Saenz, Barry Shaw, Lourdes Natal, Geraldine Marie Montgomery, David Sparkman, Robert T. B., Gina Roeissano, Luis, Linda J.Marcus Shankle, Gwen Owens, Linda Z.Roseanne Sylvia Maria Richard,Aurea and Marcelino Talladen, Cesar Talladen, Laura,  Alejandro and Lorenza Pascua, Gregorio and Quidoma Talladen, Cirilo, Severo Talladen and wife, Teodora and Jose Sabado, Dalen, Potenciano, Severa, Johanna, Heinz, Paula, Juan, Fernando, Macario, Robert, Luciano, Marlo, Villamor Senior and Junior, Magdalena V. and husband, Romy, Elna, Magdalena M. and husband, Felipa and husband, Monika, Mrs. Encarnacion, Mr. Esteban, Hilde, Sallymar, Evelyn, Judith, Mrs. Salomon, teachers, mentors, relatives, friends and acquiantances who have passed away; as well as Msgr. Cortez, Msgr. Acas, the priest who baptized me, the bishop who confirmed me, my wedding priest and all priests who passed away in whose Masses I attended.,Patrick Seeber,Maryann Healy, Patrick Rhodes, Collen Doyle,Paul Ferrante,Laura Ferrante , Sr.Mary Canice, Donald Giacomini, Palma Gravanese, Steve F.,Antonio Cangianni,Shirley H.,Lucy Torres, Rosanna Jirges,Jim Feltz,Sal Saliemo, William Peter Blatty,John Pacileo,Bob & SallyR.,Julieann Coshingano,Howard K.,Annammal S.,Peter S.,Mrs.Fern Brower, James Stordahl,John Vennari,Marlo Gacoscos, Francis Czapla,Laurel Skala,Emma Doughty  Nanao , Mary Doughty Ralulu, Frank Shaw,Joseph Simonetta,John Schaefer, Kathleen Schaefer,Keith Jackson, Andrew Smith, William Simmons,Susan Dean,Adela Cruz,Vincent Pangrosso, Hank,Houston P.D Officer Perez,Nedora Counts, Martin D. Kadylak, Theodora Zaharchuk,Jose Sabado, Jr.,Fernando Florido, Alvaro Almeida de Britto (husband), Clotilde Maria Almeida de Britto (mother-in-law), Lucia Almeida de Britto (sister-in-law), Maria dos Anjos Martins Cid Lopes Ferreira (mother), Vera Coimbra, Leide Britto, Vera Maria Almeida de Britto, Rodolfo Britto Van der Kamp, Rafael, Antonio Cid Lopes (grandfather), Guilhermina Martins Cid Lopes (grandmother), Joao Ferreira da Natividade (grandfather), Blandina Florido Ferreira (grandmother), Constantino, Helena,Theresa Stegmeier,Barbara Hufford,Gina Marie Finozzi,Gary Hoffman, Augustine De Valle,Jillian Therese Alderete,Maxine Mckinley, Ernest Reigel, Rose D.,Peter Dean,Jack and Thelma Simmons,Raidean,Mark and Maria Coyne,James and Rachel Dean,Michael Coyne,Anne Dean,Gwyn Sain,Mr Truman,Kate Jackson family superiors benefactors and friends,Frank Palka, Esther Palka, Walter Palka, Javen M., Cody P., TAB, Mary Jean Davey, Martita Dougherty, Marco Solis,Paula Fischer , Betty Helestab, David Niedzielski,Philip Mayfield, RIP - Co Cork, Ireland,Michele Colabatisto,Carmel Gallegos,John E Rees,Ethelee Morgan,Shiela,Joseph Ross,Ruth Rigers , For all deceased whose children forget to pray Masses.Larry LaBuz , Steve McCreary,Andy Anderson,Anthony Bourdain,Ernest Boss ,Bourdaine.vEe , Larry Kabuz, Ruth Rogers,Karen Ulrich, Sarah and Mary beth Yeager,Julia Bochenek Petz,Sarah P,Ruth Sarah Tom A,Doug Frye,Alison, Oliver Trujillio,Allyson Figas, Jane Forbes,Doug Larry La, Emil Howarth, Mr. Barletta, Wilma Nouruck,Helen Bohenek,Dot Pindar,Greg B,Gary C, Katreana H.,K  Shulik, Andy Anderson Sr.,Brian Perri ,Andy Anderson Bohenek family Ruth,Howarth family L. LaBuz,Steve McCreary,tom Anderson, Anen A. Frye,Larry LaBuz,Ave Maria help,Jean Bohenek,Greg BohenekmA. Anderson, Richard Glava,Sweet F Strassner,Matilde Ramos,Bev Fazio,Judy Zukowski,John Bill Gerry Heck,Kathleen Shulik,Alice Merenda,Brian Bittner,V. Heisler,Annie,Eilern George,Doug, Ulrich family and Tarid family, Dauerbach, Rus Herman, Mrs Hayde., 9/11 victims,Mr &Mrs C. Manning, Michael Abes, Anen Mre Snyder, Andy Anderson,Pauline Snyder,  Jihn Moran, Sara Pellegrino,Doug Frye,Carol Beishline ,Jesse Geller and friends,Burgess gamily
Jessee Keith,Yvinne B.,Allistair Pugh, Robin Morris, Nilda,Mary Jeanne Guillot Arnette, Edwin L McCann Sr, Edwin L McCann Jr, Joan Billiot Acosta, James Arnette Sr & Jr, John Bellini, Anthony Cutrera Jr, Baby McCann, those in the Abita Springs Cemetary.Dieter,Alistair Pugh, John Kane ,John (St Saviours),Phil Pemberton,Sally, Virginia Pascua, Frankie Palka,Marvin Messer,Kurt Grießbach,Al Clement ,Rick,Ollie,  Sylvester R., James M., Mr.Paul Beck,Leslie Mattatics,Jeanie Carnarvon,The Fenimore/Finamore family, the Marino family and the Reardon family,Karlo Andaya,Agnes Pascua,Henry Sestak,Bill's Mother,Rodolphe Ratte,E. Stokes,Kathy Paredes, François-Xavier Carbonne, Denis O'Leary, Michael Hinkle, Maryann Healy, Laurene Roseno, Aunt Diane,Aunt Dolly, Patrick Pomposello,Bob Sakowski,Nicolas Velasquez, Mr and Mrs. Manuel Roberto Pascual, Robert Star Sr., Robert Star Jr.,Ruth Hester ,Steven Snyder,Carmel Gallegos, Kobe Bryant, Gianna Brynat, Gloria R., Milagros, Esteban Salviejo and Mrs. Resurreccion ,Nena Tenchavez,Nancy Capozzi,Elaine Tencza,Lynn Schindler,Sr. Gabrielle Marie,Rosalia Ferrer,Michael Schindler, Michelle Willims,Lita Ponce,Herman Taylor,Richard T.,Dorthy Matlock, Norma Gacoscos,Joseph Morrow,J.D. Hagmann,Angie Griesbeck, George & Jane Griesbeck, Roy Henderson, Grandma and Grandpa Quick, Tump and Beatrice Dearing, Joe and Charles Dearing, Michael Hughes, and June Martin, Tom's  Dad Sevigny, Francisco Valois, Officer David Dorn,Ezekiel D.,Irene Johanna Kowalska,Gloria Dardis and  Lucile Zac, Fortunata Lipa,Cyd Gaceta Cunanan, Mrs. Landry,Virginia, Maryann, & Elmo, Dustin Burmeister, John and Kathy Schaefer, Brother Joseph,Rudyard Gabor ,K.C., Regis Phillbin,Nhan Sanh Ban,Vera DeStefano, Joseph Cobain, Maria Editha Abaya,Martha Nowak,Franz-Egon Wirtz,Alex L., John Mark & Peter Niño,Ignacio Abellada,Estefania Pascua ,C. S. ,Luiz Antonio Fragelli,Mike,Estela Gacoscos ,Dr. Elssa Zardini. Zenaida Feliciano,Mike & Tim Kelly, Gracie Quick, Jett Williams, Hank Aaron,Marge Messer.Uschi Gorny,Linda Vogel,"Father Joseph Phan's Mother",Rush Limbaugh,Linus Sonico and Frau Trautman, Katherine Aiello, Mary Jo Bayer,Ernesto David,Robert Quick,Jovita Pascua,Julian Barrera,Ava Arrapio,Frances J Palka ,Norma Eckart ,Harold and Betty Werth and Delores Hazelhorst,Robert E Holtschlag, Giles Escher, Anna and Joseph Escher, Coletta and Albert Franzen, Anthony de Mello, Joseph and Clara de Mello, Carroll & Lucille Reighard, Charles and Delores Franzen, Claude and Maxine Escher, Margaret and Artie Heck,John and Glee Pelzer,George Philpotts and Fr. Jim Whalen,Robert, Helen and Carmen Tiritilli, Irene-Nolene Forgues Lenihan, John, Lawrence, Marjorie, Timothy and Larry Lenihan, Jacques and Marie Forgues, Bertrand and Marie Payrand Peyres, Pierre Cazabonne Forgues and Marie LaHorque, Norma, Bill, Jack and Gerald Rouse,John Villarreal, Kathy Oprandi, Wendi Gafford, Frank Camera, Fritz Amstutz,Leon Werth and Gary Werth,Damian Orsini, James Pacileo, Rich Conales, Rush, Dustin Higgs, Lisa Montgomery, Mr Slawomir, Joe Scheidler, Pete Faber, Brother Joseph Natale, Chas & Maris Wagner, John Magufuli,Roy & Julie Oldham, Catherine Stafford, Fr Gruner,  john and Regina Jacobs and families, Felix and Anna Werth and families and Millie Werth,Robert Tiritilli and Maria Rouse,Manuela Ramos, Belen Ramos, Amado Galzote, Asuncion Galzote, Pantaleon Pascua, Kisa Pascua, Celestina Pascua, Alberto Pascua and wife Mrs. Pascua, Benito Medrano, Ibing Manzano, Jose Manzano, Andring Asistin, Modesta Pascua, Blas Ancheta, Bonifacia Ancheta, Candido Pascua. Mia Pascua, Evaristo Valois, Sr., Aurelia Valois, Jovencio Pascua, Tita Imperial, GregWiener, LydiaPugliese, Mark Ingram,  Sencio Ragamat, Eugenia Naungayan, Alice Miller, Mrs. Phan, Mark Ruegemer, Mercedes Pascua, Marianne Schmidt, Joseph Shoulders, Vito Manzari, Sally, & Mr. Turner, R. Harriman, B. Harriman, Conching de Castro, Jean and Yoland Fournier, Rosalee Flaskay,Elna Balbin, Paul Theisen,Miguela C. Cagang and Elmor Quiroga,Werner Huck,Rosalie Flaskay,Al Pugliese,Mr. Alfredo S. Aguinaga,Ludivico R. Pascua, Sr., Rudolfo Pascua and Ilang Pascua, Renato Galaitis,Eleonora Tesoro ,Manuel Molina,Marilyn Joy Digohermano-Taningco,Roger,Raymond Ragamat,Loreta Viloria Pascua, Frau Grün, Frank Rollins, Aurea Mine Urbanes Talladen,Johannes Weißbrod,  Heinz Pleiß, and Hilde Boehnstedt,Hildegard Heinrich and Frau Unger,Paul Brown,Agnes Montag, Herr Ernst, Oskar Baumeister, Irene Hinz, and Frau Esser,Peter Martucci, Walter Szmyrko, Sr., Walter D Szmyrko, Jr.Dr. Rudolf Kaschewsky, Joseph Nosia, Lloyd Fex, Art Eslava and Mel Eslava/Jojo Espiritu and Rosie Espiritu, Florence Baril, Naomi, Charlotte Mines,Frau Raz and Frau Drouven,Helena and Clem Santoro,Sue Thayer, Brian Spencer, Mary Beth Kennedy, Charles Kennedy, Joe Pacileo, Kathleen Donnelly, Theresa Fenimore, Leslie Gonzales, Lupe Gallegos, James Boyle, Myrna Tugade Garcia, Ed Huckman, Alice von Hildebrand , Ivy May Wycherly, Adam Elliot, Sr. Anastasia, OCarm, Dan Crone, Thelma Balicdang & Juan Gacula,, Sr.,Fe Villanueva,  Manuel,Rosalia,  Ramirez,Godofredo, Dollera,Elaine, Kane, Betty Heldstab, Val and Donna Koralewski,  Jean Sha, Douglas Welch, Blanche Zerr, Gary Muller and Helen & Bolek Cieslak, Erna Weiss and Rüdiger Schniering, Paul Hand, John Salgado, ,Jesusimo & Lourdes Mantua, Jamie Kendellen, Manuel Talladen, Auring Jaramillo,  Johann Loenertz, Alois Stillinger, Jeff M., Joselito Gacula, Corazon Balicdang, Rona Joyner, Joe Crilley, Harold and Betty Werth, Leon Werth, Millie Werth, Gary Werth, the families of Felix and Anna Werth, the family of John and Regina Jacobs, Roger Houser, Innocent Opara, Joseph P.Charito, Singson Zaragosa, Constancia Gacula, and Vilma Ganibi, Lori Ann Fagnani, Judy MC Dermott, Patrick W. Keohane, Edward H., Myrna A. Migala, John Wilson, Baby Avil, 9/11 souls who died on the day, and afterward, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Angela Dean,  Geraldine Czebiniak, Edwina Harvilchuck, Virginia Plass, Kenneth Villanueva, Thomas Aakerberg, Bernadette Tilan, Makil,Alicia, Lynn Amber, Connie Cunningham, Adalyn Loflin, Clifford Loflin, Howard and Mary Loflin, Louie and Tess Shandy, John and Anna Frank's, Melissa Gibson, Howard and Fran Loflin, Billy Clements, Russ King, My y G I'll d Parents Eli and Rose, Angela Dean, Ed Ruegemer,Martha S. Fraley,Dennis, Ron, Joshua, Terrence, James,Martha S. Fraley, Wally Fabela, Glenn Strube, Mr. Alfredo Aguinaga Sr,  Eric Talladen,Daniel,  Treve ,Tyler, Cory, Elizabeth Pascua Taay, Richard Zimmerman,Collin Ward,David Madge, Lily,Imo T.Harvey Werth,David and Charles,Luzon Galope Pascua,Elisabeth B.,Harald Griesbach, Robert Palaganas, Lola Ripani, Hugh Holden , Patty (Patricia) Hurtuk,  David, Charles, Lenny,  Jerry, Andre, Benjamin, Peter, Robert, Jordan Smith,Theresa Boatemaa, George, Ryan, Riley, Roger, Norman, Sorin, Donald, Terry, Greg, Harry, Norman, Gordon, Lyra, Cory, and Timothy, Stuart,  Kevin,  Toby, Mark Crectcher,Bryan Talladen, Maria Cottong, Loren Faria, Mr. Lloyd Fex, Ross, Julie, David,John Paul Tomeny ,Ben Alderete,Peter Dean, Marie Muller,Robert Tiritilli, Patrick Lyons. Patty Hurtuk, Gary Conrad ,Dorothy Petersen,Fernando Trejo Lujan,Maria Luisa Ochoa Sanchez,,Roberto Hernández Baylon, Margaret Schaut, Clifford Loflin, Adalyn Loflin,Melissa Gibson, Mary Loflin, Anna Franks, Howard Loflin, John Franks, Eli and Rose Godparents, Marilyn Justice, Earl Justice, Charles Nicholas, Flossie Nicholas, Paul and Charlene Henderson. Billy Clements, Russ King,  Mr Ronnie Barnes, Dave Wrublik, Valentine Joseph Royan, Catherine Elizabeth Royan, Gregory Angelo Royan ,Leon Dominic Raymond Sandra Joanna Dennis Savio, Richard Bellett, Conrad Wright, Antionette Corrie, George Corrie, Mary Royan, Raymond Royan, Domie Tejedor and Eleadora Castillo Rebollido,Anna Elkins,  Callum, Elizabeth Grace, Richard  Zuzolo, Elizabeth Grace, Mr. George Vogel, Anita Erickson, Imo Theisen, Otmar Mengels, Karla and Christel,Teodosia Pascua Sonico, Nina Birley, Gisela Frantzke-Jetten, Betty Pfeiffe, Steven Fetcher d.,Raymond Johnston,  Margaret Lanctot, Angel de Castro, Phillip Cugno, Bernadette's  husband, Gwen Parks, Chip O’Neill, Richard Hester, Jean Tacadena Talladen, Natalie Pacileo, John Freddi, Ian &Anneliese Gommersbach, Jim Nichols, Marie-Francoise Paris and Mrs. Santiago,Atty, Bermudez and Mrs. Bermudez, Ernesto Mayo, Chito Borje, Mr. Azur, Manuela Escamilla, Antonia Lopez, Ezequiel Lopez Sr., Maria Ana Lopez Ceniseros, Juan De Dios Escamilla, Raymundo Escamilla, Julian Escamilla, Mage Escamilla, Joey Escamilla, Maria Alaniz, Guadalupe Alaniz, Joaquina Lopez, All abandoned babies especially in China, India, Middle East (mostly girls), Coke and Dodo Gaffney, Mimi Gaffney, Chuck Gaffney, Grandpa Gaffney, All the souls whom have been forgotten, Cleofe Santiago, Frieda Rawiel and Christian, Magda Andrade, Frank Kreidler, Christian Berniard, Ginette Giaume, Jack and Clare Wilson, Germaine Berglund, Claus Schimanski, Leo F. Lalonde, Joaquina Carbonell de Sang, Mario Bruno, George Rebong, Viola Hand, Leonardo Galut, Diane Wilson,Liselotte Pleiss, Robert Rodriguez, Mr. Ed Kohler, Max Rodriguez, Rouven Laur, Patrick Coon, Stephen Crescenzo, Rouven L., Mary Morgan, Gina and Doreen Bizzaro, Jaycee Bizzaro, Mark Perkins, Danilo Garabilez, Joan, ,Alley's  Mother Joan, Tracy,Angela Maria Dean (nee.Coyne), the Jackson family, the Harris family, Dean Family, Butch, Zuta, Susan, Sr. Agnes Sasagawa, Michael Wasser, Arnold Schifferings, Johnny Gaudreau, Matthew Gaudreau, Mary Jocums,Emelio, Edith Grace Pantani, Teodor, Anthony P. Silva Jr., David McConnell, David McConnell Jr.,Tammy Mancuso,  Fernando Trejo,P. O Sta. Cruz, Karen Donovan, Dominic Russo, Higino Fabros,Jim Haddock,Inocencio Bagtang, M. Quidangen, Benigno Agbalog, Carol Ann Fiene, Barbara Zacchini, John O'Connell, John O'Connell Sr., Lucille O'Connell, Shirley O'Connell, Grace Heil, Arthur Heil, Francis Curran, Elizabeth Curran, Nathan McClean, Parker Duesterhaus, Karen Scalzitti, Ray Pluskis, and Fr. Basil Paris,





In paradisuum deducant te Angeli;
in tuo adventu suscipiant te martyres,
et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Ierusalem.
Chorus angelorum te suscipiat,
et cum Lazaro quondam paupere
æternam habeas requiem.

English translation

May the angels lead you into paradise,
may the martyrs receive you
in your coming,
and may they guide you
into the holy city, Jerusalem.
May the chorus of angels receive you
and with Lazarus once poor
may you have eternal rest.

Faithful Departed Priests

Archbishop Lefebvre, Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer,Pope Benedict XVI,  Fr. Roland Gierak , Father Julius Kubyini, Father Timothy Hopkins, Fr. Michael Crowdy, Fr. Bernard Enright, Fr. Ronald Silk, Fr. Oswald Baker, Fr. Marks, Father Jerome Dowling, Fr. Gordon Bancks, Fr. Arthur Coulson, Fr. Hans Milch, Fr. Gregor Hesse, Fr. Basil Wrighton, Fr. Clifford Beecroft, Fr. Anthony Chadwick, Fr. Hugh Thwaites, Fr. Alfred Gilbet, Fr. Eldred Leslie, Fr. John Flanagan, Fr. H. Rope, Mgr. Francois Ducaud-Bourget, Fr. Stephen Rigby, Fr. Michael Cresswell, Fr. Joly, Fr. Hector Bolduc, Father Luigi Villa, Fr Paul Egli, Father Joseph Marx, Fr. Ihor Stets, Fr. Ivan Sidun, Father Denis Marchal, Father Stephen Abdoo, Fr. Eugene Heidt, Fr. Harry Marchosk, Dom Ange Ferreira da Costa, Prieur de Notre-dame de Bellaigue, Father Didier Bonneterre SSPX, Father Joachim Schweitzer, Father Dominique Lagneau, SSPX, Fr. Gregory Hesse, Father Robert Cozzini, Fr. George Sandor, OFM, Fr. Roger Sullivan, Fr. Pablo Straub, Fr. Thomas Dubay, Father Will Comellas,Fr. Peter Flanagan, Msgr. Ray Hebert,+Msgr. John Squiller Fr. Clarence Galli , Fr. John Hardin, SJ , Fr. Charles Ronan, SJ, Monsignor Robert Hagarty, Monsignor Stephen Hrynuck, Fr. Pedro Ottenello, Fr. Kozina, Fr. Francis Van Der Lught, Bp. Louis Vezilis,Fr. Kenneth Walker, Fr.Valentine Gattari, Fr. Malachi MartinFr. Alfred Kunz, Fr. Charles Fiore, Fr. Timothy Hopkins, Fr. Bertin Roll OFM Cap., Fr, Nicholas Gruner, Fr. Louis Golvan,Fr. Charles Baillif, Fr. Stephen Somerville,Fr. Francis LeBlanc,Father Edgardo Suelo, Fr Boyle,Bishop Lazo, Fr. Peter Carota, Fr. Gabriele Amorth,Fr. James F. Bump,Bp Guerard des Lauriers, Bro. Gerard Nichols (SSPX), Cardinal Joachim Meisner, Fr Wilfredo Comellas, OP,Fr. Cooper,Bishop Welsh, Bishop Robert C. Morlino,Father Denis Marie,FR. MUSTAK, Fr. Clement,Father Albert Drexel, Msgr. Terrance Nolan,+Msgr. John Squiller,Pope Pius Xll, Pope John XXlll, Pope Paul Vl,Pope John Paul l,Fr. Donald Fussner,Father Anthony Cekada,Father Solanus Casey,Brother Andre,Pope John Paul ll ,Father Joe Dagsi ,Pope Innocent III ,Fr. Jim Whalen,Fr. Hontiveros,Fr. Urban Oiffert, Brother Joseph Natale,Father Santos Rabang, OSB,Father Thomas Alkire, Father Peralta, Fr. Bourmaud,Fr. Kaz Kawolski,Monsignor Patrick Perez,Father DeFour,Fr. Kowalski,Fr Pierre Epiney ( Riddes ), Bp. Daniel Dolan SGG, Fr. Heggenberger,Fr Beecroft, Fr Anthony Pilla, Fr Edward Pevec, Fr James Raymond. Fr Frank Kuta, Fr Patrick McShane, Fr. Peignot, Fr. Christopher Darby, Bishop Anthony Pilla, Fr. Gregory Chukwudi Obih, Fr. Mark Beard,Fr. Dunn ,Brother Henry, Monsignor Peter Buchignani, Fr. James Buckley, Fr. Campbell, Fr. Juan Carlos Iscara,Father Brian Hawker, Fr. Terrance Gordon FSSP,Bishop Vitus Hounder,Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais


Discussion Forum

Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory 1013 Replies


Started by Dawn Marie. Last reply by Flavia Talladen Schott 8 hours ago.

Prayer of the Precious Blood for the Poor Souls 3503 Replies


Tags: for, Poor, Souls, Blood, Precious

Started by Dawn Marie. Last reply by Dawn Marie yesterday.

Two prayers for the souls in Purgatory 107 Replies

Eternal Father, by virtue of Thine generosity and love, I ask that Thou accept all my actions, and that Thou dost multiply…Continue

Started by Gloria. Last reply by Gloria on Sunday.


THE VISION OF ST. GERTRUDE Once, on the Feast of the Annunciation, St. Gertrude had a vision during which the Heavenly Mother revealed to her the glory of her spouse, St. Joseph, in order to awaken in the Saint a greater love for him and to…Continue

Started by Dawn Marie. Last reply by Kate Jackson Jul 26.

Comment Wall



Comment by Susan Grace yesterday

Prayer of St. Gertrude, De Profundis, Eternal Rest prayer, Ave Maria x3. Amen

Comment by John yesterday

Please add: John O'Connell, John O'Connell Sr., Lucille O'Connell, Shirley O'Connell, Grace Heil, Arthur Heil, Francis Curran, Elizabeth Curran, Nathan McClean, Parker Duesterhaus, Karen Scalzitti, Ray Pluskis, and Fr. Basil Paris,

Comment by Michael yesterday

Saint Gertrude's prayer, De Profundis, and Eternal Rest prayers.

Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott yesterday

Amen. RIP. Daily Rosary.

Comment by Joseph yesterday


Comment by Dawn Marie yesterday

Comment by Carol Henderson on Wednesday


Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on Wednesday

Amen. RIP. Daily Rosary.

Comment by Gloria on Wednesday

Eternal rest grant unto all the souls on this list and are not on the list , O Lord let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. May all of  the souls in purgatory have a peaceful death.  †Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  the Sorrowful and  Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat!  Hail Mary. Amen.†

Comment by Susan Grace on Wednesday

Prayer of St. Gertrude, De Profundis, Eternal Rest prayer, Ave Maria x3. Amen


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