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courtesy of IA


courtesy of IA


good one

funny stuff

yep yep lol

I would have to make the eating part wider and the working part smaller, otherwise, it's perfect! 

ROFL!  It's the eating part that makes ME wider!  :-D

Alan came in from doing his yard work and sat heavily down in a chair.  As his dear wife got him a cool drink, she commented, "How did it go, dear?" 

Alan wiped his brow and replied, "Well, honey, I fought the lawn and the lawn won."

DM visited a modern art gallery.  One painting was bright blue with vivid orange swirls, and the one hanging next to it was black with lime-green splotches.

The artist stood nearby, so as politely as she could, DM said to him, "Um...I'm sorry, but I just don't understand your paintings."

The artist replied rather huffily, "Well, madam, I just paint what I feel inside me!"

"I see," DM replied innocently, "but don't you think you should try Alka-Seltzer instead?"

Hey, I resemble that remark rofllll

(sounds like something I'd say heehee)

This one was esp for Alan, who always enjoys a good pun!  :-)

  I found the joke in a magazine, without a particular person's name, but I thought you might get a kick out of it!  :-D

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