bernadette szczepkowski


Chicago Ridge, IL

United States

Profile Information:

April 19, 1946

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  • S.Vincent

    Thank you Bernadette! God Bless you.

    In JMJ


  • S.Vincent

    Thank you Bernadette! God Bless you.

  • AnnaMaria

    Thank you  God Bless you

  • David S.

    Thank you for the Birthday wish Bernadette!  God Bless you.

  • brenda yirsa

    Thank you so much, Bernadette!

  • Kathryn Cecelia Hart

    Thank-you. May God bless you

  • Gloria

    Happy Birthday to you Bernadette. May our Lord bless you and our heavenly mother Mary hold you tightly within Her loving arms and cover you with Her mantle of protection always.

  • Dawn Marie

  • Dawn Marie

    Just click the image to make it bigger or big enough to read :)))

  • Alley

    Bernadette, Blessed Angel Day!!

  • Cathleen

    Happy, Happy Birthday, dear Bernadette!  And many more!  May God bless you today and always.  Thank you for being here with all of us. 

  • Sarah Louise Rita Armstrong

    Hello Bernadette! :)

    I'm replying to your comment you left me back in January (sorry about that! :P) I didn't see it until today...

    bernadette szczepkowski left a comment for Sarah Louise Rita Armstrong

    "Thank you Sarah! I would love to be your friend! My daughter in law also is named that name...what's it like to be a teen growing up in Australia?"
    Thanks! :) It's very nice to be a teen growing up in Australia, although there aren't many other Traditional Catholics here in comparison to the US unfortunately. I like the name Sarah too (even though I might sound biased!) :).
    God bless you!
  • Michael

    Thank you, Bernadette!  May God bless you and keep you always.

  • David Kaftal

    Thank you so much! God bless you.

  • Dawn Marie

    Hi angel girl!

    I have not heard any recent updates on poor Father Cooper.  But I think the person to ask is Susan Mally, she seems to have most updates on him.

    I will certainly keep your friend Michael in prayer.  I don't know why but his name sounds so familiar to me.  I wonder if I have met him somewhere along the lines.

    Hope you are doing well and hope you are having a blessed Christmas season. 

    God be with you now and always dearheart!


  • Gloria

    Happy Birthday to you Bernadette. May our Lord bless you and our heavenly mother Mary hold you tightly within Her loving arms and cover you with Her mantle of protection always.

  • Flavia Talladen Schott

    Happy birthday and may God bless you always.
  • Dawn Marie

  • Flavia Talladen Schott

    You're welcome!,  Bernadette! God bless!

  • Dawn Marie

    So happy Michael Horan will have a Catholic burial and had a good and holy death.  We all have to go and by goodness I hope I pass from this world with as much grace as he did.  What a blessed man.

    Ever since you mentioned his name asking for prayers I haven't been able to shake the feeling that I know that name.  Was he SSPX?  It's bugging me because I swear I know or knew him at one point or maybe met him briefly?  I can't place it.


  • Nini Alcázar

    Thank you so much!! God bless you!

  • Cathleen

    Happy Birthday. dear Bernadette. and many more.  May God bless you on your special day and always.  May your dear patroness St. Bernadette watch over and be your help in every need.  Thank you for being "here" with us. 

  • Flavia Talladen Schott

    Happy and blessed birthday. 

  • Gloria

    Happy Birthday to you Bernadette. May our Lord bless you and our heavenly mother Mary hold you tightly within Her loving arms and cover you with Her mantle of protection always.

  • Judy Muller

    Wishing you all the very best.....may God Bless you all and keep you safe.HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
  • Dawn Marie

    I'm so sorry I'm a day late in offering you a happy birthday.  God bless your sweet soul and may He grant you many graces always.  Happy birthday Bernadette!

  • Dawn Marie

    Your birthday is on Good Friday this year :o

    Since I was a day late last year I'm going to be a day early this year :)  Happy birthday dear girl!

    p.s. I still need your home address to send the relic.  I think you must not have seen my post in the thread asking for it.

  • Judy Muller

    Wishing you a Happy Birthday.......hope you have a wonderful day.......take care and God Bless all.
  • Flavia Talladen Schott

    Blessed birthday! 

  • Flavia Talladen Schott

    Dear Bernadette, 

    hope you're better.

    Prayers for you!


  • Flavia Talladen Schott

  • Dawn Marie

    That is so beautiful and makes me so happy!  Deo Gratias and so glad you are getting better.

  • Dawn Marie

    Happy birthday dear Bernadette!  Praying God bless you with many graces especially today :)

  • Flavia Talladen Schott

    Happy and blessed birthday, Bernadette! 

  • Alley

    Thank you Bernadette :) You are always in my prayers!

  • Gloria

    Thank you for your kindness  wishing me   birthday wishes, Bernadette. 

    United in prayer   Gloria

  • Judy Muller

    Wishing you a Happy Birthday......hope you have a wonderful day.......take care and God Bless you and your loved ones.......HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
  • Dawn Marie

  • Michael

    Thank you Bernadette!

  • AnnaMaria

    Thank you for your kindness God Bless you Always

  • Judy Muller

    Wishing you a Happy Birthday......hope you have a wonderful day.......take care and may God Bless and keep you and your loved ones safe.......HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
  • bernadette szczepkowski

    Thank you Judy for the wonderful gift and wishes! God bless!

  • Alley

    Thank you for the birthday wishes Bernadette :)

  • Michael

    Thank you Bernadette!  I appreciate it!

  • Joseph

    Thank You!

  • John Edward Czarnomski

    Hi Bernadette,

    I am so embarrassed to have just seen your wonderful birthday greeting to me from 3 months ago! I have not been in the habit of checking my messages on the Comment Wall so I guess I need to amend that. A big THANK YOU for that kind message and I want to wish you and your family a very Blessed and Happy New Year in 2023! I currently live in Pennsylvania near Hershey and attend the FSSP parish in Harrisburg, PA called Saint Lawrence of Rome, Deacon and Martyr, which is only about 12 miles away. Please forgive my negligence and God's blessing to you always!


  • AnnaMaria

    Thank you God Bless you Always

  • Daniel M

    Thank You Bernadette, Your prayers are greatly appreciated.  

  • John Edward Czarnomski

    Hello Bernadette,

    Thank you so much for your message to me back on 28 Feb. I only saw your message today (07 July) when I scrolled down on "My Page" to search for a prayer that I could not find on the links on the "Home Page." Yes, I am well although I had a minor health issue back in April. I have been using my iPhone to pray many of the prayers but can only leave a comment on those prayers that are "discussions." So I was not leaving any comments. I appreciate your concern and continual prayers for me. Please know that you and all fellow Crusaders are in my daily prayers. God Bless you and your loved ones.

    Your friend,

    John in PA.

  • Joseph

    Thank you!