Father Altman, a brave Priest, says what many of us have thought for a long time. Traditional Catholics have seen the many scandalous actions of this Pope and the disgraceful appointments he has made, and are sickened that this man - whose been given the great honor of being the Vicar of Christ on Earth - has so greatly sinned against Jesus and the Catholic Faith. Novus Ordo Priests and their parishioners need to watch this video before Pope Francis leads them all to Hell. Maybe - the Synod of October will be a wake-up call if Francis further destroys the Catholic Faith. Will we as Traditional Catholics sit silent and let that happen?
Problem: Who is going to depose this usurper of the Throne of Peter? The only authority on earth to
declare him a formal heretic would be the College of Cardinals. BUT, they are as corrupt as this man disguised as a pope. And they can only ask him to resign. It is past time to go to the catacombs and wait for Jesus to punish the earth in the cataclism (sp?) of fire promised from Fatima.
Any comments on this?
Cardinal Burke has been quietly working on building a network of priests who will operate underground when the time comes. He has seen the schism coming for a long time now.
From what I've read, after the conclave of 2013 was over Cd. Burke came out and said it was an invalid election.
Not to put everything on one Cardinal's shoulders, because this mess requires all good Catholics to stand up and fight, but I remember Burke+ told me that he believed God was keeping Benedict alive as long as He did because by doing so it kept the brakes on Bergoglio's plans for the utter destruction of the Church which he intended to inflict upon Her. Bergoglio always intended to do what he is doing now, long, long, before he was un-canonically elected. He didn't just assume the role. It was all planned. He bragged about it even when he was still unknown in Argentina.
After the SINod in October, because of what Bergoglio and his ilk will declare from it, which will be absolute evil and absolute heresy, the Church will split soon after. We will go into a full blown schism caused by this "pope" of the Alta Vendita.
What do we do? For now we shout from the rooftops the truth about this man. People are waking up in droves because others, priests and laity alike are courageously telling the reality, the truth, like Fr. Altman has. We pray with all our heart and soul to Our Dear Holy Mother that the plans laid out for the October SINod come to ruin. We pray for the destruction of these enemies of God. We pray for, suffer for, and do penance for the consecration of Russia which will put an end to all this madness.
The situation is going to get very ugly and very dark in the next few months I'm afraid, but despite the fact that Bergoglio believes as he himself said from his own mouth, that he will destroy the Church to a point that he believes it will never recover, he is wrong. He will do horrifying damage for a while but he can not destroy Christ's Bride. God will be the victor in the end as we all know and in the end the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph.
My only advice is this, beware of those who, with a fork tongue and deceptively assuring and smooth words try to convince the faithful that we must follow Bergoglio because he is the lawful pope regardless of what heresy and evil he inflicts and regardless of the outcome of October which is the planned culmination of their agenda to destroy the Church. Those who will chose to stay with Bergoglio will be choosing unwisely. The mask will come off and if one finds oneself in the wrong camp the realization could come too late to do much about it.
As Our Lady of La Salette said, "These are the times of times, the end of ends". Keep your eyes on Her and you won't be led astray.
David Gordon Paul LePage said:
Problem: Who is going to depose this usurper of the Throne of Peter? The only authority on earth to
declare him a formal heretic would be the College of Cardinals. BUT, they are as corrupt as this man disguised as a pope. And they can only ask him to resign. It is past time to go to the catacombs and wait for Jesus to punish the earth in the cataclism (sp?) of fire promised from Fatima.
Any comments on this?
Excellent post by Nick:
Nick Donnelly
Archbishop Fernandez has invented out of thin air the principle that the Doctrine of Jorge Bergoglio cannot be judged by bishops
The thing is everyone with a sound knowledge of the Catholic Faith can judge the 'Doctrine of the Holy Father'
St. Augustine taught, 'St. Peter gave an example to superiors, that if at any time they should happen to stray from the straight path, they should not disdain to be reproved by their subjects.' (Commentary on Galatians 2:11)
St. Thomas Aquinas taught that 'It must be observed, however, that if the faith were endangered, a subject ought to rebuke his prelate even publicly.' (Summa Theologiae II-II.33.4)
St. Thomas Aquinas also taught subjects must not fear to publicly correct prelates if their acts are a ‘danger to the Gospel teaching’, and ‘if their crime is public and verges upon danger to the multitude.’ (Commentary on Galatians)
Archbishop Fernandez appears to believe that Jorge Bergoglio is the oracle of God beyond the judgement of fellow successors of the apostles, let alone the ordinary faithful.
Well said Dawn, well said. Fight on ye children of light.
“If a future pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic Faith, do not follow him.” Venerable Pope Pius IX
Amazing...another beautiful warrior priest speaks. I love this priest too. He's amazing.
Michael said:
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