Time: October 7, 2021 to October 15, 2021
Location: world wide
Event Type: private, intentions
Organized By: Cathleen
Latest Activity: Oct 15, 2021
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Dear St. Gerard, we rejoice in thy happiness and glory; we bless the Lord Who endowed thee with the choicest gifts of His Grace; we congratulate thee on corresponding so faithfully to them. Obtain for us, we beseech thee, some part of thy angelic purity, thy burning love for Jesus in the Tabernacle and thy tender devotion to Mary Immaculate. In thy brotherly love which made thee the support of the poor, the comforter of the afflicted and the apostle of the most forsaken souls, please grant me the favors for which I now pray:
(mention your intentions here)
O most powerful patron, who hast always helped those who prayed to thee, intercede for me before the Throne of God. O Good St. Gerard, to thee I confide my fervent prayers; graciously accept them and please let me experience in some way the effects of thy intercession. +Amen+
*For private intentions*
Especially for any expectant mothers we may know, or ladies who desire the grace of motherhood
+ Amen +
+ Amen +
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