Time: May 24, 2023 to July 16, 2023
Location: Worldwide
Event Type: 54, day, novena, of, rosaries
Organized By: Crusaders of the Immaculate Heart
Latest Activity: Jul 16, 2023
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We are inviting you, and asking you to invite others to join us in praying the 54 Day Novena of Rosaries from May 24th-The Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians through July 16th (inclusive) The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel for the following intentions:
1.) For the destruction of those in power in all levels of society who push and will the evil agenda of Communism and who desire the enslavement of man and the destruction of God and all His laws and desires.
2.) That Our Lady will inflame the hearts of those who are hers with the fire of Her Immaculate Heart in order to aid us in the battle with perseverance and for the confidence beyond confidence she stated we must have in this fight against evil during her revelations to Mother Mariana De Jesus Torres in Quito Ecuador in 1634 when addressing to her our times and what we would need.
3.) In order to bring about the end of these evil days we beg Our Heavenly Mother that she obtain for us from her Divine Son the grace of the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart exactly as she asked as well as the release of the Third Secret of Fatima....we ask these intentions be given without delay.
4.) For the miracle needed to bring Maria-Dolores here to the U.S. to be reunited to her husband.
† Amen †
† Amen †
† Amen †
† Amen †
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