Rose C. Ong
  • Lapu Lapu City
  • Philippines

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  • Gloria

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Gloria left a comment for Rose C. Ong
"A blessed Happy Birthday to you. May our Lord Bless you and our heavenly Mother Mary hold you tightly within Her loving arms and cover you with our Blessed Mothers mantle of protection."
Feb 20
Rose C. Ong might attend Cathleen's event

Prayers for All Souls Day at World wide

November 1, 2023 to November 8, 2023
May light eternal shine upon them, O Lord.With Thy saints forever, because Thou are merciful.Let us pray:O God, to Whom it belongs always to have mercy and to spare, be gracious to the souls of the faithful departed, and grant them the remission of all their sins, that, being freed from the bonds of death, they may enter into life eternal.   Through Christ, our Lord. +AmenPsalm 129Out of…See More
Nov 2, 2023

Profile Information

February 21, 1975
Todays Date
October 4, 1980

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Rose C. Ong's Blog


The knowledge and love of the rosary, therefore,not only a school of  Christian life, but leads to the very heart of the Christian life>>, teaches the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. Also,  the Holy Rosary is considered Compendium of the Holy Gospel>> and school of the Holy Gospel>>, and still more, according to the Pope Pio XII, it can be considered a true and precious Compendium of the Christian life>>.

In the School of…


Posted on October 5, 2015 at 8:57am

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At 6:16pm on February 20, 2025, Gloria said…

A blessed Happy Birthday to you. May our Lord Bless you and our heavenly Mother Mary hold you tightly within Her loving arms and cover you with our Blessed Mothers mantle of protection.

At 11:59am on October 9, 2018, William N Conti said…

Hello Rose. How are you?.

At 11:53am on February 20, 2017, Gloria said…

Blessed Happy Birthday to you , Rose.  May our Lord bless you and our heavenly Mother Mary hold you tightly within Her loving arms and cover you with Her mantle of protection, always.

At 7:09am on February 20, 2017, Cathleen said…

Happy Birthday, Rose!  May God bless you today and always

At 8:56am on February 22, 2016, Cathleen said…

A belated happy birthday wish to you, dear Rose.  I hope you had a lovely day.  May God bless you always.  Thank you for praying here with us all.

At 1:06pm on February 21, 2016, Dawn Marie said…

At 8:10pm on February 20, 2016, Gloria said…

Blessed Happy Birthday to you , Rose.  May our Lord bless you and our heavenly Mother Mary hold you tightly within Her loving arms and cover you with Her mantle of protection, always. 

At 11:56pm on October 5, 2015, Michael said…

Welcome to the Crusaders, Rose!

At 9:48am on October 5, 2015, Dawn Marie said…


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