SUNDAY'S QUESTION:  This question is about Saint Silverius.  One unusual thing about Saint Silverius is that he was just a _________ when he was chosen to be the pope.


LAST SUNDAY'S ANSWER: The last question was a true or false about St. Alexius (Alexis).  It was false.  St. Alexis did live as a poor beggar, but he was not recognized by his parents and all who knew him.





To get this started, here are the initial rules/guidelines for this activity.  A trivia question will be posted 3 times a week.  Each participant will get one point for each correct answer.   The participant with the most points will win that week.  In the event of a tie, a drawing will be held to determine the winner.   We ask that the losers pray 1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys for the winner. 

Any clarifications or additional rules will be posted soon  with the first question.   May God bless all who participate and may this thread lead to an increase in knowledge of and devotion to the many wonderful saints of our Catholic Faith.


Please check your pages for the information I post to help you answer the questions. The paragraph(s) with the answer(s) will be bold and/or italic. If you still can't figure it out, or can but need help to understand it, either find me in chat or post a message here in trivia. I want you to know/understand the information about the current saint before going on to the next.


Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.

Saint Dominic, pray for us.

Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

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dominic the rosary


Since I cannot do in the comics the highlighting I said I would,  I am giving everyone a chance to go back to their page, reread the trivia , and change their answer if they want to.

 He studied under, so had lessons from, another saint, St. _albert____ the _great_____.

The last question was about St. Thomas Aquinas.   He studied under, so had lessons from, another saint, Saint Albert the Great.

Today's queston is about St. Patrick.  His feast day is March 17.  Your fun facts about him mentions the Druids.  At the time of St. Patrick,  they were priests of a false religion  in Britain, Ireland, and Gaul ( France).   St. Patrick preached thoughout  _____ for 40 years, converting many. 

Due to everyone's schedules this weekend, I am waiting to at least tomorrow night before posting the answer to the current question and posting the next question.



Recently, due to unforseen circumstances or schedules it has been hard for everyone to participate here.  This week let's all pray one Our Father and three Hail Marys for all the other participants.

The  last question was about St. Patrick.  He preached throughout Ireland for 40 years, converting many.

Today's question is about St. Dorothy, feast day February 6.  Hint: The answers are near the end of the cartoon. A lawyer mocked her while she was dying for her faith in Jesus Christ.  Later a child appeared at his front door with three freshly picked _____ and three freshly picked ______. Since it was winter, these items were impossible to get.  Here is the bonus question.   He became a Christian and later died a _______ as well.

im glad that we have you guys playing have fun from:dominic

Later a child appeared at his front door with three freshly picked _rose's____ and three freshly picked _apple's___. Since it was winter, these items were impossible to get.  Here is the bonus question.   He became a Christian and later died a _mater______ as well.

sorry i ment maryr

yes because they other person's answer can be wrong so you look on your page for the answer.


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