Christians boycott ice cream chain for blaspheming Jesus ~ LifeSite News

Christians boycott ice cream chain for blaspheming Jesus

Tell ‘Sweet Jesus’ ice cream: I will boycott until you change name. Sign petition here.

TORONTO, March 23, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A Canadian ice-cream chain is about to begin peddling its wares in the United States: soft-serve ice cream topped with loads of blasphemy. 

The company is called “Sweet Jesus.” It was founded in Toronto by Andrew Richmond and Amin Todai in 2015. The company is part of parent company Monarch & Misfits where Richmond is CEO. There are already 19 locations in Canada, and one at the Baltimore–Washington International Airport. It has plans to open in other U.S. locations, such as Mall of America.

Its name and flashy advertisements mock the Christian faith. 

One ad on the company’s website shows a Nativity Scene, but instead of Baby Jesus, there ’s an ice-cream cone. Many of their ads are replete with cherished Christian and Catholic symbols that are used to mock faith, including a rosary, a crucifix with a corpus, and angels. 

This ad contains a suggestively attired boy with a black eye who is wearing a cross with a crucifix and who has a rosary wrapped around his arm. The ad also contains lightening bolts and and upside down cross in the company's name "Sweet Jesus."

There are also Satanic symbols interspersed throughout their ads, such as upside-down crosses, lightning bolts, skulls, roaring wildcats, and images that suggest vampires and blood.  

“The entire marketing concept of their company is to mock the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,” wrote Elizabeth Johnston about the company on her blog Activist Mommy in January. 

Many have found the ads featuring children disturbing and creepy. Some of the children have bruises and appear to be abused. Some say the ads sexualize children and have accused the company of pandering to pedophiles. 

Some Christians have rightly decided to boycott the company. They have started a petition that aims at convincing Richmond and Todai to change the name of their company. It has been signed by over 7600 people. 

Faithful Christians follow the Second Commandment about not taking the name of God in vain. This means that God’s name should be used respectfully, as in prayer or in blessing. Anything else is misusing his name. Christians believe that Jesus is God and his name is holy. St. Paul in his letter to the Philippians put it this way: “At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow.”

This ad overtly mocks the second of the 10 commandments against taking the name of the Lord in vain. It also includes upside down crosses, lightening bolts, and a skull.

“Choosing the name of our Lord for a brand of soft-serve ice cream is totally offensive and revolting,” states the petition at Citizen Go. 

“Even if this were some innocent faux-pas, it would still be unacceptable! However, this is anything but a mere mistake. Both in their promotional materials and menu selection, it is plain to see that Richmond and Todai have every intention of mocking Christ and Christianity. If anything could qualify as ‘hate speech,’ this is it!”

The company has included on its website an unconvincing little disclaimer about its name that reads: 

Our name was created from the popular phrase that people use as an expression of enjoyment, surprise or disbelief. Our aim is not to offer commentary on anyone’s religion or belief systems, Our own organization is made up of amazing people that represent a wide range of cultural and religious beliefs.

The disclaimer will not convince Christians because of all the anti-Christian symbols used in the advertising. 

The girl in this ad looks like a vampire with blood running from her pointed teeth. She wears a gold cross around her neck and is adorned with a strange brooch.

While sometimes Christians deserve scorn for their moral failures, Our Lord Jesus Christ does not. Jesus Christ deserves honor, love, and respect.  

This brings me to a question: have we slid so far into cultural decline that it now becomes okay to frequent a shop that blasphemes the name of Jesus?  

I think no one should step into a business that openly mocks the name of Christ and uses anti-Christian and even Satanic symbols in its advertisement. 

Sugary things should be an occasional treat. In large amounts, they’re bad for you. Blasphemy, of course, is always bad for you, leading both you and those around you to increasingly disrespect the Name and then the Person of Jesus Christ. Those who remain unrepentant of blasphemy risk losing heaven forever. 

So here’s my advice: Avoid “Sweet Jesus” altogether and tell your friends why you’re upset when they frequent it. 

Tell ‘Sweet Jesus’ ice cream: I will boycott until you change name. Sign petition here.

I wonder what might have happened had the company been named “Sweet Muhammad” and employed the same kind of plays on Islamic religious symbols as it does on Christian ones. Mohammed Mud Pie anyone?

It would never have been tolerated.

Contact info for respectful communications:

Andrew Richmond and Amin Todai 
Use online form here.
Ph: 647-888-8420

Christians boycott ice cream chain for blaspheming Jesus ~ LifeSite...

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Some more info.  Clearly satanic.   This will be more commonplace in the future.  God help us.

Sweet Jesus: The Disturbing Marketing of a Trendy Ice Cream Franchise


The marketing surrounding Sweet Jesus is based on satanic symbolism combined with children in creepy and questionable situations. 

Sweet Jesus is an absurdly popular ice cream chain that’s been around for a few years and is quickly expanding in Canada and the United States. Deemed “Toronto’s Most Overrated Ice Cream” by the Globe and Mail, Sweet Jesus nevertheless attracts huge crowds on a daily basis. The chain has been enjoying lots of media coverage and because its stores are custom-made to be “Instagrammable”, Sweet Jesus is all over social media.

The chain does not only serve ice cream to its customers: The “experience” also involves intense imagery and Biblical references. This peculiarity even prompted a lengthy article on Medium that analyzes the “Christian symbolism” of the shop. While the article is very in-depth and used all kinds of references, it completely missed one point: The symbolism is not Christian, it is satanic. Because satanic symbolism is based on the inversion and the corruption of Christian symbols and Biblical references.

The logo consists of the words Sweet Jesus combined with two satanic symbols: An inverted cross and a lightning bolt.

These two symbols are an important part of the imagery of the Church of Satan.

An altar of the Church of Satan with inverted crosses.

To those who say: “The inverted cross is not satanic, it is actually the Cross of St Peter. I read that on Wikipedia”. Nope. In this context, it is satanic. Satanic Black Masses are all about the inversion of Christian symbols to represent a diametrically inverted philosophy.

The symbol of the lightning bolt is also prevalent in satanism. It most likely originates from the Bible passage where Jesus said: “I saw Satan falling like lightning from heaven”.

The sigil of Anton Lavey (the founder of the Church of Satan) features a lightning bolt inside an inverted pentagram. A sigil is a symbol used in ceremonial magic to represent the magician’s outcome (and to summon demons).

A Marilyn Manson promo poster. He’s a member of the Church of Satan.

These two symbols make up the logo of Sweet Jesus.

The Sweet Jesus logo in front of a shop.

It’s also on their cups

Inverted cross, lightning bolt, pyramid, eyeballs. Remember when eating ice cream was not a satanic ritual?

The marketing of the brand is all about ridiculing Jesus combined with satanic symbolism.

That’s funny because Jesus bore his cross before he got crucified. Also, gluttony is considered to be one of the seven deadly sins by some Christian denominations.

That’s funny because Jesus … whatever.

Other ads combine Christianity with thinly veiled sexual innuendos.

“Let Sweet (lightning bolt) (inverted cross) Jesus into your mouth” … Um, no.

“Love is patient, love is kind” is the beginning of a popular Bible verse. It is followed in this ad by “but you can’t lick it so who cares”. The popsicle stick is held in a phallic matter. There are satanic symbols on the chalice. 

This ad cites the commandment about using the Lord’s name in vain … followed by using the Lord’s name in vain. And of course, satanic symbols on the commandment tablet.

Here’s another project by the same graphic designer. Since it is not an ad selling ice cream, it is a little more blatant.

Another creation by graphic designer Murilo Maciel.

Although none of this would EVER exist if it ridiculed any other religion, one can still dismiss the above as an attempt at being “edgy and clever”. However, there’s more.

Sweet Jesus also created ads involving children. And they’re evil creepy. Not fun creepy. They confirm that this is not simply about being “edgy” … there’s a connection with the darker, more sinister side of the occult elite: Preying on children.

Using Children

Most of the marketing surrounding Sweet Jesus involves fashion magazine-style photoshoots involving children and ice cream. One might think: “Well, that’s normal enough, right? Children love ice cream.” But these pictures involve children in a creepy way. At best, the pics “adultize” children. At worse, they sexualize them.

This kid is dressed like a sailor and he’s doing all kinds of adult things: Smoking, wearing tattoos, drinking coffee from a cup with a satanic logo. But, more importantly, why does the kid have a bruised eye? Child abuse?

This picture is very creepy. First, the entire thing is reminiscent of the horribly exploitative world of child pageants. This blond girl looks eerily similar to JonBenet Ramsey – the child pageant star who got savagely murdered in bizarre circumstances. Also, the girl has pink stuff around her mouth reminiscent of blood. To make things even more disturbing, the girl has bunny ears – not unlike Playboy bunnies.


The company’s IG page featured this “behind the scenes” pic of the above picture, along with the borderline creepy comment “Tough day at the office, eh kiddo.”. The other comments got real.

These two boys have strange animal masks on their heads. You know who else loves to wear strange animal masks?

These guys! (This is a picture from the Church of Satan website).

This girl has one eye emphasized by a magnifying glass – effectively doing the one eye sign. The magnifying glass’ handle is actually an antler.

In occult circles, holding animal horns or antlers represent drawing power from Baphomet.

Occultist Marina Abramovic holding the horns of a goat. Powerful occult meaning.

This girl has a “crown” made of what looks like tiny antlers. She looks like she has blood all over her hand and she is also sucking on her thumb. No.

A shirtless kid. He has the satanic symbols right on his glasses. Nope.

People from Sweet Jesus donating to “Sick Kids” … Not before they teach the kids how to throw up the devil horns, though.

In Conclusion

Associating the decadence of deserts with the devil is nothing new. However, Sweet Jesus takes thing way further. It is not simply about “edgy images”, it is about an entire culture that is perfectly in line with the occult elite.

As seen in previous articles on this site, a main agenda of the occult elite is the normalization of powerful satanic symbolism, which is based on the corruption and desecration of Christian symbols. But that’s just the surface of it. The marketing of Sweet Jesus also subtly implies the corruption and desecration of children. This is where things stop being “cool and edgy” and the ugly head of pure evil sticks out.

And there’s nothing sweet about it.

Where is this evil place located?  If it is anywhere near me at all I have no problem throwing a holy medal of Saint Benedict on their roof.  With every ounce of confidence I know St. Benedict would see to it that this place would cease to even exists.  He's never let me down yet.

*edited---never mind I see it is in Canada (the communist country run by dictator Trudeau).  Still  will pray to St. Benedict to keep this filth off our soil and preferably to see it removed from Canada as well.

They plan to open franchises throughout the U.S.A.  This is just sick and I agree with using Saint Benedict medals!

I saw this news last week on Lifesite and was sickened.  The details you provided, Michael, make it even more sickening.  The truly gut-wrenching part is that they are so blatant about it, knowing that most people don't care.  That and the fact of using children in their ads.

St. Michael the Angel, defend us.

Arise O Lord and let Thy enemies be scattered - let those that hate Thee flee from before Thy Face.

I think i read in the article that theyve opened in the States already in DC, havent they?  It’s a good idea Dawn. Any Crusaders near there?  I’ll send you the St Benedict Medal. 

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