In the after dinner chat at the Fatima Conference, one of the participants indicated that Cardinal Burke has written a Fraternal Correction as opposed to a Filial Correction. Why would that be any different to the Filial Correction as signed by the 62 (and counting...)?
Views: 391
We have plenty of cause for concern just from observing Cdl. Burke's objective actions and recognizing that some of them are very bad news. I'm not sure that specualtion regarding his motivations is helpful, however, and it may even be a sin. God knows men's hearts; we can only guess.
David Kaftal said:
While "Francis" is clearly not Catholic, Burke is a confused Catholic who often seems to be trying to do the right thing.
Speculation can indeed lead to sin, if it is wild or unwarranted. I do not think that anything discussed here has reached that level. The "speculation" here has been based on observation of behavior. Bp. Williamson has written extensively on the wiles and politics of Rome. I think these actions are political. A triangulation of the faithful who attend the SSPX. Francis will accept as they are (for now), Bp Schneider - all is well, Cdl Burke - schismatic. The confusion is intentional. The faithful are being driven to Francis, one by his seeming conciliatory attitude toward tradition, two by Bp Schneider informing the faithful that all they are doing is well (the carrot), and finally you cannot attend the SSPX (schismatic bogeyman - the stick.) There is nothing inherently sinful to seeing the forest for the trees. These are the times of apostasy and coming chastisement (more speculation).
Behold I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves. But beware of men. For they will deliver you up in councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues. And you shall be brought before governors, and before kings for my sake, for a testimony to them and to the Gentiles:
2 Timothy 1:16-19
I'm not saying that the speculation HAS reached the point of sinfulness. Nevertheless, I still worry that it MAY.
The objective wrongness of what these people are doing is beyond question. Whatever their reasons for doing it are, that objective wrongness is enough to loudly scream STAY AWAY!!!
“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” -- St. Augustine
Sorry for not being able to respond - frankly the whole Cardinal Burke and Fatima Conference thing has left me feeling slightly confused and a bit disorientated. I haven't take offense from anyone and feel more sure than ever that, what the crisis in the Church means, is that what I can really rely on is the Rosary and the Scapular.
In order to ask some special favours and renew requests for older intentions, I went to visit St. David Lewis' grave. I seem to be drawn back to this Reformation Saint although there are others closer to where I live now.
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