You don't hear people talking about Communism very much any more, and Russia and Eastern Europe are looking less Communist than they used to, and someone might think that Russia spreading her errors is a thing of the past.

Well, those errors are still spreading, but now instead of the front lines being Hungary, or Korea or Spain for that matter (the Spanish Civil War), today one of the places where the Red Menace is rearing its ugly head is the US, where we just had 8-years of a Saul Alinsky-trained radical running the country and sowing the seeds of a racially-charged revolution.

Not only are left wingers openly calling for President Trump's assassination under the guise of "humor" and "entertainment," but I expect we'll be seeing more of this sort of thing as we move forward:

The "General Strike" is, of course, a fundamental Communist tactic for creating unrest.

Remember this from not very long ago?

This is clearly Communism at work. 

We even had a self-avowed Socialist running for president in the Democratic primary last year.

The errors of Russia are taking root in the U.S. Don't doubt it.

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Could you imagine any one of us attempting that sort of humor as entertainment at anytime in the last 8 years? Why Madonna wasn't jailed for her statement at that fascist rally baffles me. How much more of this hate talk from these supposed peace and love liberals do we have to bare?

This is the 100 year mark.  2017 will not pass without something very terrible happening.  My guess is WWIII

I hope you're wrong, DM, but I wouldn't bet on it.

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