Dear Crusaders,

We would like to extend the opportunity for all Crusaders, to participate in an event which has been titled "Compass of Faith".

The idea was born from past efforts made using the Saint Benedict Medal and the Miraculous Medal, to rid our cities of places such as abortion clinics, porn shops, strip clubs and the like.

Two examples:

In the early 1990's a strip club was allowed to be opened in a section of our city called little Italy.  Although the people of the neighborhood did not care for it and put up a small fuss the club went up anyway and remained up for some 10 years appx.  In 1992 a blessed medal of Saint Benedict was taken to the location of the strip club (around 3 or 4 in the morning when people were asleep) and thrown on the roof asking Saint Benedict to see to bringing down this filth.  Roughly a month later the entire neighborhood [where this place was located] became very agitated that this place existed in their area.  They formed a group within themselves, put their money together, and hired an attorney.  They took the strip club to court to have it closed and won.  The owner was forced to close his "shop" and as time went on he ran into one legal trouble after another.  He tried to open the same type of club in another location but kept running into legal snags which prevented him.  Eventually , and I don't recall the details, but he was barred from ever being allowed a license to open such a place again in the whole state itself. 

Another instance of Saint Benedict and the Miraculous Medal at work was when an abortion clinic opened its doors in our city.  This was UNACCEPTABLE!  The blood of innocent souls being slaughtered in our town could not go on.  The Saint Benedict Medal and the Miraculous Medal were brought to the abortion murder mill and in the North, South, East and West sections of the building the medals were buried in the ground.  Once again the Holy Virgin and the powerful Saint Benedict answered and answered in such a way that not only was the abortion doctor barred from performing abortions due to technicalities and permit issues, but in the end he went to jail and had his license permanently revoked from ever performing abortions again.  The abortion murder site was closed roughly one year after it opened and thankfully due to all the complications of permits and technicalities a very few number of babies were killed.  It would have been our hope that no babies were murdered but the place was closed down quickly and never reopened.

More recently our hometown has become plagued with gunfire and murders which have increased from an annual average of 5 to 10 murders a year to (July-mid-year) 79 murders this year so far alone.

The thought occurred to us, to do for our city what was done with the abortion clinic, strip club etc.  To bury in the ground at the North, South, East and West points of the city the Miraculous Medal (for conversions) and the Saint Benedict Medal (to drive out evil and as St. Benedict has done in the past, to keep it from entering back in).

While considering this it also occurred to us that this is not limited to our city alone but could be done by all Crusaders who wished to do so as well for their own city or town.

We will be purchasing a large quantity of Saint Benedict Medals and Miraculous Medals which the Benedictine Fathers have so graciously agreed to bless.  Attaching a special blessing to the Saint Benedict Medals specifically.

We will be purchasing these medals from donations which have been made to the Crusaders so NO DONATION is asked nor will be accepted if you wish to receive these medals for this intention.

If you are interested you can email me with your address and the medals will be sent out to you as soon as we get them back from the Fathers.  If you have any questions such as how to figure out the perimeters of your town or city or any other questions I will give you my phone number or if it is international I can call you if you are unable and the details can be worked out that way.  I can not answer questions via email as it is simply to time consuming but I will answer via phone.

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Dear Gloria,

I thought to make a new thread for the compass so we can see the updates.  The event thread it was originally under will no longer allow me to feature it in order to bring it to the homepage.

Maybe you would consider re-posting here what you posted on the event?

It is soooo heartening!

Also we did the city we reside in and had similar circumstances with the weather last week when there was all that flooding all around us, including whole neighborhoods close by.  Our area, even though we got the same amount of never ending rain, had no flooding.

We buried the medals also in the N S E W corners of our home and always when we have heavy rains it floods the yard considerably but the bad rains last week left us with no flooding at all not even at our house.

 I posted this July 14, 2015

Since I placed the St. Benedict  and  Our Lady's Medal on the four sides  of the outskirts of our community,  our community have not had the bad weather come to our town that has been all around us but not here, this summer.    I have been hearing people of our community stating off and on  wow all these storms around us  and we have been spared.  I just thank St. Benedict and Our Lady for this protection on our community. I am so happy that I was able to have these medals  to place outside our community and around our property. Just had to let you all  know about what is happening and the protection St. Benedict  and  Our Lady are giving to this small community  of ours .

United in prayer-- Gloria

I posted this  August 11, 2015
 and  silly me I just deleted it.
On the 11th at 6pm our community was to have a sever thunderstorm come  through our town but all at once it skimmed past us  and went west of us outside of  town. The only thing we received was the cold temps for we were extremely warm and all at once we went down to 71 degrees.

Last night after having a severe thunderstorm missing  our community  around 6 pm, another one came after 10:30 pm with high winds and hail . It came and our community went through  it but we only received rain and slight winds and the hail went west  along side of our community. The weather news kept warning our community to get prepared for thunderstorm is severe. . Once again  these precious medals , Our beloved Mother and St. Benedict, watched over  our community  and kept us safe.  It was so strange for we were in the dark red area on the weathermans map and we were getting rain coming down and the trees around us were moving ever so slightly and or not at all.  It was quite a site to see.  Such protection was all around us.

We were prepared  to go down to the basement and had candles  ready for there was an area that was coming toward our community that was even in the severe pink which is most dangerous but it pasted along side of our community  and  received just rains and hardly any winds.  All was most strange. How glorious was the protection our community had last night.

Dawn Marie, such a glorious protection you received .  My heart is over flowing with gratitude for these precious medals that were buried for  protection over our homes and community.

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