Inviting Members~Bp. Williamson to Give Talk for the kingship of Christ Study Group

Dear All,

For those Interested Bp. Williamson will be giving the talks for our study group on the Syllabus of Errors and after that Pascendi.

To join the group please see

It is advised that you read the Syllabus before the meeting. 


The first talk will be 40 minutes long with 20 minutes reserved after for questions and answers.

If you are interested in attending please let us know as H.E. has sent visuals that need forwarded to the participants.

The first talk will be on Sunday August 9th at 1pm Eastern Standard Time via Skype.

Please contact Michael Cargill or Joseph Wilson if you intend to attend so they can be sure they have your Skype information in order to connect with you that day.

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Skype can handle up to 25 people per conference call.

Those who have RSVP so far

1-David Kaftal

2-Joshua Donescoss

3-Michael Cargill 4-Joseph Wilson (Group Leaders)

5-K 6-Friend 7-Friend

8-Adrienne S.

9-Stephan Karl


11-Jim Peterson

12-Christine C.

13-Nancy Wison


I want to be there but I am not able to :(

Take good notes D so I can pick your brain

after ok :(

Well BPW wants them recorded so it may help others to learn as well.  Hopefully I will do the recording correctly.  Heaven knows I'm no tech expert but I'm gonna give my best effort :)

So in any event hopefully you and others who can't come will have the recordings to listen to.

Alley said:

I want to be there but I am not able to :(

Take good notes D so I can pick your brain

after ok :(

I will try to record it. I have a pretty good digital recorder, but I've only used it with its built-in mic. I'll see if I can figure out how to do a "line out" recording with it. If I can't, I can still use it with the mic, but the audio quality won't be as good.

Thanks, but actually, I am using a laptop with a mini headphone jack. I plan to use a splitter with one feed going directly into the external mic input of the digital recorder (and the other to my headphones). The recorder has options for low line in and high line in, but they have to be manually set. I think the low level line in setting will work for a headphone output.  I just looked up the instructions for how to change the recorder's settings in the owner's manual. I think I should be able to record in stereo this way and generate an mp3. Anyway, I'll try it first BEFORE the lecture. I don't have a stereo any longer, or anything that uses 1/4" plugs.

Adrienne said:

David - you can record mono easily by getting a female - female 1/4" cable and either run from the output hole on the tower or back of you computer to the line in of your digital, or run it to a stereo and them from that into digital with another cable to be able to read the levels. I was a musician/Tech, but things are rapidly changing, I am becoming a dinosaur! Yet, I do it this way, and by golly, it works well enough for sound reinforcement.  You can use stereo with a Y adapter or Y split cable, too. :)

Some technical difficulties, but still a great talk.Very informative and stimulating!

It only took 7 hours but it's up.  I haven't previewed it yet.

Thank you David!

Many thanks Dawn Maria!

Dawn Marie said:

Thank you, thank you ever so much for recording the talk.

I can't been there on Sundays in the afternoon for we have Mass at 2 pm and I need to leave home around noon so I can get there 1 hour before Mass to be the presence of the Lord.  This is so wonderful to beable to listen to what  Bishop Williamson stated.  What a blessing!

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