4 Year Anniversary of the Crusaders of the Immaculate Heart

Dear All,

In May of 2010 Ben Gilbert, our dear friend Thomas and lastly myself started the Crusaders of the Immaculate Heart which was then under the title of operation 54, so named at that time for the 54 day novena of rosaries which we started out praying as a small group.  As things grew we decided to put this small band under Our Lady and join together as Crusaders of Her Immaculate Heart working for the consecration of Russia and the restoration of the Church.

4 years later here we are. November 11 will be our 3 year anniversary under the banner of Our Lady as Crusaders (although we have been together for 4 years.) It is our intention not only to work for the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart but also to spread devotion to that most beautiful Heart of Mary and to spread the Catholic Faith while continuing to pray for each other in the different prayer events which are put together every month.

To date there have been over 800,000 page views which is heartening since many people come here looking for prayers or other things concerning the Catholic Faith.

Our Lady has blessed us most generously in this small group by bringing true Christian soldiers to this fight adding to this small band a wonderful blessing.  We are truly grateful.

We wish to publicly thank Our Holy Mother for all of these blessing on this 4 year anniversary and to thank Cathleen who has worked tirelessly in organizing each and every month year after year so many events that go on here. Thank you also to Michael our other admin who also does so much work for  the Crusaders.  Of course thank you to every comrade in the Faith for all of your prayers and sacrifices over the years in union.

We keep all in her Immaculate Heart.  Our Lady Refuge of poor sinners and Help of Christians, ora pro nobis.

United in the Immaculata

The Admins and Organizers

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Goodness I'm so tired I accidentally put 5 years instead of 4...lol. 

Coffeeee...I need coffee

My goodness Dawn Marie you cant be without coffee. This coffee is freshly brewed just for you. ENJOY!

I will never forget the day I found the Crusaders site. I had been crying out our beloved Mother Mary for many years to have a treasured Catholic site to come to that was truly tradition. Then one day Our Lady  gave me a beautiful gift and  brought me to the Crusaders . I was so excited having this site before me that I was shaking with joy and could not write fast enough to join.  The day I was accepted I was so over joyed and still am to this day being a member of the Crusaders.   I cant  even begin to  express what this site gives  to me each day, spiritual for I am blessed always coming here in so many ways.The Lord Bless and our Mother Mary hold you tightly within Her  loving arms Ben Gilbert,  Thomas ,Cathleen  Michael , and you Dawn Marie for starting the Crusaders and  keeping  the Crusaders running so smoothy . It takes loads of work to watch over this site and you do a beautiful job at it.  United in Prayer  Gloria

    Congratulations on the Crusaders  4 Year Anniversary of the Crusaders of the Immaculate Heart

Happy Anniversary/Birthday to us! Thank you so very much to all of you,

this site is truly a Heaven sent for me and I ditto all the above Gloria :)

Happy Anniversary! May Our Lady continue to obtain many graces for us, as we continue to love and honor her

with our rosaries and prayers! My crusader family has been my lifeline for 2 years!

Happy Anniversary dear friends! May Our Lady bless you abundantly. 

Many thanks for everything. 

¡Ave Cor Mariae!

Happy anniversary to the "founders" of the Crusaders, and esp. our "Immaculata".  I don't remember how I found this site.  Suddenly it was just there and I thought it was absolutely special to share in all those novena's and prayers.  May the Lord give us all grace and courage to persevere.  God bless all my fellow Crusaders!  Y que viva Cristo Rey!


Happy Anniversary to the Crusaders and a special thanks to Dawn Marie for all of her hard work and dedication to Our Lady and Her site.

Happy Anniversary to the Crusaders.  So very glad that I found this site.  It has been a life-line of sanity in this crazy, mixed-up world.  Remembering all of you in my poor prayers always.  Thank you for praying so many times for me and my intentions.

DM forgot to mention my other "job" here:  teasing poor Peter B (Down Under) to no end.  I hope I've managed to shorten his Purgatory....or maybe help him skip it altogether!  (have another peanut or two)

Thanks for the coffee Gloria :)


I happened to stumble upon a picture of our beloved Peter!  Handsome fella eh!


Cathleen said:

Happy Anniversary to the Crusaders.  So very glad that I found this site.  It has been a life-line of sanity in this crazy, mixed-up world.  Remembering all of you in my poor prayers always.  Thank you for praying so many times for me and my intentions.

DM forgot to mention my other "job" here:  teasing poor Peter B (Down Under) to no end.  I hope I've managed to shorten his Purgatory....or maybe help him skip it altogether!  (have another peanut or two)

Many thanks.

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