Their meeting lasted two hours, from 11a.m. to 1 p.m. CET. The Superior of the Fraternity of St. Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay and Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei” (the body that handles relations between the Holy See’s and the Lefebvrians), discussed “problems of a doctrinal and canonical nature” which need to be resolved in order for the Fraternity to enter into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. This was the first time Fellay held a face to face meeting with Müller since the latter was appointed head of the doctrinal Congregation. The Holy See announced the meeting, which took place at the premises of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
The Holy See’s press release informs that the talks were “cordial”. Müller was joined by archbishops Luis Ladaria and Augustine Di Noia, respectively secretary and adjunct secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faithand Guido Pozzo, secretary of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”. Bishop Fellay was accompanied by two assistants from the Society of St. Pius X, Rev. Niklaus Pfluger and Rev. Alain-Marc Nély.
“During the meeting,” the statement says, “various problems of a doctrinal and canonical nature were examined, and it was decided to proceed gradually and over a reasonable period of time in order to overcome difficulties and with a view to the envisioned full reconciliation.” This phrase is important as it indicates that communication channels between the Holy See and the Lefebvrians remain open. Some in the Vatican and in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith called for a drastic decision to bring about a formal split between the two again. But Francis does not intend to close the door on dialogue with the Fraternity.
Readers will recall that on 13 June 2012, the former Prefect of the Holy Office, Cardinal William Levada, had delivered a doctrinal preamble to Fellay to sign. However, four days later, the Lefebvrian superior wrote a letter to Benedict XVI informing him that he could not agree to the terms laid out in the document. Benedict XVI replied on 30 June 2012 communicating his disappointment and repeating his request to the Lefebvrians to recognize that “the magisterium is the authentic interpreter of the Tradition,” that the Second Vatican Council agrees with Tradition and that the Novus Ordo Missae, the post-conciliar liturgical reform promulgated by Paul VI, was not only valid but also legitimate.
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Just wonderin...anyone doing a happy dance over this? Frankly I think its kind of poetic justice for all those who said this was a lie and would not happen [for the last two years]. *Hate to say I told ya so...well actually I don't hate to say it ;)
Enjoy your new SSPX under the heretic Mueller and Francis the destroyer.
And the battle continues for all to stay totally tradition. Solders for Christ till death.
I have no idea what you mean when you say the V.I. hates the SSPX. The V.I.'s article is almost identical to the SSPX's statement.
Dawn Marie I totally agree with you. Nothing good can come from any discussion with Rome. The only thing that I can see developing in Rome is full apostasy and given a very short amount of time they will pull it off and I'll wager within the next couple of months. Francis has vented his spleen against tradition every way that he can and I think he would be glad to go even further than that. In addition, Muller already said what he thought of the SSPX , its bishops priests and faithful.
Dawn Marie said:
Just wonderin...anyone doing a happy dance over this? Frankly I think its kind of poetic justice for all those who said this was a lie and would not happen [for the last two years]. *Hate to say I told ya so...well actually I don't hate to say it ;)
Enjoy your new SSPX under the heretic Mueller and Francis the destroyer.
D Love, no reason to be subtle just tell us how you really feel. I find this whole
thing amusing, so many people told us (my husband and I) that this was all fabricated
by BP Fellay haters. It is also very sad, because we all know that things can and will get
much much worse. The truth of it is is that BP Fellay has a devil about him and a powerful
one at that, the poor man.
And so we pray and sacrifice and offer acts of love, we are being heard of this there is no
doubt. The fight is ours and Our Lady told us "to fight children of light."
So we must not give up even when things seem bleak, I ask my Angel to go and fight along
side BP Fellay's Angel because he apparently needs reinforcements. And it could happen
that BP Fellay could have an epiphany and see the right of it and break all contact etc....
Dawn Marie said:
Just wonderin...anyone doing a happy dance over this? Frankly I think its kind of poetic justice for all those who said this was a lie and would not happen [for the last two years]. *Hate to say I told ya so...well actually I don't hate to say it ;)
Enjoy your new SSPX under the heretic Mueller and Francis the destroyer.
I wondered if I was being to subtle lol.
Frankly I'm torn between being very angry that Fellay is allowed to get away with this and yet on the other hand glad it has finally happened, that he is finally no longer hiding what he has been up to all along.
The men will be separated from the boys now.
Matthew Rome is not converting. This has been in the works for a long time. The SSPX simply had to do away with people who protested to coming under an unconverted Rome.
BPF will lead you all to perdition if you follow in his footsteps to Rome....he's not going toward Eternal Rome Matthew, he's going toward conciliar Rome. There is a huge difference. One is of God and the other is not.
It saddens me to say this but Rome WILL NOT be converted, you're right D, BP Fellay is on the road to perdition
and he may just take a good many with him. Hopefully now many will see things for what they really are.
And we can only hope and pray that finally the good Priests will see and choose wisely.
"When all seems hopeless then the Immaculate Heart will Triumph!" In the meantime it is our mission to not give up
but to pray and watch and pray some more less we fall by the way side. My heart is very heavy right now.
Dawn Marie said:
I wondered if I was being to subtle lol.
Frankly I'm torn between being very angry that Fellay is allowed to get away with this and yet on the other hand glad it has finally happened, that he is finally no longer hiding what he has been up to all along.
The men will be separated from the boys now.
Suspicions unfortunately confirmed. No rhyme this time. Under pain, I shall abstain.
I don't know why it's so hard for me to pray for apostates and hypocrites and their ilk, when I know that Our Lord suffered and died out of love for sinners. And it's not like I don't deserve, by my own merits, to be burning in hell for all eternity myself. God has shown me great mercy, and now I should be praying for mercy for those who make my skin crawl. If I and others had been praying and making sacrifices for Pope Francis and Bp. Müller and Bp. Fellay and company, maybe the news out of Menzingen and out of Rome would be quite different today.
Adrienne said:
The simple ting here is that DM and many other sources have been telling us for OVER 2 years this was coming and that the SSPX was in a state of purging out the priests and Bishop dedicated not only to the founder, Ab.Lefebvre, but these ejected good clergy are keeping The Catholic Faith as handed down from Jesus to The Apostles to us. And now, the meat and potatoes here is that Bp Fellay and his ilk ARE, WITHOUT QUESTION, actually having a 'date' with the enemies of The True Church to take us back from the insanity of Vatican II.
That's it. Very simple. We (especially me) all need to pray more Rosaries fro The Consecration of Russia, as well, THAT THEY MAY SEE.
Fr Chazal said "WAR ON" quite a while ago. Here's where the Battle for souls is laid out in drawing the lines.
We need to pick a side now and decide where we stand.
I stand with The Resistance Priests, Sisters, Bishop Williamson, and others with them or at least holding onto The True Faith as well. That is it, my friend. Bp Felay doesn't care what we call him or them or us; he is just hell-bent on taking The SSPX down and away from The True Faith.
This is not good news for me.-I'd considered the SSPX as my escape plan. The FSSP won't be untouched by the goings on...
Alley said:
It saddens me to say this but Rome WILL NOT be converted, you're right D, BP Fellay is on the road to perdition
and he may just take a good many with him. Hopefully now many will see things for what they really are.
And we can only hope and pray that finally the good Priests will see and choose wisely.
"When all seems hopeless then the Immaculate Heart will Triumph!" In the meantime it is our mission to not give up
but to pray and watch and pray some more less we fall by the way side. My heart is very heavy right now.
Dawn Marie said:I wondered if I was being to subtle lol.
Frankly I'm torn between being very angry that Fellay is allowed to get away with this and yet on the other hand glad it has finally happened, that he is finally no longer hiding what he has been up to all along.
The men will be separated from the boys now.
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