The Sorrowful Mysteries In Petition

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Begin with prayer before the recitation of the rosary.

Hail Queen of the Most Holy Rosary my Mother Mary Hail! At thy feet I humbly kneel to offer thee a crown of roses-blood-red roses to remind thee of the passion of thy Divine Son, with Whom thou didst so fully partake of its bitterness.-each rose recalling to thee a holy mystery; each ten bound together with my petition for a particular grace.

O Holy Queen dispenser of God's graces, and Mother of all who invoke thee! Thou canst not look upon my gift and fail to see it's binding. As thou receivest my gift, so wilt thou receive my petition; from thy bounty thou wilt give me the favor I so earnestly and trustingly seek.

I despair of nothing that I ask of thee. Show thyself my Mother!

Followed by the Apostles Creed, one Our Father, three Hail Mary’s and one Glory be.



The Agony in the Garden


O most sorrowful Mother Mary, meditating on the Mystery of the Agony of Our Lord in the Garden, when in the Grotto of the Garden of Olives, Jesus saw the sins of the world unfolded before Him by Satan, who sought to dissuade Him from the sacrifice He was about to make; when, His soul shrinking from the sight, and His Precious Blood flowing from every pore at the vision of the torture and death He was to undergo, thy own sufferings dear Mother, those of His Church, and His own sufferings in the Blessed Sacrament, He cried in anguish, "Abba! Father!” if it be possible, let this chalice pass from Me, "Not as I will, but as Thou wilt!".


I humbly pray:

1 Our Father

10 Hail Mary's

1Glory be to the Father


I bind these blood-red roses with a petition for the virtue of Resignation to the Will of God, and humbly lay this bouquet at thy feet.  Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Padre Pio, we love you save souls!



The Scourging At the Pillar


O most sorrowful Mother Mary, meditating on the Mystery of the Scourging of Our Lord, when, at Pilate's command, thy divine Son, stripped of His garments and bound to a pillar, was lacerated from head to foot with cruel scourges and His flesh torn away until His mortified body could bear no more,


I humbly pray:

1 Our Father

10 Hail Mary's

1Glory be to the Father


I bind these blood-red roses with a petition for the virtue of Mortification and humbly lay this bouquet at thy feet. Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Padre Pio, we love you save souls!



The Crowning With Thorns


O most sorrowful Mother Mary, meditating on the Mystery of the Crowning of our Lord with thorns, when, the soldiers, binding about His Head a crown of sharp thorns, showered blows upon it, driving the thorns deeply into His head; then, in mock adoration, knelt before Him, crying "Hail, King of the Jews!"


I humbly pray:

1 Our Father

10 Hail Mary's

1Glory be to the Father


I bind these blood-red roses with a petition for the virtue of Humility and humbly lay this bouquet at thy feet. Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Padre Pio, we love you save souls!



The Carrying of The Cross


O most sorrowful Mother Mary, meditating on the Mystery of the Carrying of the Cross, when, with the heavy wood of the cross upon His shoulders, thy divine Son was dragged, weak and suffering, yet patient, through the streets, amidst the revilements of the people, to Calvary; falling often, but urged along by the cruel blows of His executioners,


I humbly pray:

1 Our Father

10 Hail Mary's

1Glory be to the Father


I bind these blood-red roses with a petition for the virtue of Patience in Adversity and humbly lay this bouquet at thy feet. Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Padre Pio, we love you save souls!



The Crucifixion


O most sorrowful Mother Mary, meditating on the Mystery of the Crucifixion, when, having been stripped of His garments, thy divine Son was nailed to the cross, upon which He died after three hours of indescribable agony, during which time He begged from His Father forgiveness for His enemies,


I humbly pray:

1 Our Father

10 Hail Mary's

1Glory be to the Father


I bind these blood-red roses with a petition for the virtue of Love of Our Enemies and humbly lay this bouquet at thy feet. Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Padre Pio, we love you save souls!


At the completion of the five decades the following Spiritual Communion is made:

Spiritual Communion


My Jesus, really present in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, since I cannot now receive Thee under the Sacramental veil, I beseech Thee, with a heart full of love and longing, to come spiritually into my soul through the Immaculate Heart of Thy Most Holy Mother, and abide with me forever; Thou in me, and I in Thee, in time and in eternity in Mary. Amen


This Spiritual Communion is followed by the appropriate Petition offering to Mary below.

In Petition


Sweet Mother Mary I offer thee this Spiritual Communion to bind my bouquets in a wreath to place upon thy brow. O my Mother! Look with favor upon my gift, and in thy love obtain for me(specify request). Amen

Conclude with the usual closing prayers of the rosary: Hail Holy Queen, etc. Amen



The Sorrowful Mysteries In Thanksgiving




Begin with prayer before the recitation of the rosary


Hail Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, my Mother Mary hail! At thy feet I gratefully kneel to offer thee a Crown of Roses-blood-red roses to remind thee of the passion of thy Divine Son, with Whom thou didst so fully partake of its bitterness, each rose recalling to thee a holy mystery; each 10 bound together with my petition for a particular grace.


O Holy Queen, dispenser of God's graces, and mother of all who invoke thee! Thou canst not look upon my gift and fail to see it's binding. As thou receivest my thanksgiving; from thy bounty thou hast given me the favor I so earnestly and trustingly sought.

I despaired not of what I asked of thee, and thou hast truly shown thyself my Mother.



Followed by the Apostles Creed, one Our Father, three Hail Mary’s and one Glory be.




The Agony in the Garden


O most sorrowful Mother Mary, meditating on the Mystery of the Agony of Our Lord in the Garden, when in the Grotto of the Garden of Olives, Jesus saw the sins of the world unfolded before Him by Satan, who sought to dissuade Him from the sacrifice He was about to make; when, His soul shrinking from the sight, and His Precious Blood flowing from every pore at the vision of the torture and death He was to undergo, thy own sufferings dear Mother, those of His Church, and His own sufferings in the Blessed Sacrament, He cried in anguish, "Abba! Father!"; if it be possible, let this chalice pass from Me, "Not as I will, but as Thou wilt!".


I humbly pray:

1 Our Father

10 Hail Mary's

1Glory be to the Father


I bind these blood-red roses with a petition for the virtue of Resignation to the Will of God, and humbly lay this bouquet at thy feet.



Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Padre Pio, we love you save souls!




The Scourging At The Pillar


O most sorrowful Mother Mary, meditating on the Mystery of the Scourging of Our Lord, when, at Pilate's command, thy divine Son, stripped of His garments and bound to a pillar, was lacerated from head to foot with cruel scourges and His flesh torn away until His mortified body could bear no more,


I humbly pray

1 Our Father

10 Hail Mary's

1Glory be to the Father


I bind these blood-red roses with a petition for the virtue of Mortification and humbly lay this bouquet at thy feet.


Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Padre Pio, we love you save souls!



The Crowning With Thorns


O most sorrowful Mother Mary, meditating on the Mystery of the Crowning of our Lord with thorns, when, the soldiers, binding about His Head a crown of sharp thorns, showered blows upon it, driving the thorns deeply into His head; then, in mock adoration, knelt before Him, crying "Hail, King of the Jews!"


I humbly pray:

1 Our Father

10 Hail Mary's

1Glory be to the Father


I bind these blood-red roses with a petition for the virtue of Humility and humbly lay this bouquet at thy feet.


Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Padre Pio, we love you save souls!




The Carrying of The Cross


O most sorrowful Mother Mary, meditating on the Mystery of the Carrying of the Cross, when, with the heavy wood of the cross upon His shoulders, thy divine Son was dragged, weak and suffering, yet patient, through the streets, amidst the revilements of the people, to Calvary; falling often, but urged along by the cruel blows of His executioners,


I humbly pray:

1 Our Father

10 Hail Mary's

1Glory be to the Father


I bind these blood-red roses with a petition for the virtue of Patience in Adversity and humbly lay this bouquet at thy feet.


Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Padre Pio, we love you save souls!




The Crucifixion


O most sorrowful Mother Mary, meditating on the Mystery of the Crucifixion, when, having been stripped of His garments, thy divine Son was nailed to the cross, upon which He died after three hours of indescribable agony, during which time He begged from His Father forgiveness for His enemies,


I humbly pray:

1 Our Father

10 Hail Mary's

1Glory be to the Father


I bind these blood-red roses with a petition for the virtue of Love of Our Enemies and humbly lay this bouquet at thy feet.


 Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Padre Pio, we love you save souls!





At the completion of the five decades the following Spiritual Communion is made

Spiritual Communion


My Jesus, really present in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, since I cannot now receive Thee under the Sacramental veil, I beseech Thee, with a heart full of love and longing, to come spiritually into my soul through the Immaculate Heart of Thy Most Holy Mother, and abide with me forever; Thou in me, and I in Thee, in time and in eternity in Mary.






This Spiritual Communion is followed by the appropriate Thanksgiving offering to Mary below.

In Thanksgiving


Sweet Mother Mary, I offer thee this Spiritual Communion to bind my bouquets in a wreath to place upon thy brow in thanksgiving for (specify request) which thou in thy love hast obtained for me.




Conclude with the usual closing prayers of the rosary:


Hail Holy Queen, etc.




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Comment by Susan Grace yesterday


Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott yesterday


Comment by Joseph yesterday


Comment by Michael yesterday


Comment by Dawn Marie yesterday

Comment by Michael on Sunday


Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on Sunday


Comment by Susan Grace on Sunday


Comment by Joseph on Sunday


Comment by Dawn Marie on Sunday

Comment by Susan Grace on October 10, 2024 at 10:57pm


Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on October 10, 2024 at 9:25pm


Comment by Joseph on October 10, 2024 at 6:49pm


Comment by Michael on October 10, 2024 at 10:09am


Comment by Susan Grace on October 7, 2024 at 11:07pm


Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on October 7, 2024 at 7:30pm


Comment by Joseph on October 7, 2024 at 6:44pm


Comment by Michael on October 7, 2024 at 11:22am


Comment by Dawn Marie on October 7, 2024 at 8:51am

Comment by Susan Grace on October 4, 2024 at 9:17pm


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