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Peter was reminiscing with his Crusader friends DM, Alan, Mario, Alley and Cathleen.  "You know, back in the old days, you could go to the store with a dollar and get a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs and a watermelon.  You can't do that today.  There are just too many surveillance cameras."

You guys and gals keep me in stitches! 

LOL yes there are way too many of those annoying cameras aren't there.

A chocolate lover after my own heart :)  

That’s not quite right Cathleen let me refresh your memory. If I remember correctly we were going to celebrate Alley’s Twenty fifth wedding anniversary, coincidently it is also her husband’s twenty fifth. So the Crusader thread of funnies team got into the Crusaders motorized rickshaw to celebrate or commiserate, we were not too sure which, these two anniversaries.

We had to stop on the way to buy a few food supplies that we had been asked by Alley to bring, but the problem was I hadn’t any money on me and Cathleen had only enough to buy a Kilo of chocolate peanuts that she had to replace as she gave her last lot as a peace offering to a rather cute guy that she continues to pick on, and a few times has these guilt complexes.


Anyway we drew straws and I drew the shortest straw to go in and shoplift, won’t say it too loud as this is, or was a respectable site. Well to cut a very interesting story a bit short which will upset a few readers I got caught shoplifting. No surprise as this was my first time, usually left this to one of our more experienced staff which I won’t mention Cathleen’s name here out of charity, kind-heartedness, consideration, thoughtfulness etc etc.


When my court appearance came up Cathleen came with me for moral support and to give advice as she more than once has been through the system. She sat beside and advised me to only tell the judge what she asks and nothing else and I should be home for dinner.


The judge told me to stand, which on Cathleen’s advice I did and the judge asked me, ‘What did you steal?’

I replied, ‘A can of peaches.’ The judge then asked me why I had stolen the can of peaches, and I replied that I was hungry. The judge asked me how many peaches were in the can. I replied that there were six.

The judge said, ‘Then I will give you six days in jail.’

Before the judge could actually pronounce the punishment, Cathleen stood up, and asked the judge if she could say something.

The judge said, ‘What is it?’

Cathleen in a loud, audible voice that everyone could hear, ‘Peter also stole a can of peas.’

Thought you were going to slip out of it!  ;-D  I'll visit you when you're serving your sentence and will even bring you some peanuts.

I am participating in that day of penance and reparation tomorrow (July 22).  Does reading Peter's "jokes" and "stories" count for part of my penance?  ;-D


LOL I believe it does Cathleen, I believe it does heehee 

Ok, ok, for one of my penances, I will not pick on poor Peter for at least a day.  THAT will be hard to do!  ;-D

Smiling sweetly.....Yes but Cathleen can you not pick on our poor Peter it in thought??!!

You have my admiration Cathleen  heehee

Peter seems to have disappeared for awhile....maybe he is on winter holiday down under....

So here is a pun just for Alan, who appreciates them! 

Did you hear about Peter, the claustrophobic astronaut?

He needed space.

Peter was walking through the Crusaders condo complex when he saw a small boy trying to ring a doorbell.  Try as he might, the little boy just couldn't reach.

So, feeling benevolent, Peter walked over, smiled at the boy and firmly pressed the door bell.  Then he crouched down next to the boy.  "So, what do you say now?"  he asked the lad.

The little boy replied, "Now this is the part when we run!"

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