During her life, Saint Gertrude's prayers were miraculously answered: Because of her intercession, many were delivered from long and serious illnesses, while others were told in dreams to seek her counsel, as we have related earlier.

1. Our Lord once said to her: "If anyone, being oppressed by sorrow . . . and grief, humbly and sincerely seeks consolation in thy words, he will not be deceived in his desires; for I, the God abiding in thee, urged by the liberality of My love and goodness, desire through thee to bestow much good on many.

2. Whosoever commends himself with full confidence to thy prayers will obtain life eternal by thy mediation. Just as much as anyone hopes to receive from thee, so much will he surely obtain.

3. Besides this, whatever thou shalt promise anyone in My Name, that I shall certainly grant him." [13]

4. St. Gertrude received the most consoling promise that whenever anyone devoutly praises and thanks God for the graces bestowed on her, Our Lord will enrich that person with similar virtues and graces. And if this does not come to pass immediately, it will be fulfilled at an opportune time. On the page containing the Prayers of St. Gertrude you will find such a prayer of praise and gratitude.

 5. Our Lord also promised her that no one who had venerated her would depart this life without having first received the grace of making his life pleasing to God, and that, furthermore, he would enjoy the comfort of a special friendship with God. Our Dearest Savior said to His beloved spouse: "Just as I have now drawn in My breath, so shall I in truth draw to Myself all who incline toward thee with love and devotion for My sake, and I shall grant them the grace to make progress in virtue from day to day."

6. Our Lord promised Gertrude that if anyone should praise and thank Him for the graces lavished on her, and ask for a favor, He would, in that love with which He had pre-elected her from eternity, assuredly grant the plea, provided it were for the eternal welfare of the suppliant. [14]

7. Moreover, St. Gertrude received the promise that if anyone performs a good work in her honor, in union with that love in which God descended from Heaven and accomplished the work of our Redemption, he should obtain as his merit whatever is performed in honor of the Saint. No sinner who had loved and venerated her should die suddenly!

St. Gertrude once asked Our Lord for a sign as a solemn confirmation of these favors. "Stretch forth thy hand," said Jesus. She did so. Immediately He opened the ark of His Deified Heart, and placed her hand in the Wound of His side. Then He said: "Behold, hereby I promise to preserve inviolable the gifts I have bestowed on thee. If, however, according to My wise foresight, I suspend their effects for a time, I hereby bind Myself to recompense thee threefold, by the omnipotence, wisdom and goodness of the Triune God." When Gertrude withdrew her hand, she saw a golden circlet on each finger, and on the signet finger, three. "Seven rings shall be to thee a certain proof that the seven favors I have promised thee for the salvation of the world have been ratified," said Our Lord.  [15]


14. Ibid., p. 25.

15. Ibid., p. 26.

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Comment by Gloria on February 9, 2023 at 10:15pm

 †Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat!  Hail Mary. Amen†

Comment by Judy Muller on March 26, 2016 at 8:10am

Dear Lord, we Praise and Thank Thee for the graces lavished upon St. Gertrude.

Comment by Judy Muller on November 6, 2015 at 8:40am

Dear Lord, we Praise and Thank Thee for the graces lavished upon St. Gertrude.

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